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Abandon your fear. Look forward.
Aug 3, 2022
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My Inner World
For as long as I could remember I have always had a thirst for knowledge, it's both a blessing and a curse it sometimes consumes me, over the years I have accumulated some knowledge on different things such as Science, History, Basic HTML, CSS, recently learning about Neuroscience, Quantum Physics things I would like to learn is computer science, coding, mathematics, machine learning, Computer architecture, about computers in general. So, this got me to thinking maybe there are others who are also looking for information like I am, but they don't know where to start or who to ask, this could start someone in the right direction and possibly even benefit them in ideas for a carrier a Hobbie, or even just to help with boredom.

At the moment I am working on multiple thread Ideas to teach or inform others on things that would take a long time to compile on their own currently I have 3-4 threads dedicated to information whether it be video or writing. So, I would like to know what some of your specialties are? What things have you learned over the years that you feel could benefit others or help occupy their time (craft wise) list some of your topics that you are knowledgeable on (you don't have to teach someone if you don't want to) but you could help point them in the right direction sometimes we do not know where to begin are journey into these different paths we are seeking to grow in. You could post your attributes and also ask for something maybe the next person will be knowledgeable about it you never know.

If I have the time heck maybe I could even help you with research int to topic in question I am always willing to help others, so let me know let others know here network amongst each other you never know what someone else may know unless you ask. Thank you have a great day :)
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I can offer some help regarding computers, computer architecture, programming languages and a lot more. There is a wonderful course called nand2tetriss (you can read about it here), its a project oriented, from first principles kinda course where you gradually build a fully working compute (well, a very basic one) that can run a tetris game coded in an assembly language.

BTW I am a software engineer, so if you need guidance about this kind of stuff feel free to give me a shout.
I can offer some help regarding computers, computer architecture, programming languages and a lot more. There is a wonderful course called nand2tetriss (you can read about it here), its a project oriented, from first principles kinda course where you gradually build a fully working compute (well, a very basic one) that can run a tetris game coded in an assembly language.

BTW I am a software engineer, so if you need guidance about this kind of stuff feel free to give me a shout.
thank you for replying to my post I am sure that there will be many questions I will have for you but the very first one I suppose is:

So, what will this course teach me about computing where do I start at? Bolan logic?

Welcome to the site btw thanks for the information.
thank you for replying to my post I am sure that there will be many questions I will have for you but the very first one I suppose is:

So, what will this course teach me about computing where do I start at? Bolan logic?

Welcome to the site btw thanks for the information.
The course first deals with logical gates which are the components that (using boolean logic) allow you to build computers, then boolean algebra, then the basic building blocks of a computer. There is a free Coursera MOOC that you can take a peek at here (its the first course, there is a second one too here). I highly recommend just following the course as it is, its not too overwhelming but still thorough enough to be actually useful. Id also do some coding course along with it if you're into coding, probably Javascript as its infinitely useful both for general scripting for yourself but also professionally.
The course first deals with logical gates which are the components that (using boolean logic) allow you to build computers, then boolean algebra, then the basic building blocks of a computer. There is a free Coursera MOOC that you can take a peek at here. I highly recommend just following the course as it is, its not too overwhelming but still thorough enough to be actually useful. Id also do some coding course along with it if you're into coding, probably Javascript as its infinitely useful both for general scripting for yourself but also professionally.
I am very interested in all these things If you don't mind sharing thank you very much sir I would like to learn as much as I can about tech and other areas of learning that's why I made this thread in hopes that others would also like to learn I thank you for your time and willingness to pass on this information.
I am very interested in all these things If you don't mind sharing thank you very much sir I would like to learn as much as I can about tech and other areas of learning that's why I made this thread in hopes that others would also like to learn I thank you for your time and willingness to pass on this information.
No problem, I hope you enjoy the course if you decide to take it.
No problem, I hope you enjoy the course if you decide to take it.
I am study some of it as we speak, I am also doing side research at the moment, but I would also like to see this coding course you have tell me is It the foundations such as HTML, CSS or do you also have Java and other courses?

ah apologies you did mention Java I see it now
I am study some of it as we speak, I am also doing side research at the moment, but I would also like to see this coding course you have tell me is It the foundations such as HTML, CSS or do you also have Java and other courses?

ah apologies you did mention Java I see it now
I actually said Javascript, but Java is also a good language to start learning. HTML and CSS are not actually programming languages, HTML is a markup language that is used to describe the structure of a web page and CSS is a language used in styling (mostly) HTML documents. The Javascript course would be highly synergetic with your interest in HTML and CSS. There are good courses on Codecademy for Javascript. But I wouldn't fuss too much about which language to start with, the skills you learn will transfer between languages mostly, unless you learn some specific programming paradigm or some esoteric language. Doesn't matter if you start with Java, C#, Javascript, Python, Ruby they're all good to begin with.

I think you should probably choose just one language, and if you are interested in computers in general also take the nand2tetris course.
I actually said Javascript, but Java is also a good language to start learning. HTML and CSS are not actually programming languages, HTML is a markup language that is used to describe the structure of a web page and CSS is a language used in styling (mostly) HTML documents. The Javascript course would be highly synergetic with your interest in HTML and CSS. There are good courses on Codecademy for Javascript. But I wouldn't fuss too much about which language to start with, the skills you learn will transfer between languages mostly, unless you learn some specific programming paradigm or some esoteric language. Doesn't matter if you start with Java, C#, Javascript, Python, Ruby they're all good to begin with.

I think you should probably choose just one language, and if you are interested in computers in general also take the nand2tetris course.
Oh, Codec Academy Is a very good place to learn these concepts I completely forgot about this resource thank you for reminding me and I am sorry I took a bit of a nap I have been studying a lot lately and have been suffering in the sleep department lol.
Oh god, HTML is like a extended version of XML from what i remember. Similair language at least. Hated that.
If you ever need help with more object oriented programming with like java or C# maybe i can be of some help.
But i think @Finished is king here.
Oh god, HTML is like a extended version of XML from what i remember. Similair language at least. Hated that.
If you ever need help with more object oriented programming with like java or C# maybe i can be of some help.
But i think @Finished is king here.

Hello Torchic my friend.

Yea I asked Finished about some of these topics Unfortunately he is a bit busy atm so I don't know if he will be willing to teach but I have asked before. And yes, he is also very knowledgeable.
This actually inspired me to start the Phaser (framework for building games) course on Codecademy :p

Would be pretty neat to learn enough to do a game jam in a few weeks/months. Maybe we can do some collaborative learning on Discord or something if you're interested, I need to brush up on Javascript too.
Hiya mate :)
Yeah thats understandable, its very time consuming. I just think he has that deep understanding of it which i lack.

I can work within the context provided by people like him, otherwise i probably wouldnt have been able to so easily.
This actually inspired me to start the Phaser (framework for building games) course on Codecademy :p

Would be pretty neat to learn enough to do a game jam in a few weeks/months. Maybe we can do some collaborative learning on Discord or something if you're interested, I need to brush up on Javascript too.
I am very interested in this but currently lack ram, cpu, and a hard drive. I dont have a functioning pc right now. Someone stole those components.
Oh and the gpu ofcourse...
This actually inspired me to start the Phaser (framework for building games) course on Codecademy :p

Would be pretty neat to learn enough to do a game jam in a few weeks/months. Maybe we can do some collaborative learning on Discord or something if you're interested, I need to brush up on Javascript too.
sir I am still wondering how you found this site what brings you here? And sure of course if you would like we can be friends on Discord Idm.

I am very interested in this but currently lack ram, cpu, and a hard drive. I dont have a functioning pc right now. Someone stole those components.
Oh and the gpu ofcourse...
Thats ok, there are tons of game jams all the time, it would be pretty cool to create a game from scratch with a random bunch of people from toe forum :p
Ping me if you get a PC and interested.
@AlienDecks I have that Nand2Tetris book still on my shelf, heh, for years now. I've been wanting to get through it; but, haven't done so yet.

@Bam111 This is a really neat thread. There are sooooo many things I'd love to be able to learn, 'Matrix,' style, and just have it all downloaded into my brain. Unfortunately, poor states of mind, and other circumstantial constraints or obstacles have gotten in the way over the years.

I've dabbled in learning Russian; привет! I never cared for spanish much; but, I can say a few words, and it would be a geographically practical language to learn.

I'm still an amateur Programmer; but, it was so much fun learning. I know my way around HTML/CSS; but, I've forgotten a lot of the details over the years, fortunately, it's pretty easy to look up what you need with that stuff, not counting understanding it in depth.

In my dream world, I would have a PhD in Maths, Physics/Particle Physics, maybe astronomy (but it's enough for me to just be a layman there and enjoy the view). I would speak fluent Russian, Mandarin, and Spanish (Czech too!). I enjoy arm-chair quantum mechanics/relativity stuff, heh. Oh wow, and neuroscience, and chemistry (organic chemistry, molecular biology). Psychology, computer-science, and philosophy I'd prefer to go my own way with, no PhD required! hehe

And then on top of all that stuff, I flirt with the idea of becoming knowledgeable in survival (herbal medicine knowledge, farming, archery, prepping, horticulture, knowing what's edible in the area, etc..)

I'd love to be knowledgeable about medicine too, perhaps at a nurse practitioner type level (anatomy, pharmacology, disease, etc. etc..)

Lastly, perhaps, or above all else, I'd like to know how to live well, which, to knowledge, is the practice of Philosophy, 'living well...'

So much to learn, so little time, in such a big world...
@AlienDecks I have that Nand2Tetris book still on my shelf, heh, for years now. I've been wanting to get through it; but, haven't done so yet.

@Bam111 This is a really neat thread. There are sooooo many things I'd love to be able to learn, 'Matrix,' style, and just have it all downloaded into my brain. Unfortunately, poor states of mind, and other circumstantial constraints or obstacles have gotten in the way over the years.

I've dabbled in learning Russian; привет! I never cared for spanish much; but, I can say a few words, and it would be a geographically practical language to learn.

I'm still an amateur Programmer; but, it was so much fun learning. I know my way around HTML/CSS; but, I've forgotten a lot of the details over the years, fortunately, it's pretty easy to look up what you need with that stuff, not counting understanding it in depth.

In my dream world, I would have a PhD in Maths, Physics/Particle Physics, maybe astronomy (but it's enough for me to just be a layman there and enjoy the view). I would speak fluent Russian, Mandarin, and Spanish (Czech too!). I enjoy arm-chair quantum mechanics/relativity stuff, heh. Oh wow, and neuroscience, and chemistry (organic chemistry, molecular biology). Psychology, computer-science, and philosophy I'd prefer to go my own way with, no PhD required! hehe

And then on top of all that stuff, I flirt with the idea of becoming knowledgeable in survival (herbal medicine knowledge, farming, archery, prepping, horticulture, knowing what's edible in the area, etc..)

I'd love to be knowledgeable about medicine too, perhaps at a nurse practitioner type level (anatomy, pharmacology, disease, etc. etc..)

Lastly, perhaps, or above all else, I'd like to know how to live well, which, to knowledge, is the practice of Philosophy, 'living well...'

So much to learn, so little time, in such a big world...
what part in all this would you like help in my friend where would you like to start? maybe I can help you in your furthering of knowledge I do not claim to know a lot about these fields, but I am also curious myself about them I can always help with research if you need an extra (hand or perspective on things) I would like to help everyone further themselves in the pursuit of knowledge and it's no trouble at all (if that's what you are thinking) since I am going to try and explore other realms of possibility any way I enjoy researching new material it helps me to not burn myself out from repetitive studying so let me know where exactly you would like to start and I can try my best to help you. Thanks for sharing have a wonderful day.
what part in all this would you like help in my friend where would you like to start? maybe I can help you in your furthering of knowledge I do not claim to know a lot about these fields, but I am also curious myself about them I can always help with research if you need an extra (hand or perspective on things) I would like to help everyone further themselves in the pursuit of knowledge and it's no trouble at all (if that's what you are thinking) since I am going to try and explore other realms of possibility any way I enjoy researching new material it helps me to not burn myself out from repetitive studying so let me know where exactly you would like to start and I can try my best to help you. Thanks for sharing have a wonderful day.
Maybe I was off-topic; no need of help in those departments, that I'm aware of; there are many ways to acquire a lot of this knowledge; just sharing my interests, I suppose..

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