Happy Birthday, Sterling

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Unknown member
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Apr 5, 2008
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Happy Birthday, Sterling

Even though it's tomorrow, I wish you a happy birthday all the same. Ok everybody. She's legal! Let's form a straight line, no cutting or shoving! I hope you have a good one tomorrow and that your dad gives you the $10 he owes you at least. Happy birthday!
My birthday (for me) isn't for another 8.5 hours :D But thank-you :D

My mother wants to take me to texas roadhouse -_- Which we are not doing, because I know she will tell the people it's my 18th birthday and then they will make me sit on a saddle and the waitress will scream to the whole building that it's my 18th birthday, and everyone will go "yee-haw" so no...just no.

At 1 AM I plan to drive through town by every cop I can find. They gave me honeysuckle for being out past curfew all the time, so I'm basically going to throw it in their face now that I can legally be out and about at all times. I also plan to buy my mom a pack of cigs and buy myself a lottery ticket, and possibly go into an ohio bar.

Anyways, thank you all for your happy birthdays :p
yo 17 was sick, but 18's about to be ill,
(now that your getting on in age , better start up
on that will.)

juuust kidding! :p

happy birthday, sterling! wooooooo! :D:D:D:D:D

It's all downhill from here! Watch out for wrinkles, gray hair and.... sag.


Happy Birthday! :D

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