I'll rearrange his face

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Mar 27, 2011
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A possible high-school fight might happen. Yes, this might not be a big thing for you, but it is for me.

This 'kid' has been bothering me since the second semester of this year. I don't know if it was the jokes I cracked at him, or anything I did. I honestly think he just doesn't like my personality. Or maybe he thinks I'm an easy target to 'boost' his self-esteem. I encounter those kinds of people a lot. Well, actually, probably every year in school. Someone who thinks he can use me to boost his self-esteem by acting all tough, threatening me, and throw insulting words at me so the whole class can hear. Saying stuff like "I'm going to kick your ass if you--", or "I'll break your legs if you continue to-". I know he's not joking, but he says it as if he can and actually would do it. And he's a scrawny little honeysuckle, too. THEY ALL WERE. They know I can probably fresia them up, but they think I won't do anything at all, which I must admit, I did in the past.

There's a certain pattern whenever I encounter one of these pricks. 1. A random guy that starts talking to you and you become acquainted with said '*******', 2. He starts acting aggressive or starts shitting out mean and hurtful words at you, and 3. He tries to get everyone to laugh at you and tries to harm you physically if you give him a reason or chance to.

I told my girlfriend all about this, and she really disagrees with me fighting this prick..and I told her that I won't do anything.

I want to rearrange his ******* face. I've encountered too many of these fucktards in the past. "IGNORING" them doesn't work. Really, I tried it with the others, and they somehow get all 'likeable' to everyone else, while I become invisible. I disappear, while the people who brought me down, rise up and enjoy the rest of their life. They sacrifice our friendship and my feelings so they can become successful to whatever path they're taking.

I'm 19..and I'm still in high-school. I'm still experiencing honeysuckle like this, and I know I should just shrug it off and act like an adult.. but I want to rearrange his face.

Yeah, and I know this is immature in every way.
Gun shot wound.

You hurt him, you're in trouble.
If he's little like you say, he may retaliate later on.
Wouldn't you feel terrible if your girlfriend or a family member accidentally got shot because you let this prick get under your skin?

Unless he gets physical, just let it be.
Badjedidude said:
Just do it.

He says he wants to fight me, too.

Alright, I'll just wait 'til he does get physical. I don't know anyone that likes him, anyway. So no one for sure will side with him.
Hmm well I guess it depends on how big you are and if you have any fighting experience. I used to pounce on anyone who tried any of this with me. Eventually people got the message and no one really messed with me. I used to do stuff on school grounds in crowded places and kind of wander off afterwards. Kind of avoids getting in trouble. Don't make a big show of announcing a fight or anything. Just do it.

The difference though is that I'm a pretty big guy and I had a bit of experience growing up. I'm very good at holding things in but I'm naturally aggressive so I had that going for me as well.

Basically the formula would be. They say something and I say something back. Usually if they are trying to look like a badass they will get in your face and try to shove you or something. This is when you drop them on their ass and get them in a joint lock. They'll be too embarrassed to try anything after they get back up. Or, if you turn your back and they are following close behind you just turn on your heel and swing into their jaw.
[edit- actually I found a video :O He didn't really wait for the guy to follow him though. Guarantee there's no teacher in the room and notice how he calmly walks off afterwards. That's how you stay out of trouble]

I've really only had to do this like twice after getting to high school to some underclassmen. People in my class never bothered me much. If you are scrawny or if you've never had any kind of training, or if you've never thrown a punch in your life, you might not want to try this. Sometimes shoving them onto their ass can work I guess, if you can't do anything else. You could end up getting your ass beat though.

Bottom line, don't expect any teachers, parents, or school staff to do honeysuckle to stop your problems. They won't do much more than a slap on the wrist at best.

[edit2 - Or you could go the pussy route and just mess with him. Wrap a used condom around the lock on his locker or do any other variation of nasty things to his lock. Record him opening his lock so you can learn his combination. Start screwing with the honeysuckle in his locker. If you really want to get dangerous plant some hard drugs in his locker and anonymously call cops or the school cops. (actually don't do that unless you are a crazy vindictive sociopath and don't mind ruining someone's life) Post defaming pictures all over around the school (or slip them into tons of lockers from the vents after school that way there's no way for teachers or janitors to find out what you are doing.). Its all pretty easy to get away with if you really want to plan it out. The problem is these will all get you in a lot more trouble than just kicking his ass if you get caught. I would probably never do any of these things for moral reasons but you could get away with all of it if you really wanted to.]
Ok, I'm all for taking a bully down a notch or two with a fist to the face (or solar plexus), but if he doesn't attack you first, then you really should not take a swing at him.

It sucks, I know, but if you attack him first, then you will [probably] be punished regardless of what he's said to you earlier, and if you're arrested/taken to court, you're not going to be able to build a good defense unless there are extraordinary circumstances that somehow work in your favor. The system doesn't care if Joe called Sam a name, they only care about who started the fistfight 99.999% of the time.

Now, if he attacks you first, and you didn't provoke him into attacking you and you didn't swing first, then you are free to defend yourself as you see fit. Even then though, charges can still be filed if you injure him, especially since you're over 18.

In short, do not swing unless swung at.
Actually, either way you will both get in trouble if either of you get caught. That's the way it works. Even in self defense you will be suspended or face jail time. You are both going down, if its gonna happen, make sure you get the first hit.

You don't have to wait until the other attacks first for self defense to stick. You just need to believe that you are in danger of being attacked (if they get in your face or shove you lightly) and you can use any amount of force proportional to your perceived level of threat. You can't break his bones or anything though. And you can't use it as an excuse to retaliate. He has to be right there in your face. If he hits you once and walks off, you can't hit him back and claim self defense. Other examples would be you cant stab someone for punching you. And you can't shoot someone for holding out a knife unless you feel like they are going to cause fatal damage. You still might get charged with some kind of assault, which for a first offense is like nothing. If he does decide to press charges then well...there's always that drug idea :)

Once again, the key is to not get caught. It's not that hard. They aren't going to go running to a teacher asking for help. Like I said earlier, either no one gets in trouble, or everyone involved gets in trouble. If you don't get caught, it doesn't matter how the deed was carried out.

[edit - Oh and just because this guy might be a minor doesn't mean he can't get charged with assault. If he does hit you and you don't want to do anything back you can press charges. They might not do much but he will probably be in a holding cell for a little bit. Small victories I guess.]
If he's a minor, you'll go to jail. It's not worth it. To have a record for a punk. I say ignore him... Eventually, he'll see it's not phasing you, and he's not getting a reaction out of you, so he'll become bored, and leave you be. Might take a while, but it's better than the police department having your finger prints for life.
By the monkey bars is a time-honored place to do the deed.

Got an attorney picked out yet?
Can you afford one, or will your Mom end up putting her house on the block to pay for your defense?

Ready to show the guys in jail how tough you are?

How about trying to get a job with an arrest record?

Some of the unpleasant realities of adulthood are that:
Actions have consequences
You can't control a fraction of the things you think you can
You can get punished for things that aren't your fault
You don't just get sent to the principal's office anymore

A simple thing like the other guy falling and hitting his head, could change your life forever.
It could be the difference between a schoolyard spat and a felony.

And if the other guy's attorney is sharp enough:
You on the witness stand
Attorney: "Mr. Inexperienced, under the penalty of perjury, did you or did you not post online that you would "Rearrange my client's face" prior to assaulting him?"
Prior intent has already been established.
Good luck pleading self-defense.
It's not worth it. Yes, they are annoying, but what will you gain by doing it? Nothing, people will still talk honeysuckle, it's a fact of life. It's only high school, it doesn't matter at this point. But, you will do whatever you want, regardless of what anyone says.

And unless you know how to do it without legal consequences, you WILL most likely get charged for it. Which, as the previous poster stated, it's pre-meditated now, so that option is pretty much out.
I don't get this problem anymore because I know people, if they fresia with me they'll get their ass handed to them by me, then they'll get physical and mental abuse from the wide variety of friends I have :)

But when I've wanted to fight with someone at school I used to insult them with no limits after they've started honeysuckle or annoyed me, smile while your doing it to show that your enjoying yourself, don't show anger either, just pure confidence, sometimes that freaks them out and they don't bother you so much afterwards, but if they continue, just keep pushing and pushing with those insults until they throw the first punch, then just let loose as much as you like. In my school it's whoever strikes first thats suspended so as soon as they tried to hit me I already knew I'd won in the long run haha.

But I realise your in a different situation man so I can't offer much more advice than that since I only know a limited amount of info, good luck whatever you do though :)

EDIT: That video is awesome LOL, I'll post later with an even better video :D

This kid is a legend! LOL

What you should have done was to get this guy alone with no witnesses. You'd have to have been careful not to get hit (you would need to jump him) or get any offensive injuries on your hands by wrapping your hands in cloth while wearing thick gloves and only hitting him in the soft parts of his body (mostly the kidneys.) Then you would have to burn your clothes somewhere quiet and out of sight afterwards. You would buy new clothes (including shoes) far out of town paying only cash before hand. You would never go near your home or anywhere else you frequent wearing your clothing to rule out the possibility of fibres and sole prints being connected back to you. You would initially have to cover your hair and mouth/nose to make sure that no strands of hair or fluids were left at the scene, but of course you would have to make sure he sees you clearly to know it was you or it would be pointless.

That way you couldn't have possibly got in trouble because it would be just his word against yours, especially if you could get someone you trust to alibi you.

Would never do it myself... I'm not a violent person, just a devious one. ;)

Of course, now you've posted it online you couldn't get away with it. You'd also have to rely on your girlfriend not to crack under questioning because you mentioned your desire to fresia him up to her.

Some might think that it is a cowardly way to deal with the problem, but at the end of the day if you start a fight with him you're definitely getting a criminal record and face the strong possibility of prison. The objective is to send a message and someone who not only beats the honeysuckle out of you but knows how to get away with it is a hell of a lot scarier and more intimidating than someone who just starts a fight and ends up in court and/or prison. I mean, then you would just be a loser who lost his temper and ruined his life, right?

There is no way to tie him to this thread >>. What is wrong with you people =P.

I think some of you guys have been out of high school a little too long and don't have the right perspective on this. The chances that any punishment whatsoever will happen are slim to none.

And its not like they do full blown investigations for this kind of thing. If by some crazy chance you do end up getting charged with anything, it won't be that serious.

Or you could just ignore it and do nothing, be known as a guy who doesn't stick up for himself, and let people honeysuckle on you for the rest of your life while you stay out of trouble.

[edit - I'll say it again, if you really don't want to get in trouble, don't get caught. Anything past high school I ever did I never got caught. It's not that hard.]
I remember back in high school, lots of people picked on me but I just ignore them.
One day I was in a bad mood, there was a immature boy hurt me physically so I had enough. I argued with him then punched him, a guy I liked walked by and I realised it didn't look cool. Silly me! This immature guy bullied me and hurt me phyically alot so I felt I had to do something but at wrong timing.
My advice is make sure you do it at right time, alone and make sure you got weapons (like bottle water, pepper spray) just in case he try to fight you back. Only hit him if he hurt you so you won't get into much trouble.
Or get picture of him and put it on dartboard or punchbag!
kamya said:
There is no way to tie him to this thread >>. What is wrong with you people =P.

I think some of you guys have been out of high school a little too long and don't have the right perspective on this. The chances that any punishment whatsoever will happen are slim to none.

And its not like they do full blown investigations for this kind of thing. If by some crazy chance you do end up getting charged with anything, it won't be that serious.

Or you could just ignore it and do nothing, be known as a guy who doesn't stick up for himself, and let people honeysuckle on you for the rest of your life while you stay out of trouble.

[edit - I'll say it again, if you really don't want to get in trouble, don't get caught. Anything past high school I ever did I never got caught. It's not that hard.]

You might be surprised in to what lengths things can be easily investigated. I knew a guy who went to prison for a year because he spiked a guy with sleeping meds so he could go and joy ride in his car. In order to prosecute him lots of stuff that was posted on the internet was used in court.
DaveIsLonely said:
kamya said:
There is no way to tie him to this thread >>. What is wrong with you people =P.

I think some of you guys have been out of high school a little too long and don't have the right perspective on this. The chances that any punishment whatsoever will happen are slim to none.

And its not like they do full blown investigations for this kind of thing. If by some crazy chance you do end up getting charged with anything, it won't be that serious.

Or you could just ignore it and do nothing, be known as a guy who doesn't stick up for himself, and let people honeysuckle on you for the rest of your life while you stay out of trouble.

[edit - I'll say it again, if you really don't want to get in trouble, don't get caught. Anything past high school I ever did I never got caught. It's not that hard.]

You might be surprised in to what lengths things can be easily investigated. I knew a guy who went to prison for a year because he spiked a guy with sleeping meds so he could go and joy ride in his car. In order to prosecute him lots of stuff that was posted on the internet was used in court.

It's just a school fight. It's not like I'm going to use a beer bottle and smash his head with it, then take his car for a ride and crash it into a ditch. (I don't even have my G1)

I'm not going to start it myself. It happens when he attacks me first, which, he did a couple of times already. And this guy is just one year younger than me.

I already promised my girlfriend that I won't start a fight, and her opinions actually matter to me. I'll play on defence, and we'll see what happens.

Also, thanks for the advice everyone. And thanks for that video, kamya. I didn't know that video existed, but I'm glad I watched it.

It's my time to man-up.

I meant to thank you for that video. Sorry!
Sentence for first time assault on a minor is usually just probation and a small fine.(at least where I live) As long as its just a few punches and no serious injury. And that's ONLY if the person wants to charge you with something. You might even be able to get the fine waived if you can show that you were provoked enough.

I'm telling you, you guys you don't know what you're talking about.

Dave, punching a guy is a whole different deal than drugging someone and stealing their car. Most likely the stuff posted on the internet was easily traceable to your friend. Posts on some random forum are most likely not going to get traced back to you unless you are careless.

He doesn't have to take honeysuckle from people like this. Who cares if it's only high school,if someone messes with him,he doesn't have to puss out. Relieving stress is the way to go.

Last year,I threw a guy half my size (even though he was large) through a window,and since he started it,he had all the problems. A week later,he was sent to a reformatory.

Yes,he had tons of problems there and I was the last nail on the coffin,but still.
Eventually, he'll see it's not phasing you, and he's not getting a reaction out of you, so he'll become bored, and leave you be.
I'm sorry, but as someone who was bullied through one form or another for years during school...you are wrong.

Either that, or the bullies I had to deal with in school were utter balls-to-the-wall buttfuck retarded as all hell. For example, one of the guys who gave me crap on a semi-regular basis had other targets as well. One day, two of them had had enough of him, and grabbing the guy's arms, they bounced him off a wall of lockers. "Bounced" as in, they picked him up, and heaved him against the lockers. Two or three times. And you know what? The guy continued to shoot his mouth off at them as if everything was normal, even as he wiped blood away from a cut on his lip.

Granted, the aforementioned guy was a special case of stupid, but I don't remember a bully who backed down unless he took a beating or saw one of his friends take a beating from his bully target.

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