Happy Birthday, user 130057!

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beautiful loser

Well-known member
Apr 2, 2014
Reaction score
somewhere in Florida
Wishing you the best today. I'd add a pic of a cake with some video game characters on the frosting, but I'm at work now...maybe a kind soul could do that for me?
Happy Birthday!!!

^That's an awesome cake, Eddy!!

Happy birthday, user 130057! Best wishes to you. :)
Thanks guys! Yes, it is an awesome cake, Ed!

I had a good day. My dad picked me up and took me out for breakfast. I saw both my remaining grandparents, some of my aunties, my sister, my mam and my new nephew which was nice. Lots of presents and cards were opened and cake consumed.

Happy Birthday, you!! Seems you had a great celebration, well, deserved!


Thank you kindly. Your pic is great, UCXB, it truly is a user 130057 birthday cake! I loved Galaga too, Beautiful Loser... and thanks for starting the thread ;)
Happy birthday! Wishing you all the best in life and joy you can ever have. Have a fantastic birthday and many more to come.

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