How many of you have the guts....?

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Well-known member
Sep 28, 2012
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.... to approach a complete stranger and say something, talk about anything positive.

Also, how would you feel if you were in that persons shoes? How would you feel if a complete stranger approached you?

And has this already happened to you? If so, feel free to share your experiences.
I will (have done so) and enjoy it (generally) when someone I don't know approaches me for conversation (on acceptable subject matter). :D
As for me, I am introverted, so... no I need to work on that.
I've approached, and been approached, and haven't enjoyed it much either way. I never really have enjoyed making conversation.
It really depends on the situation, I guess. If I'm waiting in a line, I have no problem chatting with people standing next to me. But I wouldn't just... like... walk to the store just to have a conversation with the cashier or something.

I'll put it this way:

When I'm out and about running errands or something and there are people nearby, chances are I'll at least say hello.

Because why not.
These days it's considered "creepy" if a stranger approaches you and starts chatting for no apparent reason. Yes it's happened to me but in my experience it's either been because they're drunk or they are creepy and weird. If it was someone "normal" then I wouldn't have a problem and find them as friendly.
customers at work are always taking to me. Some of them I have never seen before. I enjoy it !
I think I am quick with a joke or a bit of banter. It's skills I have obtained over the years. I don't use them outside of work. Don't really get the opportunity. People rarely approach me. (If ever)
People don't notice me.
Idol Minos said:
.... to approach a complete stranger and say something, talk about anything positive.

Also, how would you feel if you were in that persons shoes? How would you feel if a complete stranger approached you?

And has this already happened to you? If so, feel free to share your experiences.

I definitely do not have the guts for this. to shy and a bit paranoid even. Having that be said, if it happened to me I would feel freaked out. I guess thankfully I have not had anyone approach me and just start randomly talking. Where I am, it would be basically completely out of the norm and almost like "umm, whats wrong with you"? Sad though, for those who wouldn't mind it.
It's very hard for me to actually approach someone and start a conversation unless I have something specific to ask, like if I'm at the store. I'm always afraid I'll say something dumb. As for people approaching me I don't mind at all
I dont like it when random people start talking to me in any public setting (shifty). Because, they generally expect you to be exactly on the same page as them. If you happen to be zoning out or feeling down, then, congratulations! you suck.
I'm not great at approaching strangers, however it wouldn't bother me if a stranger came up to me and engaged me in conversation. It can also depend on what type of mood I'm in as well.
I'll usually chat to strangers if I'm waiting for something, or to a cashier in a shop. I have no problem with casual exchanges with strangers.

My problem comes when I know people better, like parents of my kids' friends, or work colleagues. The point where the mask drops and I need to be real is what terrifies me.
StormChild said:
I'll usually chat to strangers if I'm waiting for something, or to a cashier in a shop. I have no problem with casual exchanges with strangers.

My problem comes when I know people better, like parents of my kids' friends, or work colleagues. The point where the mask drops and I need to be real is what terrifies me.

I've tried to, numerous times over the years, but either get ignored or told to go away (although not as nicely as that). Strangers ... well, I can't remember the last time someone approached me and tried to actually talk to me, without it being something abusive or part of some joke.
Well, introversion and shyness aren't the same thing. Social anxiety and low self-esteem are also different things. I'm only very heavily introverted and out of sync with others, so I can approach people at will.

I guess that's one reason I don't like small talk very much, though. Can have it any time, anywhere, with (almost) anyone, and about (almost) anything, and there's very little variation from person to person.

Sometimes strangers chat to me at the coffee shops I stop at before work. There's not much to be said most of the time, but occasionally there are more interesting topics like how everyone tries to multitask these days and how it affects the brain. Whether or not I want to talk depends on how tired I am, whether or not I'm in a hurry, etc.
I think I'm pretty good at this. I've had jobs where being social and making small-talk were essential so I can do it no problem. Plus I've been travelling alone and you really need to be able to chat to people when you do that. I'm happy enough to talk to anyone, provided they're happy talking to me!
In a job situation, I could do it as I do work in retail (I used to work on the sales floor for a couple years at same place) and it's help me communicate with people in general. At a gig, I PROBABLY could (although I've yet to talk to someone random and make friends with anyone I met at gigs except for bands themselves).

I could talk to anyone but it takes a lot for me to be warm-hearted to convo as I usually deal with a mute, anti-talkative shell when I'm out in the world as I'm not one that likes to talk in general unless I got to know you.
altghost said:
I dont like it when random people start talking to me in any public setting (shifty). Because, they generally expect you to be exactly on the same page as them. If you happen to be zoning out or feeling down, then, congratulations! you suck.

I agree with this. I'm very shy and anxious so it just makes me uncomfortable.. unless on that rare moment where I'm in a good/sociable mood, it won't bother me much. But that's not very often. This is something I need to improve on, somehow.

I virtually never approach anyone, though.. another thing I need to change.
Idol Minos said:
.... to approach a complete stranger and say something, talk about anything positive.

Also, how would you feel if you were in that persons shoes? How would you feel if a complete stranger approached you?

And has this already happened to you? If so, feel free to share your experiences.

Yes, I've done this before. Most recently I saw a guy taking pictures of his Mustang, and I wasn't quite sure if it was a special edition, so, being a fellow Mustang fan, I went up and asked him.

Complete strangers have approached me before. Usually it's fine, except for the weird times people have asked to buy drugs from me. I do not have ties to that world, I guess it was just the clothes I was wearing that day. It was weird at the time but kind of funny looking back on it.

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