Internet Acronyms/Abbreviations

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Staff member
Dec 2, 2010
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Ontario, Canada
Couldn't find a post about these so hopefully there isn't one. Sometimes I wonder what this or that means when people post abbreviations or acronyms. There's the easy ones like, LOL - Laugh out Loud but sometimes people can really throw one at you.

LM(F)AO - Laughing My (optional curse word) Ass Off (no one is calling you a lamo)

RO(T)FLM(F)AO - Rolling On (The) Floor Laughing My (curse) Ass Off or sometimes just ROFL.

WTF - What The F*** - which ever F word you like, Fudge is a good one. :D sometimes seen as WTH - What The Hell/Heck

QFT - Quoted For Truth

IDK - I Don't Know

IDC - I Don't Care

BTW - By The Way (sometimes taken as sarcasm so be careful using that one)

Those are the typical ones you find. Here's some more;

A/S/L - Age/Sex/Location

W/E or w/e - Whatever (usually said by bubble gum chomping blondes)

GTFO - Get The F*** Out

TTFN - Ta Ta For Now (if you ever watched animaniacs, dot loved to use that abbreviation)

T2UL - Talk To You Later sometimes TTYL

IRL - In Real Life (this one is used on here a lot)

NSFW - Not Safe For Work (or DO NOT CLICK)

O RLY - Oh Really (usually used in sarcasm)

NFG - No F***ing Good (contractors like to use this, and write it in black marker on things that break that can be fixed...) also means No Factory Guarantee (usually not used but I always find that one funny)

Hopefully this has educated a few people, next time someone uses one of these you'll know what they mean instead of just pretending. :D So as the saying goes, Now You Know, and Knowing Is Half The Battle.

If anyone else has one they have seen used please post it.

IMO - in my opinion
AMB - as mentioned before. I haven't seen this one on here yet but have seen it non the less.
JK - just kidding \ just joking
NK - no kidding
ppl - people
gf/bf - girlfriend/boyfriend
bb - bestfriend

Can't think of any other now. This post should become a sticky since it's always useful and can save lots of ppl wondering.
Good ones, I forgot about JK and I use that A LOT!

TS - Thread Starter
TMI - Too Much Information
KWIM is know what I mean. I use that a lot and no one ever knows it. lol
ITA is I totally agree
OT is off topic
TIA is thanks is advance
BTDT is been there done that

I could give you a shitload of pregnancy/mother related ones, but I doubt you'd want all those (hehe)
SMH = shake my head

H/o hold on

Brb be right back

Ttyl talk to you later

Jw just wondering

Jk just kidding

Inorite I know right!!

Use to go there but they changed the format now it sucks and don't go there any more, which one are you one? Just wondering.

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