I Need a Pick-Me-Up and I Don't Mean Coffee

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Well-known member
Jun 4, 2009
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I'm tired all the time and never have the energy to do anything. I can't focus and I just can't ever get things done. I need something that will give me the energy I need to get out there and do the things I want to do.

Does anyone know if a doctor can prescribe me something to help me?
yeah..go to the doctor for a check up.
Excercizing and better diet can also help your energy level and you body will also release natural endorphins.

It helped me alot to just move around and go outside more often than I usually do.

Freash air and open space helps clear my mind. The more clear my mind is ..the better I can focus.
Hey Jesse :)

Well instead of simply getting a doctor to prescribe you something I would suggest that you get a blood test done to see if you have too low or too high values of certain hormones, vitamins, minerals etc. I'm not as informed as Skorian is on all this, but I'd definitely agree on getting your blood checked.

You don't have to post your results on the forum. Maybe that's just me but I think that's kinda personal info even though no one here knows your name and other personal details. If you get your blood checked (especially for hormonal values) and want some help in understanding the results I would say PMing them to Skorian is a good option. Or check the link he posted.

I've been thinking of getting my blood checked myself to see what state my hormones are in, and also to see vitamin and mineral values.
Abnormal values can be the reason for a range of illnesses/conditions.

samba101 said:
Go for a blood test you might have anaemia, this makes you tired and lethargic and there's no energy to do anything.
Yup. Low potassium, low iron, low thyroid, if you have adrenal problems. These and many other things can cause you to be tired.
Oceanmist23 said:
Hey Jesse :)

Well instead of simply getting a doctor to prescribe you something I would suggest that you get a blood test done to see if you have too low or too high values of certain hormones, vitamins, minerals etc. I'm not as informed as Skorian is on all this, but I'd definitely agree on getting your blood checked.

You don't have to post your results on the forum. Maybe that's just me but I think that's kinda personal info even though no one here knows your name and other personal details. If you get your blood checked (especially for hormonal values) and want some help in understanding the results I would say PMing them to Skorian is a good option. Or check the link he posted.

I've been thinking of getting my blood checked myself to see what state my hormones are in, and also to see vitamin and mineral values.
Abnormal values can be the reason for a range of illnesses/conditions.

Hey thanks, I do have Hypothyroidism.
Jesse said:
Hey thanks, I do have Hypothyroidism.

Awww I'm sorry to hear that Jesse... How long have you had it for? What type of treatment are you getting for it? Link - Hypothyroidism Treatment. Do you feel it's helping?
Has your doctor mentioned anything about Iodine? I don't want to directly recommend a specific supplement for you, because I don't know exactly what you need, but you might wanna read up on Iodine and talk to someone with more knowledge on supplements. There's some info on Iodine supplement here: Biovea.

My aunt has the opposite, Hyperthyroidism. She got diagnosed just a couple of weeks ago. Since she has the opposite of Hypothyroidism she can't eat anything that contains Iodine.

Anyone else with advice on how to increase energy levels caused by Hypothyroidism?

I hope you'll find something that works Jesse. It sucks to have no energy to do anything :( *Hugs*

Oceanmist23 said:
Jesse said:
Hey thanks, I do have Hypothyroidism.

Awww I'm sorry to hear that Jesse... How long have you had it for? What type of treatment are you getting for it? Link - Hypothyroidism Treatment. Do you feel it's helping?
Has your doctor mentioned anything about Iodine? I don't want to directly recommend a specific supplement for you, because I don't know exactly what you need, but you might wanna read up on Iodine and talk to someone with more knowledge on supplements. There's some info on Iodine supplement here: Biovea.

My aunt has the opposite, Hyperthyroidism. She got diagnosed just a couple of weeks ago. Since she has the opposite of Hypothyroidism she can't eat anything that contains Iodine.

Anyone else with advice on how to increase energy levels caused by Hypothyroidism?

I hope you'll find something that works Jesse. It sucks to have no energy to do anything :( *Hugs*

Thanks Oceanmist. As far as treatment, all my doctor has done is put me on Synthroid medication. It's a low dose. (I don't know how much.) Other than that, he hasn't done anything. Just wrote me a prescription for Synthroid and sent me on my way.

I've had it ever since I can remember. It really sucks because well, if you've read about it, it effects so many aspects of my life.

I'll definately check out those links. I don't know just how much this disease effects me. Thanks for hugs. *hugs*

Reading about what hypothyroidism does to people makes me cry :(
Jesse said:
Thanks Oceanmist. As far as treatment, all my doctor has done is put me on Synthroid medication. It's a low dose. (I don't know how much.) Other than that, he hasn't done anything. Just wrote me a prescription for Synthroid and sent me on my way.

I've had it ever since I can remember. It really sucks because well, if you've read about it, it effects so many aspects of my life.

I'll definately check out those links. I don't know just how much this disease effects me. Thanks for hugs. *hugs*

Reading about what hypothyroidism does to people makes me cry :(

No problem Jesse :) If I can be of any help to you then I'm happy.


Well.. Ok so you're taking synthetic T4 (Levothyroxine). I gave you that first link only because I was wondering which of those 3 treatments you are currently on. You might have more luck with taking Desiccated thyroid extract instead of Synthroid. Info: Desiccated thyroid extract
A common brand of Desiccated thyroid extract is Armour.

If you can stand to read about some people's side effects from taking Synthroid I think it's worth it, here's the link: Medications.com

You'll find people's own side effects info on many different drugs on that site. You'll also notice that some of the posts have replies, which you can read by clicking the 'Reply' link below each post.
I used this site to discover that my older sister was in the same boat as thousands of other women when it came to side effects of the Yaz and Yasmin birth control pills. My sister could relate to several of those women's experiences, and she realised just how bad those two drugs are.

If I were to really suggest anything it's research research research. It's good to stay informed. Read about the side effects of any medication you are on. Though remember to relax and don't assume you have or will get these side effects. Listen to your body.

As for Iodine, if you consider taking it at some point it's important to not take an excess dose. I'm not a doctor, nor a naturopath. If you can talk to a naturopath it would be better, because they are licensed naturopathic physicians and can recommend and give natural treatments for your condition. They will know the exact dosages needed, and how much is too much.
Here is a list of licensed naturopathic physicians in Ohio: OCCANP
You should ask them if they accept the medical insurance you have.

*More hugs* :)

There are different ways to help the thyroid. You might try some different treatments. Also as I recall you can have thyroid problems as a result of allergies or other problems caused by what you eat. Depression type illnesses also go hand in hand with an underactive thyroid.

Maybe later I will look at what Oceanmist put up.

And ya, Iodine and L-Tyrosine are both needed to naturally make thyroid hormone.

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