
Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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Feb 23, 2009
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Hello everybody, I'm new to the board. Well, I have been lurking around for a few months, so I guess I'm not new to the board, the board is new to me. :eek: lol

Why I'm here......

For the past few years, I've just been sad. Not lonely, but sad. I never really cared much, I cried myself to sleep every night, and never thought anything of it. But now my sadness has made me lonely. Everybody at school simply stays away from me because I'm so sad, or because I'm always so down they think I hate them...but I don't. I'm trapped, nobody cares about me, nobody at all. I can't take it anymore, I just can't. I can't concentrate on anything, I hold in tears all day...I just keep crying out of pity for myself. I don't want to feel sorry for myself, but all I do is think about how useless I am. I stay up for hours just thinking about why. Why is it me who is so lonely. Why is it me who's invisible to everyone else, What is wrong with me that nobody wants to be around me anymore?

If anybody has any advice or anything it would be great. I'm looking forward to finally posting and talking to other members of the board!

Ah I know that big 'why me' -two small words with a huge meaning!
Welcome to the forum Matt I know you'll find many people here who you'll be able to relate to.
Welcome Matt. I'm glad you decided to register.
Welcome to all I'm Hijacc you can call me Jacky, if you need anyone to talk to I'm here okay?

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