I don't like my face...:(

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I work hard on my looks but still feel bad and realize I'm not very attractive to guys because they all ignore me and I see them work so hard for other girls. No one has every worked hard or pursued me and everyone around me is getting married or in a relationship. I was at a Meetup, and these older women...a lot of them had single sons and they kept asking the pretty girls if they're single and getting disappointed when they weren't...no one bothered to ask me lol...people expect me to be single but are shocked when one of the pretty girls aren't...I feel so bad.
My face is very asymmetrical and my eyes are not very nice (kind of tired and not shaped nice) and nose is really big and looks like a potato and lips are crooked and very, very small and just not very appealing but I do the best I can with what I was born with. I kind of never want to have children because I don't want to pass on my genes. And I see other girls who are "normal" or maybe not super attractive looking but they are loved...I just don't meet anyone that finds me beautiful in my own way and the constant rejection hurts...
If I weren't so horribly lonely then I would be ok...I just feel sad that I have no one to turn to (not easy to make friends, family berates me) and I'm all alone in this world...I just wish I could be cared for by someone...then the nights wouldn't be so difficult...:( Even though I have a good heart, guys ignore me or pretend to not see me or are very unkind to me...I don't enjoy being single...ok, no point in telling me to be because I have tried very hard to accept it because it seems life does not want me to be happy with people or people to be happy with me. It is just personality...some people thrive around people and others prefer to be loners. I am alone but not a loner. I hate the aloneness. I enjoy being around people that care for me but that seems hard to come by...
I am tired of being told what a good heart I have...what's the point...the girls that are liars, cheaters, bad moms and don't take care of their children, that have high amounts of debt, that are abusive are all the ones that are loved...
You are probably your own worst critic (and if your family puts you down, that probably affects your view of yourself), however, assuming what you say is accurate:

You're right that you can't do anything about your face, are you in good shape? If not, start getting in shape - that is something you can change. This is going to sound sexist and wrong, but, learn to cook really well - I don't know how old you are, but at 34, I would rather be with a 5 who can cook than a 8 or 9 who can't. I infer from what you wrote that you are good with money - a combination of good cooking, being good with children and being good with money makes you better marriage material than you think (at least by your 30s guys will value those things more).
Well, I say if no guy has paid attention to you thus far, you just haven't found the dude who will accept you. Or perhaps someone does like you, but you don't notice it or he's too shy and whatnot to come up to you about it.

The cooking thing... I know quite a few females who couldn't cut a stick of butter in half, yet they find guys. However, my dude specifically remembers me talking about how I was making bacon mashed potatoes, and then we met in person, and he told me he remembered thinking to himself, "Bacon mashed potatoes! She's mine!"

Made me laugh, but learning to cook wouldn't hurt, whether it gets you a guy or not. I also received an impromptu proposal from a dude that my brother used to work with because I made a chocolate cake that I told my brother to take to his job so they could enjoy some cake. I know it was a joke, but still, some good cooking always means a smile. :D
there is nothing at all wrong with your looks.. all this talk is pure insecurities and nothing more. i can tell just be the things you point out.
guys are not as particular as you may think. superficial details can go completely unnoticed when someone has the right attitude. like they say. sexy isnt how someone looks but how they act.
if you walk out the door feeling sexy and acting sexy.. others will see it too.
Thanks for your advices...I have an "ok/average" body...I struggle with eating sweets like cookies, ice cream and going out to restaurants...cannot live a life of "healthy eating" with no junk food...:p
But maybe will try going to the gym...but diet is number one and I will go crazy...I tend to eat when I'm sad too to comfort myself...like I just did now lol...again, I know my limits but I will try to improve...

Um hard for me to cook because I hate to be home because I get berated...can't wait to get my own place but it definitely won't be soon because my job is not stable yet...I'm trying to save up my money to pay of schooling and again, it's not very easy with my constant feelings of sadness which often bogs me down...I'm not an expert cook but I can make some good foods but again, not an expert cook...only a few nice dishes and what but nothing mind-blowing or enough for me to say that I am a good cook...

I will make plans for something and then my sadness will bog me down and I end up sleeping all day or something like that...its very overbearing and I am kind of emotionally fragile...

And thanks for the poster that linked the article...very uplifting story.

If my family saw me like that, they would hate me so much...the women in my family care A LOT about beauty...when I was younger I was uglier and was often told that they wished me to be more beautiful...:( On top of that, got bullied for my looks a lot...sometimes I don't think I'm too bad but it's others around me that try to make me remember that I really must look bad...just wish I had someone right now to hug me lol...asking too much I guess...
Beauty is only skin deep. what is better is character or inner beauty. I lost my looks as I grew older. Hit my 40's and lost my girly figure and my youthful looks. Makeup no longer looked good on me either. I had gained weight and aged skin. No longer like getting my picture taken either. I no longer attract guys like I used to. That sort of stuff don't really bother me. The most drastic thing is being alone. I'm used to being a parent 24/7 and I enjoyed being a parent. My whole world fell apart when my son left home. There was only me and I was used to being everything for my son. Now I am alone, and only a computer to occupy my time. I am handicapped so can't work. I no longer have a purpose to live even and so trying to find a purpose is tough for me.

Everyone knows that beauty is only temporary, we grow up and age. Beauty fades. And a person is much more than just looks. Its more so personality that matters. Personality and character. So just do the best with what you do have and focus on that. Some people may have nice eyes or a nice smile. Enhance what is positive rather than focusing on the negative.
Ijustwish said:
I work hard on my looks but still feel bad and realize I'm not very attractive to guys because they all ignore me and I see them work so hard for other girls. No one has every worked hard or pursued me and everyone around me is getting married or in a relationship. I was at a Meetup, and these older women...a lot of them had single sons and they kept asking the pretty girls if they're single and getting disappointed when they weren't...no one bothered to ask me lol...people expect me to be single but are shocked when one of the pretty girls aren't...I feel so bad.
My face is very asymmetrical and my eyes are not very nice (kind of tired and not shaped nice) and nose is really big and looks like a potato and lips are crooked and very, very small and just not very appealing but I do the best I can with what I was born with. I kind of never want to have children because I don't want to pass on my genes. And I see other girls who are "normal" or maybe not super attractive looking but they are loved...I just don't meet anyone that finds me beautiful in my own way and the constant rejection hurts...
If I weren't so horribly lonely then I would be ok...I just feel sad that I have no one to turn to (not easy to make friends, family berates me) and I'm all alone in this world...I just wish I could be cared for by someone...then the nights wouldn't be so difficult...:( Even though I have a good heart, guys ignore me or pretend to not see me or are very unkind to me...I don't enjoy being single...ok, no point in telling me to be because I have tried very hard to accept it because it seems life does not want me to be happy with people or people to be happy with me. It is just personality...some people thrive around people and others prefer to be loners. I am alone but not a loner. I hate the aloneness. I enjoy being around people that care for me but that seems hard to come by...
I am tired of being told what a good heart I have...what's the point...the girls that are liars, cheaters, bad moms and don't take care of their children, that have high amounts of debt, that are abusive are all the ones that are loved...

I had a long post for you but at the end of the line, we have this saying: there are passengers for every train. So chin up and find him ;)
I really wish you could know that some men value a compatible, smart, funny, kind hearted, loyal, faithful and fun companion.

I really wish you could know that as time passes on, the things that matter the most, have nothing to do with looks but everything to do with the heart.

Loving actions of good people are immeasurable --- though trite, it is true: beauty fades but what counts, does not.



Bahh...wish I can believe you all...it is very hard...sigh...

I know people say that when one does not look for it, it will come...but yet, I have waited for so long...and when I do try such as online dating...it hurts me that people only deem me ok enough for f-buddy...yet for other girls, they will love, cherish and marry...luckily I do not give such men the chance to use me...but I feel like I am only a sex toy to men...to use and discard...that is all Im good for in their eyes...:(

If I had a good support system maybe I would feel better...I have family I cannot talk easily too (they don`t understand...everyone is happily married and love is so easy for them) and not many friends...I try and try and fall and fall...I do not try and get told to try...I simply follow life but I feel sad and fear I will be truly alone...that, I cannot cope with...humans are meant to be social unless they have mental problems or medical conditions...I feel like such a joy in life...the joy of sharing with others and being cared for, is being denied to me...oh I am just ranting...blah...another night of loneliness for me...like every other...
Don't sulk, wish! I know very well how hard it is. But if you don't try and put yourself out there, you may miss that guy, who will look at you and feel that you are the most special person in the world. Someone who will not just look past your looks, but will find every single part of you beautiful. Heads up cutie, he IS out there.

You also definitely seem like you have much more to give to a guy than you give yourself credit for, you just need to realize it ;)
People are mean to call her ugly and attack her...I mean, we can't control our thoughts...if people think mean things, they should keep their mouths **** shut...if you got nothing nice to say, then say nothing at all!!
Loser#1 said:
She needs to put on a few pounds that's for certain

I don't know if you're trying to be funny or...?

The article clearly says:
"The main symptom of it is that she’s not able to gain weight. Lizzie was born four weeks prematurely, weighing just two pounds 11 ounces and has never weighed more than 60 pounds.

Although she eats whatever she wants every 15 minutes, her body just can’t store fat or build muscle. That’s why she wears size 000 clothes."

It's part of her condition.
Oh no... I didn't read the article. Not trying to be funny at all. In that case I retract she needs to gain a few pounds
I know exactly how you feel. I don't like my face either. I feel as though my face is like being trapped in a prison with no chance of escape.
theraab said:
You are probably your own worst critic.

Aren't we all. No one can hurt you like you can.

Except if someone ran over you repeatedly with a tank. That would really not be so nice. :club:
Too much emphasis is on the way we look, I blame the TV for this mass hysteria with icons of beauty to aspire to, that gets worse now people are adopting plastic surgery. OK fine if it upsets someone to point its ruining their life, but often taken on for pure vanity.

Nature made us the way we are , you will meet someone who treasures you for what you are.

Sounds like some people have made you feel worse, via one way or another.

You are beautiful, go look in the mirror and de-evaluate the things that have made you feel so wrong about yourself.

you will find that its not physical but a combination of wrongly perceived attitudes and stereotypes, mixed up with your own interpretation of your face.

Please don't let such feeling grow any more.

Give yourself a pamper, confidence boost, try a new hair style, make up etc.

Little known fact: Looking healthy is actually one of the main traits of being attractive.

Also being confident & happy. Its not about being magazine beautiful. Thats just want the media use to sell products.

Hope this helps.

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