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No One

What is your faveorite music guys?

I like a lot of opera and world music, but right now I am listening to 'Who Knew' by Pink- and its making my cry, agh,
i'm like rap, jazz, and whatever gnarls barkley is. i hate commercial rap alot though
I like rock, classic rock, progressive rock, and some mellow stuff. Sometimes I listen to classical music, but most often it's rock.
Metal forever mate.. :D
Ever heard Ulver, bjarne?
btw, hvor er du fra? bjarne, bjarne... i norsk det er bjørn, i svensk är björn... så dansk eller islensk? :p
Don't reply norse to me, I'm just messing. :p You big hairy viking!
mimizu said:
Metal forever mate.. :D
Ever heard Ulver, bjarne?
btw, hvor er du fra? bjarne, bjarne... i norsk det er bjørn, i svensk är björn... så dansk eller islensk? :p
Don't reply norse to me, I'm just messing. :p You big hairy viking!

I'm sorry but I do not know Ulver. (And I'm sorry about this late reply, I suppose I didn't see your post).

Bjarne comes from the word bjørn that is correct, and bjørn means bear (and is also used as a name for humans). I must admit though, that I aren't quite as hairy nor quite as strong as a bear hehe

I live in Denmark.
No One said:
What is your faveorite music guys?

I like a lot of opera and world music, but right now I am listening to 'Who Knew' by Pink- and its making my cry, agh,

I like that song but I'm sorry if it brings you down and makes you cry.

My fav is pop, R&B, and hip hop but I'd listen to practically anything.
Here are my favorite bands w/ my favorite songs: Radiohead(2+2=5), TOOL (Ticks & Leeches), Coldplay (Beautiful World), David Gray(Say Hello, Wave Goodbye), and Jimmy Eat World (23).
I love rock music, pop, country. I guess it varies depending on the mood i'm in.
i don't know i love music and music is my life, i listen to any kind of music, but of course there is music that i don't like it depends on each song;
I mostly listen to any music that make sense or has a good beat,but i listen more to rock, techno and j-pop.
I love all kinds of music! My favorites of all time are:

The Smiths
The Police
Depeche Mode
The Cure

I love everything, though! I went through a rap phase (ugh in retrospect when I liked Warren G and Ja Rule)

I also have the occasional urge for semi-country stuff like Johnny Cash.

I also like classical and use to listen to it at work all day long. Dvorak, Tchaikovsky, Rimsky-Korsakov, Mozart of course perhaps the greatest composer of all time.

I like pretty much everything in small doses.
Progressie all the way

Pink Floyd
Dream Theater (Best band ever)
Porcupine Tree (Second best band ever)
Jethro Tull
Pain of Salvation
Mars Volta

Besides that I enjoy plenty of other music. Rock, Post-Rock, Classic rock, grunge, metal, classical, movie soundtracks....

Gotta love music!
Recently i've got into a variety of music but 2 songs really stand out for me at the mo. One of them is You could be hapy by Snowpatrol, i love the lines "somehow everything I own smells of you, and for the tiniest moment its all not true" its such a sweet song.
The other is "Goodbye my lover" by James Blunt, the lines "you touched my heart, you touched my soul, you changed my life and all my goals" are awesome.

Also like coldplay, foo fighters, nine inch nails n most rnb.
Been listening to a lot of garage and blues lately. Seem to go off on little tangents. May spend a couple days listening to harsh noise or zydeco or rockabilly, prog or whatever the tangent may be, but always return to garage, folk and blues.
Depends on what I'm doing... If I manage to go work out, I want some loud rock/metal ("Shut me up" by Mindless Self Indulgance is great)
If I'm just walking around, I want slower music, preferably softer... I don't like listening to music in the car, though... I normally just turn on NPR...

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