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Well-known member
Mar 24, 2019
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I never used to be impatient. But I certainly have that virus now. gradually getting worse over the years.
Driving. cant stand drivers who block an overtaking lane. I almost got in a road rage incident the other day. I honked my horn and the guy challenged me to a fight if I wanted one. I didn't. he was much bigger and younger than me and would have belted me for sure.
Waiting at doctors and dentists. the other day I just walked out of the dentists after 20 minutes wait over the scheduled time. It was 9am. I was the only one waiting. I couldn't see the problem. it just annoyed the hell out of me.
Meditation calm and relax is what I need. Im out of control sometimes. Luckily it hasn't cause me major consequences yet. But if I don't do something soon, there will be for sure.
I used to jog. it was like a meditation for me. I was much more relaxed back then. then I got back issues and had to stop running. Swimming wasn't quite the same. Bike neither.
Ironically when I was a heavy drinker I was never impatient. I was a placid pussycate. Now Im closer to a raging bear. Except I couldn't fight my way out of a wet paper bag.
look out aarrrrrr! :club:
humourless said:
I never used to be impatient. But I certainly have that virus now. gradually getting worse over the years.
Driving. cant stand drivers who block an overtaking lane. I almost got in a road rage incident the other day. I honked my horn and the guy challenged me to a fight if I wanted one. I didn't. he was much bigger and younger than me and would have belted me for sure.
Waiting at doctors and dentists. the other day I just walked out of the dentists after 20 minutes wait over the scheduled time. It was 9am. I was the only one waiting. I couldn't see the problem. it just annoyed the hell out of me.
Meditation calm and relax is what I need. Im out of control sometimes. Luckily it hasn't cause me major consequences yet. But if I don't do something soon, there will be for sure.
I used to jog. it was like a meditation for me. I was much more relaxed back then. then I got back issues and had to stop running. Swimming wasn't quite the same. Bike neither.
Ironically when I was a heavy drinker I was never impatient. I was a placid pussycate. Now Im closer to a raging bear. Except I couldn't fight my way out of a wet paper bag.
look out aarrrrrr! :club:
[font=Tahoma, sans-serif]You are right.[/font]

[font=Tahoma, sans-serif]Punctuality, personal discipline and respect for other people’s time are rare nowadays…..
:club: [/font]

[font=Tahoma, sans-serif] [/font]
Mental illness. Do I use that as an excuse? An excuse to fail? To give up? To quit? The courageous ones face their phobias, their fears. But I hide. and get worse . Im hiding from life aren't I. Hiding on Lonely Forums. Hoping no one will see how screwed up I actually am.
I've definitely grown more and more impatient over the years. I thought some people told me that they get more patient as they get older but I feel like I'm going the opposite direction.
I found as I got older my patience got better with some things, but worse for others. Dealing with people for example my patience is better. Dealing with commute traffic or when some piece of tech/electronics doesn't work I have far less patience.
I usually have a lot of patience. Like extreme amounts of it for almost everything. 
There are a few things I don’t have that with.
People deliberately being meanies. Prolonged decision making. When someone say something they don’t really mean out of pity, obligation or because they didn’t dare to speak up.
Probably some more stuff too but I don’t remember them now.
humourless said:
sorry of you find me a meanie misbehave.
do I need to grow up?

No! Lol. 
It was just a general thing. 
It wasn't aimed at you at all. ❤️
I would be very clear about it if it was 😋
Hi MissBehave, how do you tell if someone if deliberately being mean?

On his other post about insults, Humorless was playfully insulting people, but they got very offended.  They clearly couldn't tell that it wasn't said with malice.  So how do you know when people are deliberately trying to hurt your feelings?
Guzheng said:
Hi MissBehave, how do you tell if someone if deliberately being mean?

On his other post about insults, Humorless was playfully insulting people, but they got very offended.  They clearly couldn't tell that it wasn't said with malice.  So how do you know when people are deliberately trying to hurt your feelings?

It’s very hard to tell the difference between malice and harmless play online.
That’s why it’s so important to be able to control yourself and give the person you are talking to the benefit of doubt. 
Patience and the want to see what’s under the armor we all wear. ❤️
If I was unsure if someone was trying to hurt me, I would just be blunt and ask. Easy done and you don’t have to go around wondering.

I prefer to talk on voice. The tone of voice tells a lot.
Makes it easier to get a feel of the other person.

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