My Life Is Messed Up.....I Need To Let It All Out.:(

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Mar 18, 2011
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I am only 17, but I'm already sick of life...

I was forced to grow up quickly as a little child. I could only see my parents for 2 hours on a Sunday. They spent the rest of the week working. They've been working hard to support their family. Because they emigrated from Korea they had to start from scratch. So they worked 17 hours a day. I had to be the parent to my younger brothers because they couldn't take care of themselves. I couldn't depend on my parents and I became very independent.

I moved into a nicer house when I was nine; it was a nice upgrade compared to the derelict apartment I had lived in. I spent the next four years depressed. I hated talking to people, and I hated socializing. I used to go for days not saying a word. My life was hell. I hated everyone, antagonized by their phoniness. I was a very bad insomniac. I was bulimic. I was suicidal. I hated myself. I hated everything. Nothing could make me smile. I was messed up in the head. I wore many rubber bands on my wrist. When I was bored, I started to snap them on my wrist til they turned red. I couldn't cut myself because I was afraid of being interrogated. When I didn't want to injure myself, I spent the rest of the time doing all of my homework. I wanted good grades. I was so shallow. I just wanted attention from my parents, and the only way I could get it was by good grades.

In 7th grade I met the three most wonderful friends ever. This was the turning point in my life; it instigated a desire to change. I was a fake. I only wanted to react in the way that would please my friends. My lonely life has made me an excellent observer. I watched quietly, and learned to use these skills. I thought I was happy. I thought I was out of that rut. I thought that the horrible times were over. My parents got a new job, and they worked hours that were reasonable. I was able to see them everyday. Life was finally good. Or so I thought. I hated my parents. They did not help, they made my problems worse. I was degraded and treated like an animal. My grades were not on par with the "Asian standard." I didn't care. They verbally abused me. They physically abused my. They mentally abused me. I couldn't look at a mirror without wanting to cry. The darkest corners were my solitude. I've cried fifteen thousand tears. And I told myself that I couldn't cry anymore. That they shouldn't get to me.

I finally hit high school. Things were turning around. Life wasn't so lonely. I had friends (the very same ones from middle school), and my family didn't matter. They could say what they wanted to because I wasn't going to care. My grades were slipping worse than ever. I just wanted to hang out. I went crazy. I eventually got caught stealing, and brought shame unto my family. I hated myself even more then. Nothing could turn me around. Until Junior year.

I was fixing up the torn relationships. I became more garrulous. I loved to make friends, in fact I was very good at making them. I fixed up my relationships with even my parents. My mom woke up early every morning to pack me a lunch. I thought I could finally depend on my parents and become a kid again. SAT's were right around the corner. I studied hard for them. I took two AP classes and did excellently on them. Things were going spectacularly. I loved life. I was happy. My friends were there for me. I loved to be involved in drama. Everyone relied on me. I was there for them. And they were there for me.

But things have been going downhill now. My grandpa recently died of colon cancer. Although colon cancer was supposed to be a relatively tame cancer, compared to other types of cancers, it took a heavy toll on him. He was struggling for a long time. He could barely eat on the days he had strength. It was painful to hear about it. What hurt more was that I couldn't go be with him. He was in Korea. What hurts is that I only have one memory of him. He was drinking an entire bottle of hard liquor a day. He begged me to stay at his house for one day but I refused because I did not like the stench of alcohol permeating throughout his house. I regretted that decision.

SAT prep classes have been taking a toll on me. I have been going to them every Saturday for 7 1/2 hours since August. They were stressing me out, but I couldn't do anything but learn to deal with it. Homework has been piling up on me. My grades have been frustrating me. Even though I desire straight A's more than anything else, they are almost impossible. I My SAT scores aren't all that great. It has made me feel stupid. My friends don't understand what it feels like to have the pressure of studying. They'd rather go out and play. I can't go anywhere anymore. I can't even go to prom because of SATs. There are days when I have to stay up til 3 doing homework.

My parents have hit a rut in work. They have to work longer hours. They have no time anymore. My peaceful lifestyle has been thrown into more turbulence. When they come home, I get yelled at. They throw things at me. They call me degrading names. They lower my self-confidence. I feel ugly and horrible because of what they say to me. They're slowly disappearing from my life again. I was so used to being reliant on them, but now I must be independent again. Why is it so hard? I started crying again. I used to be so good at being independent. My name even means independent, but it has faded away...

They stress me out. My parents need me to start driving, and they pressure me whenever I'm in the car. The stress is intense. I find myself holding my breath whenever I drive. I love driving, but not with my parents. The stress to drive just builds, one after another.

Today was the final straw. Although I turned in the original coppy of an essay, my teacher claimed that she didn't get it.

"There's no use arguing with a teacher. I know you didn't turn it in."

I ran out crying. I couldn't handle the pressure anymore. Driving, SATs, homework, insomnia, was all too much. I finally broke down crying in front of my friends. I went home, and sat there crying. My life is honeysuckle. I'm still suffering from bulimia and I have seasonal affective disorder. I have low self-esteem. I am so lonely. My friends have started to hate me. They think I prattle too much about college. They don't care nearly as much as I do. They procrastinate and get F's. I try hard, but it's hard. I feel like an outcast. I hate my life right now. I just want someone to talk to. I need someone to talk to. What I wouldn't give for someone to talk to...

Hey...I'm lonely too and I understand what you're going through. I recently lost my grandfather last year on my birthday. My friends don't talk to me anymore because I'm trying to focus on starting back ex broke up with me last Valentines day. You're not alone dude. Plus, I was picked on all the way up til high school...that is until I said no more...left it...went off to military school...and graduated with honors. Then I moved to Florida...big mistake! But even after that I was depressed and lonely...right now I'm sure most of the people I know are having fun...going to parties...just totally being with their friends...and I'm home alone on a Friday night just like in High School. The point have me and other people on this forum to talk ask questions and learn from each other. If you have any questions you can talk to me...just message me and ask and I'll answer A.S.A.P. We're all friends here...lets not give up so easily alright?
Sounds mucho intenso. I was in a (far less intense) but similar spot in high school. I got A's or high B's the first 11 years of my schooling but in the one year that actually counted I finally couldn't do it anymore, it became more "I can get A's and neck myself or I can try and relax and stress less." Fast forward to now and although I've made some mistakes, in fact some very significant ones, I survived. I got an OP 20 when I graduated (where I'm from when you graduate you get a rank 1 - 25, an OP, 1 being the best, as in I did ******* atrotiously) but in my 2nd year out of school I scored a respectable office job that (on good days) I really enjoy. All this with my less than impressive school grades, no university, and criminal record. Even when I don't like it I work with awesome people and my older and younger sisters always have my back.

The point of this story is that life will keep on going and it will get better, even if painfully slowly. Hang in there. Listen to music, there's a song for every feeling and before I found this forum that's where I (and a good many people) found solace.

Another thing. After high school I was no longer friends with anyone I had in high school, we all drifted apart. I began to make friends with people I'd been at school with for 5 years but never even talked to! They're now extended family.

Hope you feel better soon.
Wow, sounds rough. I'm going to open up about something I have only talked about with like 2 other people in my life, others know but I don't usually talk about it. I was in the same place you were about 10-12 years ago. I was in a bad job where I began to feel emotionally numb and disconnected from everyone and the world. I started to cut myself or burn myself on purpose just to feel something. I wasn't trying to do harm to myself, like you with the elastic bands, it was just to feel to know I was still alive. I wasn't quite as young as you so it makes me sad that you had to experience such an emotional time at a very young age. It was rough for me in my early to mid twenties so I can't imagine how rough it must have been for a young child who's mind was still developing and trying to comprehend what was happening to them.

Try not to be so hard on your parents though, yeah they might be putting a lot of pressure on you right now, but you have to look at things from their end too. They were able to rely on you when you were little to help out, things got better and were good for awhile, now they aren't and now your parents need you again. It's a huge burden to place on a child (I know you said you were 17 but you're still a child and should be) but they need your help. Think of it this way too, it probably killed your parents not to be there for their children as you grew up, and when things started going well and they good spend more time with you everyone was happier. Now they have to work hard again and can't spend that time with you all anymore, they are losing out too and it probably upsets them too. There is so much more stress on your parents to make sure they keep a roof above your heads and feed you, not to mention paying bills so you don't end up on the street. Any stress you are feeling is doubled if not more for them.

In the past your parents found they could rely on you without realizing how much pressure it was putting you under. You should be allowed to be a regular teen but unfortunately in today's world some parents (like yours) look to the older children to pick up the slack. You are not alone out there, it is happening more and more. I have a (ex)friend who put a lot on her 7 year old son to help take care of the house and his brother and sister. Sadly she was too self involved in herself to realize what she was doing, and thankfully now they are with their father and better off. Some days my brother and I would take him for a few hours and let him be a kid. He would tell us how mean he felt his mother was being to him and would almost break down and cry. No child should ever have to go through that.

I hope you keep your wits about yourself, you made it through once before, now you are a bit older and wiser. Hang in there, things may get better again someday. Just remember this isn't easy for your parents either, they need to understand that you need to be a teenager too, but also need your help.
When you are older, you can live how you want to. Right now you are under your parents care, but you'll be freer once you go to college.
your parents only do that because they want to see you succeed in life..
and by the looks of it your well on your way..
it sounds like your just stressed and people are on your back
dont worry, you got this.. you already been through this so you should know how to handle it by now
your an intelligent girl and your about to graduate in no time people would kill for that
nothing in life is just handed to people, when you feeling down like this just stop and think about people that have it 100times worse, believe me.. ALOT of people do.
I had quite a few years infact most of my life alone even when with someone my mind seemed to be somewhere else. i have been homeless but was lucky to find someone to take care of me for a while in the terms of friendship, she was from the church i was balanced in my own mind. I had to collect food from the church but didnt stay there for worship. I'm a christian and that was enough. The churces are polluted with certain money issues anyway, i always knew that. i was lonley for quite some months in dispair but kinds kept strong in my own mind. I guess what I'm trying to say is that the lonliness i had made me much stronger over the following months when I returned to England from overseas. I speny a few weeks in hosptial which was voluntary. I spent most of my time helping other and nver have I felt better about the day I left with those experiences. My prevoius experiences drained but helped me find myself again. I have never looked back and haven't blamed the reason why I became lonley on others. TODAY i know why the forces that were upon me to be that way are now leaving and leaving for good. I would like to chat to anyone who would like a new relationship as I feel ready to build my life even more. I guess the person I'm looking for really needs to talk as I did. I'm a male from the United Kingdom, 39 years old and single.
At 17 there's too much responsibility for you to handle.

I believe other 17 y.o don't have that much trouble in their life.

All I could say it to take 1 day at a time and graduate high school first.

Goto college if you can, or get a job and start your working life experience.

Other 17 y.o won't have that much life experience to help you out.

Maybe a early 20s person who's graduated college while working part time have more experience to help you.

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