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Dec 2, 2010
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Ontario, Canada
After reading some other threads today I thought I'd share an event in my life that changed me forever, and made me much happier with who I am. I suffer from low self-esteem, shyness, and social anxiety. Except once you get to know me good luck shutting me up. :D

Many, many years ago, (lol) okay about 17 years ago so you pick how many, many's to put in there, I was unhappy. I was in my 3rd year of high school and had a pretty good group of friends, but I just didn't feel like myself. I'm a big kid, still am, I loved to watch cartoons and never wanted to let go of my childhood. Only problem was back then you had to, being a comic book geek or video game geek wasn't acceptable. If you were a guy and you didn't play sports you were an outcast, got picked on and called names like queer. I had more female friends than male friends because of this. I liked to draw superheroes too, my favorite being Batman, but this wasn't something I went around letting everyone know.

I started to distance myself from my friends, taking time out for myself to just be alone. I felt more comfortable then because I could be with my thoughts no matter how immature they would be. I'm a huge Mariah Carey fan (**** Nick Cannon for snagging her up, I'm joking I'm not delusional I know I would never have hooked up with her) her Music Box album came out that year. There was one friend of mine who would always follow me around and want to talk to me, even when I wanted to be alone and could never take a hint. She had a huge crush on me but that's another story. I would listen to the song Hero over and over, surprisingly I never wore the tape cassette out (yep this is when tape cassettes were still popular). :p

I looked at my "public" life and didn't like who I was. In high school you either conformed or got bullied. I tried to hide who I was and fly under the radar to get picked on a little as possible, didn't work. Even my mother thought I should "grow up", she's not like that as much anymore. So I thought, why am I doing this, why am I trying to just be a drone and not who I really am? I came out of the closet that year, I finally let everyone know I was a huge Batman fan, I was a geek. (I love telling that joke, it gets funny reactions from people at first, they're all like :-O waaa...then they're all like LOL.)

After that my life changed forever, I didn't hide who I was, I started to share my drawings with my friends and my love of comic books, video games, and just being silly. You know what, my friends liked my better, they didn't run away or shun me. I was free to be me, yeah I took more teasing but I didn't care because I was being me.

I still suffer from all the above I listed at the beginning, god do I ever, but now its not such a strange thing. One day when I was in the mall buying an action figure, the lady at the check-out guessed my age and told me she had a son near my age who was into the same thing. That's how she knew how old I was. I know I'm not alone out there, my generation grew up with the boom of video games, and with the popularity of comic book movies we're not so abnormal anymore. Even teenagers I've had work for me think I'm cool and still have a hard time believing that my part timer tells his friends how cool his boss is. I've never thought of myself as cool, ever. :cool:

Now you might wonder what this all has to do with Low Self-Esteem and Shyness (or maybe not), it helped me with my self-esteem. After being who I wanted to be I was happier and not so afraid anymore. I still care what people think of me, except for my hobbies. I don't care anymore, because I know I'm not alone out there, if anyone wants to tease me about it they can go suck an egg. I'm happy with who I am, I'm not abnormal anymore, I AM A GEEK!!

I wanted to share this in hopes that maybe it will help other people who are having a hard time liking themselves. Sometimes its about taking that leap and being who your are, who you want to be. Yeah I still get lonely and depressed at times, but I like who I am and that's the first step in tackling my other issues, eventually. I'm a big one for believing that you have to like yourself first, once you do you can tackle the matter how long it takes. :D
I think you're armed with two of the most valuable abilities possible. Being able to preserve and appreciate your inner youth and then being able to show it off and be content with yourself is both admirable and totally AWESOME! :)
Sci-Fi you're a step ahead of the curve.
That IS the key to everything.
but people don't understand that. They just wallow.
it's ok to be depressed and lonely. As long as you know its not through any fault of your own.
People look for happiness in other people...
when its in them...

We all share the same struggle.
It's amazing there are hundreds of threads in this forum dealing with the same issue(s)

Thanks Nina and HermesReborn :D

@ Hermes, I hate wallowing, can't say I haven't done it but I try to get myself out of it. It all starts from within, being happy with who you are.
how can others see strength in u if u dont see strength in yourself. I agree. you have to be confindent and able t express urself. Im a big kid to sci fi all never let me inner child die!
Strength in yourself, that depends on what you mean by that. I don't feel I'm a strong person, I still have my anxieties and really need to build myself up when having to deal with things, whether they be social or confronting someone. I've pulled myself through difficult times and some people might say that's a strength, but I don't, it's only a small part of building strength. Others will see it in you once you begin to see it in yourself and believe in yourself.

You know, that got me thinking, anyone who's gone through a difficult time in their life and made it through has strengthened themselves. If it was a bad relationship, divorce, loss of a loved one, loss of a job, whatever it was that got you down and out. You pulled through it either with the help of others or made the decision on your own, you are a stronger person than you once were.
"I've pulled myself through difficult times and some people might say that's a strength, but I don't, it's only a small part of building strength. "

i call that beeing tuff.

I think strength is power and the ability to do things with out a struggle.
I think strength is power and the ability to do things with out a struggle.

I think strength is power and the ability to do things despite/during a struggle.

LGH1288 said:
Hey Sci-Fi -- Fabulous post! You really gave me a lot of inspiration. THX, LG:)

Thanks :D

Badjedidude said:
I think strength is power and the ability to do things with out a struggle.

I think strength is power and the ability to do things despite/during a struggle.


I hate conflict, it usually turns into a shouting match. :(

LOL nerdygirl, Bruce Wayne is da bomb, he's gets all the ladies and has all those wonderful toys. I wish I could be him.

LOL nerdygirl, I didn't really get any pics of me in costume. I was doing all the picture taking on Halloween, I asked if anyone else wanted to take some but no. I though my friend would since her son was dressed as Batman too.
Forget liking yourself for being a geek. Just brush up on some Venutian Arts and hit the benchpress, squats, dumbell curls, and deadlift and change yourself into the man WOMEN dig, so you can be a man that YOU dig too.

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