I Triple Dog Dare You! [Warning: Don't open. ]

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Ox Blood

Curiosity got the best of you, huh?

It's too late to turn back now.

All of these self-defeating threads and comments from the wonderful people on this forum spawned a brilliant master plan.

You have no choice.

I will hunt you down with a three-pronged stick until you cave!

Hey, it's not my fault you clicked on this thread.

The ultimate dare to everyone here at ALL. . .

I Triple Dog Dare You to find FIFTY things you like about yourself. Yes, fifty. 50. Cincuenta. Cinquante. ötven. uinquaginta.

You clicked on this thread on your own free-will

You can't escape now.

Don't think you can possibly handle fifty?

I offer you mercy...

Allow me to re-direct you to a less-intimidating challenge:

Once A Day Challenge

And remember... I have a three-pronged stick.


I don't know if the first challenge was just meant to make the second look more alluring, but I completed it anyway, heh. I was never a victim of self-loathing, but I figured it might inspire someone else to do it or just make me feel really good.

I like my:
1. Life
2. Humor
3. Wit
4. Logic
5. Optimism
6. Talent
7. Intellect
8. Curiosity
9. Tastes
10. Personality
11. Perceptiveness
12. Awareness
13. Ambition
14. Motivation
15. Analytical writing
16. Freedom
17. Coolness
18. Provocativeness
19. Knowledge
20. Skin
21. Sobriety
22. Stoicism
23. Temperament
24. Positivity
25. Thoughts
26. Incisiveness
27. General disposition
28. Genes
29. Brain
30. Health
31. Heart
32. Patience
33. Choices
34. Willpower
35. Independence
36. Audacity
37. Chin
38. Endurance
39. Capacity
40. Liberalism
42. Vocabulary
43. Youthfulness
44. Outlook
45. Wisdom
46. Future
47. Present
48. Goals
49. Perspicacity
50. Acuity
I spare you, Eve, from my poke of torture.

But for others who have ventured into this thread. . .


I will find you.

>: )

I've been relatively free from depreciating comments lately....

Come at me bro (sis?) in a few months...
Can't ask you guys to do something I wouldn't do myself...

So, I started my own list of things I am proud of/like about myself:


The inspiration behind this challenge is from my senior year in high school...
My English teacher, whom I still admire, asked the class to write "50 Things You Like About Yourself".
At first, I thought it was a joke. But she wasn't kidding -- we had to do it or we didn't receive our diplomas.
It was probably one of the hardest challenges for me ... ever.

Naturally, I bullshitted the entire thing. I regret it.

Insecurities and low self-esteem is a common theme on A Lonely Life.

If you've read any of my former posts, self-confidence has been one of my biggest roadblocks.
Now I am beginning to see just how detrimental self-defeat can be. You become your very own worst enemy.
Instead of propelling forward, you become caught in a cycle of self-hate.

So how do you build self-confidence? Practice makes perfect.

Hope to see more good things about you all of you :)

I can make music from a block of wood and 6 strings.
I can write and comprehend music.
I can record music. Mix music. I have a good understadning of sound waves.
I love aviation and comprehend aerodynamics.
I comprehend refrigerations.
I comprehend eletronics.
I can tell you exactly what electronics components do...fit , form and functions.
I can also identify verious parts just by looking at the part numbering system assigned
by various manufactureres
I comprehend electricity
I can read and comprehend various types of blue prints..come contructions to electronics schematics.
Obviously i can take a PC apart or build one from scrath if i want to.
I m mechanically incline.
I can work on engines...2. stokes, 4 stokes or diesel.
I can also operate heavy machinery equipments..excuvators, frontend loaders to a 18wheels semi.
I can also do differnt type of constructions work...anywhere from undergrounds to demolitions.
I can also manage an office staff. Im a very nice boss. i dont write people up for being late or making mistakes
over and over again.
I can also manage or run a wharehouse like the back of my hands. Im an inventory specialist too.
I can also wheel and deal wtih the big dogs..CEOs from verious companies. Multy million dallor contracts
Im also a natural R/C aircraft flier. Ive master plenty of aerobatics manuvers in R/C modling.
I can also build a R/C from scrath....from pieces of balsa. Design my own aircaft. Make a giant model and fly it.
Im also a very good painter and i can draw...Im a naTRAUL artist.
I can also make women cream in their pants. Totally get them off.some get more wet than others.
I have a firm, fit , sexy body even at my age.
I know what love is. i know how to commit and devote myself to someone i love very much.
Im also emotional..or have better emtional intelligents.
Im also very stronge. I can persever and overcome obsticals.
Im also very forgiving, compassionate, understanding and humble.
Im also very spiritual and learned many spirtual laws and concepts.
Im a self thinker. i dont always think in the box or outside of the box.
Im willing to learn and I have an openmind.
Im positive and try to keep a positive attitude or outlook on life..no matter bad it gets.
I love my children very, very much...especially my baby duaghter Kimi.
Im also grateful for the many. many wonderful experiences in life and the things I have.
I still get hot chicks half my age. They love and enjoy my company. Cause Im a nice guy.lol
I love my great sense of humor.

mmmm..OX you might be able more dude's asses into gear...if you use high heels with a pair of spurs. :p
LC, I learned a lot of stuff about you from your post that I might have not otherwise known. Good stuff :D

Lonesome Crow said:
mmmm..OX you might be able more dude's asses into gear...if you use high heels with a pair of spurs. :p



Seriously, guys. Let's see some more awesome things.

Everybody wants to work on their self-esteem and confidence -- this is a good place to start.

I still haven't finished mine... But it's a start :D
1. I'm caring
2. I love animals
3. I love real woman
4. I wont to fix whats wrong with me
5. I'm a fighter
6. I shop at op shops (thrift stores, charity shops)
7. I use my words
8. I haven't killed the cat even though some times I'd like to
9. I would do anything to please a woman (sexually)
10. I love my son
11. Every promise I have made my son I have kept
12. I grow my own fruit and veg
13. I have an abstract sense of humor
14. I'm white
15. I'm a man
16. I won't her to have an orgasm
17. I wish I was a farmer
18. I once weighted 100kg and had a flat stomach and I will again
19. I am very conscious about material
20. I love sushi
21. I shop at Ritchies
22. I buy fruit and veg at the market
23. I buy meat at the butcher
24. I get seafood from the fish co-op
25. I don't shop at the big evil super markets.
26. I feel sorry for Jason Holmes
27. I sit down to pee
28. I'm an introvert
29. I'm an extrovert
30. I can see the beauty in American muscle cars
31. I won't to get eaten alive by sharks
32. if I learn that what I believed is a lie then I adopt the real truth, not many people do.
33. I don't kill insects if I don't need to
34. I would do anything to get Sarah healthy
35.I prefer brunettes
36. I get 'Wilfred' the Australian version
37. I've got an iPhone
38. I'm a drunk but I don't drink and drive
39. I'm tolerant
40. I'm patient
41. I stand up for people
42. I give my sister a lift when she wants one
43. I understand why Guinness is mothers milk
44. I will be an RN one day
45. I have never had a serious car accident
46. I love Jack Ass
47. I love all types of cheese
48. I'm going to impress Jenny tomorrow
49. I visit Norma C
50. If I win lotto I will spend the money getting Sarah better

That was hard OP
Parabolani said:
That was hard OP

There was a lot of things I could relate to in your list, Parabolani. Many things you listed are admirable traits as well.

Congrats on completing my challenge :D

I'm still working on mine myself... Only at #8.
You guys are showing me up :p
Got a lil lazy with my magazine cut-out list... I'll just write them here and make them fancy later.


Pushing myself through pain.


Educating myself about nutrition.


Striving to change the things that are within my power to change.


Striving to find peace with the things I cannot change.


Ability to forgive those that have hurt me in the past... This, too, is a work in progress.


I try to give hope even when I feel hopeless.


Giving back to the community by volunteering my time.


Getting lost in my art.


Chameleon-ability to blend helps me to survive temporary social situations.

Will pick at my brain some more later...

Who else is next to try the challenge? :D
Gonna try this. It's always hard for me to talk positively about myself, cause my anxieties and confidence issues always get the better of me, but i'm a survivor :D (that'll be #1)

1) Surviving all life throws at me.
2) Seeing the good in people.
3) Good listener.
4) Helpful.
5) Not a judgmental person.
6) Don't hold grudges.
7) Doing my best in everything.
8) Overcoming my fear of failure.
9) My imagination.
10) My faith.
11) Accepting other people's beliefs and holding nothing against them.
12) My sense of humour.
13) Patient.
14) Being strong.
15) Being brave.
16) I'm friendly.
17) Genuinely care about other people.
18) Appreciate what I have.
19) No longer bitter about what I don't have.
20) Being alive.
21) I like that i'm quiet.
22) I like that I have blue eyes.
23) My taste in music.
24) My love of paranormal things lol.
25) Being halfway there :D

Alright, if I leave this for now and finish it later, am I spared the poke of doom?
Jack _ said:
Alright, if I leave this for now and finish it later, am I spared the poke of doom?
By attempting the challenge, you narrowly escape the poke of doom. :cool:

I like your list so far, by the way. Keep it coming!

26) Very easily amused.
27) Not easily offended.
28) Respectful of other people's opinions.
29) Never had a serious injury (broken wrist twice though!)
30) Getting over my fear of the dark :shy:
31) Taking the stairs.
32) Always remember my dreams.
33) Happy being the underdog.
34) Kicking my anxiety's ass right now.
35) Not afraid to say no.
36) I love the sky at night.
37) I'm able to take a joke.
38) My Irish heritage.
39) Never smoked.
40) Being myself.
41) Deep thinker.
42) Like to think I can play the piano well, but not really haha.
43) My weirdness at times.
44) My writing.
45) Believing everything will be ok in the end.
46) Never giving up.
47) Trying to learn from mistakes.
48) Not changing to suit other people.
49) Not being perfect.
50) Reaching #50.

This was a great idea, thanks for the challenge Ox Blood :D

Now... what do I win? :p
Jack _ said:
This was a great idea, thanks for the challenge Ox Blood :D

Now... what do I win? :p

You achieved redemption from the wrath of the mighty pitchfork...
And an improved outlook of yourself, I hope :D

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