League of Legends

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Oh dude, I had the pleasure to get steamrolled by an AP Rengar, the problem for him was that his glass-cannon OP sustain build did squat for him lategame when I had double his resistances :)

Kamya, I should learn Corki. Seems like all the pros use him. Buuuuuut I love my Ashe and Sivir. :(
TPA took home the 1 million dollars. That was such a great moment, and a great ending to a great story. TPA! TPA!
I was rooting for them just because I really don't like blaze. After tsm, clg eu, and m5 were out I didn't really care who won. I just really didn't like blaze.
Had 16,000 in the bank at the end of the game. Fun
Also, anyone who plays on EUW can add me. The more, the merrier :)
"You can't catch me, I'm the gingerbread man!"

Said Taric as Renekton died chasing him across the map.


In other news, I have been chosen for tryouts for a sponsored team. Can't tell you which one yet, but I never thought that I would be considered good enough at solo top that I'll actually be asked by one of the named teams.

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