i kind of feel like i havent lived...

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Well-known member
Apr 19, 2010
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im a simple person to begin with but i feel like i only have a handful of stories about the past to joke around with people about. on the very rare occasions im sitting around with people talking and the conversation goes the way of people telling about crazy stuff thats happened to them, i only have a few things to say. in school i never got into drugs or went to parties or did anything that i could get in trouble for aside from skipping school because i hated it. even though in the long run that stuff wouldnt be a good idea, i just feel like i havent done anything. sometimes i wish i would have tried drugs or something just for the experience of it. this of course reminds me of things i didnt do that i REALLY wish i would have done. not anything bad but just things about people and girls. like ive had so many missed opportunities when it comes to that.
Geez, a gamer guy who doesn't do drugs or anything... There needs to be more. I can hardly find a guy who likes to game. One guy liked me, but didn't game, and I just couldn't. Couldn't do it. He was pushy anyway... and kind of senseless...

But, it's never too late to go out and experience the things you want to do. A lot of people actually wait until a later age or until they retire to travel and go places actually. It's not such a bad idea.
I would of been better off without the booze and pot..Being a musician I was always surrounded by it and it has done more bad than good..Remembering all the embarassing stuff I've done whilst under the influence sure is a drag..Fear and loathing for real.
These days I don't use anything.Some people can moderate their intake and still run their lives but I just wanted to crash and burn.Living this life I think a clear head is essential.What better way to control a society than having them messed up in this hedonistic crap..Those salvia trips on youtube look scarey! No way I could go there..I've had my mind expanded so much is taking years to return back down..these days I just meditate..hee hee!
VanillaCreme said:
Geez, a gamer guy who doesn't do drugs or anything... There needs to be more. I can hardly find a guy who likes to game. One guy liked me, but didn't game, and I just couldn't. Couldn't do it. He was pushy anyway... and kind of senseless...

But, it's never too late to go out and experience the things you want to do. A lot of people actually wait until a later age or until they retire to travel and go places actually. It's not such a bad idea.

thank you for saying that. it makes me feel a little better about what i originally said. all there really is around here are people who want to party and get drunk and go to bars and clubs every weekend, even during the week when they can. thats just not for me.
Get out of your comfort zone. If you want to LIVE, you have to get out and LIVE. It's as simple as that.

Take the hard path, don't settle for comfort, put yourself in danger...let go of the rational side of things.

Or find an exciting hobby.

There are lots of ways to breathe life into an existence...you just have to extend the effort to find the way that works for you. :)
Badjedidude said:
Get out of your comfort zone. If you want to LIVE, you have to get out and LIVE. It's as simple as that.

Take the hard path, don't settle for comfort, put yourself in danger...let go of the rational side of things.

Or find an exciting hobby.

There are lots of ways to breathe life into an existence...you just have to extend the effort to find the way that works for you. :)

your not the only one thats said that to me. i wish i knew how to initiate that. i think im one of those people that needs someone there with me to initiate something like that.
I have been feeling like I have not lived... granted compared to most people I have lived a full and complete life ^^;;. I find my reasons for not thinking I have lived stem from the fact that I have had pretty much no friends or significant others.

Anyway, I find that a lot of people only do have a handful of stories. So many people just go through life doing the same thing. If you really listen to their stories they are the same story. The only thing that generally changes is the time location and people involved.

Many people have also told me that I am still young, and there is still plenty of time for me to live my life. I just need to actually go out and do it.
edgecrusher said:
your not the only one thats said that to me. i wish i knew how to initiate that. i think im one of those people that needs someone there with me to initiate something like that.

That could be true. :) I've known several guys like that, and there's nothing wrong with being like that. It's just one of the many personality types out there.

Probably one of the best ways to get out there a bit is to create yourself a group of buddies...male friends to hang with and get into trouble with. I GUARANTEE that hanging with a group of like 5 guys will find you some excitement and adventure. :p
The task I always find to be hard is finding 5 guys who I can go out and hang out with. 5 Guys who will actually enable me to feel confident and happy. Guys who will encourage me and teach me the ways of socializing.

I agree, I need someone to break me out of my comfort zone. Like force me out of it. Someone who will get angry at me when if I don't.
AFrozenSoul said:
5 Guys who will actually enable me to feel confident and happy. Guys who will encourage me and teach me the ways of socializing.

Well, this is the problem. Because most guys who are a bit shy and withdrawn won't be able to operate very well in a group of males...because guys insult, rip, and punch each other all the time. And shy guys can't always handle that. I'm not saying that any of you guys are like that, but it's something to think about.

Just try to focus on being a PART OF THE GROUP. If you can stand the jibes and jokes, you'll start to feel great just by simply being a part of such an awesome pack of guys...that's where the confidence comes in. Sure, they tease the hell out of you...but they'll also be there to push you beyond your boundaries, to protect you from other groups of guys, to talk to you about women and stuff. *shrug*

Maybe we should all plan a Eurotrip! Just get a bunch of dudes together from this site to go tear through Europe...maybe Amsterdam? Prague? All of the good party places. :D Haha (I'm actually about 70% serious on this).
Badjedidude said:
Well, this is the problem. Because most guys who are a bit shy and withdrawn won't be able to operate very well in a group of males...because guys insult, rip, and punch each other all the time. And shy guys can't always handle that. I'm not saying that any of you guys are like that, but it's something to think about.

Just try to focus on being a PART OF THE GROUP. If you can stand the jibes and jokes, you'll start to feel great just by simply being a part of such an awesome pack of guys...that's where the confidence comes in. Sure, they tease the hell out of you...but they'll also be there to push you beyond your boundaries, to protect you from other groups of guys, to talk to you about women and stuff. *shrug*

Maybe we should all plan a Eurotrip! Just get a bunch of dudes together from this site to go tear through Europe...maybe Amsterdam? Prague? All of the good party places. :D Haha (I'm actually about 70% serious on this).
Yeah, that is my problem. Finding guys who hold similar interests to me and are outgoing. I have a roommate who wants to go out. Problem is that he relies on me to be the outgoing one, which I am not. Which makes it hard to go out and expand my comfort zone, when his comfort zone is so much smaller than my own.

Hell yeah... I would totally go to Europe to party it up. If I had the money and vacation time.
AFrozenSoul said:
I have a roommate who wants to go out. Problem is that he relies on me to be the outgoing one, which I am not.

Haha yeah you've told us about your roomie. :p Sorry, dude.

AFrozenSoul said:
Hell yeah... I would totally go to Europe to party it up. If I had the money and vacation time.

I'm saving up money to maybe take a trip sometime in early January, after I graduate from college. If you think you could scrape together a couple grand before then...let me know and we could consider this a bit more seriously...maybe even start a thread to invite/plan the thing. :p
Badjedidude said:
Haha yeah you've told us about your roomie. :p Sorry, dude.
Yeah, I know I have told you guys about him. Just one more thing that annoys the piss out of me.

Badjedidude said:
I'm saving up money to maybe take a trip sometime in early January, after I graduate from college. If you think you could scrape together a couple grand before then...let me know and we could consider this a bit more seriously...maybe even start a thread to invite/plan the thing. :p
Yeah, I could do that. I could probably have a month of vacation time by then as well.. well close to a month of vacation time. Sadly I can only save up a month of vacation time at a time. But that would be fun to get a bunch of us together to go on a Eurotrip. Partying and women :p sounds like fun.
Badjedidude said:
Maybe we should all plan a Eurotrip! Just get a bunch of dudes together from this site to go tear through Europe...maybe Amsterdam? Prague? All of the good party places. :D Haha (I'm actually about 70% serious on this).

Be afraid, world.

cheaptrickfan said:
Be afraid, world.

I shall be polite and well-mannered at all times on this trip.


AFrozenSoul said:
Lets do it, who knows maybe it will boost my confidence.

Alrighty, then. :) We just need to hash out the destination, time, and who else is coming along. :D
Haha first we gotta find out where we're going. No point in learning Mandarin if we're going to Kamchatka. :p

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