Overwhelmed by everyone in the whole world

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Have u ever felt like you where the worst most pathetic human being on the planet, that every body else is better than you, that everyone is out of ur league. Now that is my loneliness. atm my self esteem is kinda honeysuckle right now, i dont know why. Everytime I walk the streets I feel so ugly and would look at other ppl and go **** they look good, gosh look at what they are wearing. Or I wish i could be as outgoing as everybody is. or everybody elses lives are alot better than mine. see everyone tells me that I am a good at sales and that everyone loves to listen to me on the phones. But i even envy other sales reps. like i jst called up this girl cause i was having probs wi t my mobile phone plan, she was probably around the same age as i was but she was fluent, precise, focus, just absolutely flawless. In fact she even make me look like a fool I absolutely did not know if the right words were coming out of my mouth, to tell her my concerns. And i was overwhelmed by this. I know this is a very stupid thread, but i wished that I can make more sense of this, of what i am feeling, its not that I am jealous, or hating other ppl due to their success and talents, its just that I am so overwhelmed even by others in the internet such as myspace and facebook, where everyone has friends, and a awesome life, except for me who is missing out
Hi Joe. Welcome. First of all please let me encourage you to register so you could make some friends here and be able to send and receive pm's, etc.

This is definitely NOT a stupid thread. I think in order to express one's inner and especially vulnerable feelings on this site requires a lot of courage, confidence and self esteem. So let me congratulate you on your first step in solving your problem.

It's human to feel a bit inferior to others once in a while but please don't let it get the better of you.

When you look around you, I want you to remember these sayings and they are very very true. "All that glitters isn't gold" and "Most of what you see is illusion; half of what you hear is not the truth." On such websites, most of those people may be worse off than you. They may lie on the profiles, they may dictate the comments that they want posted to their friends and family. e.g "you're such a great and wonderful person, so beautiful etc." Don't take all of that at face value at all. A lot of it is orchestrated. They're probably lonelier than you are. Take care and I hope you'll feel better soon.
Hey, Joe. Yeah, i and probably alot of the rest here have had about that feeling as well. I had that feeling, though, when i was already terribly depressed and lonely, and what triggered these thoughts were simply that, because i was so sensitive as a human being and inactive when i was alone because of my depression, i didn't do enough to be of any value to anyone; my definition of a "good" and "valuable" person is someone who actively does something to improve people's (and animal's) lives. I were always longing for love and closeness to someone else but that never seemed to come. That's why i felt so small compared to everyone else around me; somehow, being the proud, important looking and sometimes (compared to me) careless people they were, they managed to find a partner, buy a home and a car, and even get kids together. It was just as plain goodnes and being kind and helpful didn't mean honeysuckle to become happy in life. While i were trying to be the best a human can be, i still hadn't find the only thing i was asking for in return; some got **** love (that includes from my family and friends). No wonder i felt useless and below every, single other human being; i apparently didn't do my job good enough since the man upstairs (which was who i blamed for most of my days, back then) obviously didn't like me very much.

This was my reason, my curse for having just as low self-esteem and sense of uselessness as You have today. I saw myself as a robot who's only purpose was to devote it's life to make good for others, since i didn't seem to mean anything anyway. The problem was that, since i kept a mask on that i was fine myself because i always thought that being sad around someone would make them sad and in turn shorten their lives for a few minutes, i were actually hiding that i was i need of some attention. I were one heck of a liar!

I were way too much concerned with everyone else and how they looked and blablabla. You know what i have learned? If You are a good person and actively do good for others but don't get anything in return, they don't need You. They might apprecciate it, but it's not that they wouldn't manage to go on with their lives without You. That's why i, nowadays, quickly learn when it's time to leave someone alone and accept a good farewell. Another thing i've come to understand, rather late in my life compared to others, i guess, is that once You've done enough for someone who truly does need Your help, most of them will run away from all that remembered them of the old days.

My answer, was getting something that i wanted. When i finally did find love i found the support i needed to do whatever i wanted to in life. A relationship of love is what made it all possible for me. If You want to give alot of love You must get alot of love, and the little amount You'll ever recieve from helping people is way too little. Of course everyone aren't as crazy as i am, but love is probably the most positive hit someone's self-esteem could ever recieve.

Once You've found love You've found the ability to start looking for or realize Your dreams. I'd like to say this to You:

You think You're pathetic - What are You trying to reach? You've heared people positively comment Your work and still don't think You're good? How far do You have to go to feel that You are doing the best You can?

You feel ugly when You're near others - How do You actually look? I know so many with a low self-esteem who are really handsome and who simply haven't found a good hairstyle or clothing style to better fit them. We're all different and can't always look as good as someone else just because he or she looks good in something. It's all in the eyes of the beholder, and what kind of prejudices don't You have agains't Yourself?

You're not as outgoing as "everyone else are" - What does "outgoing" mean to You? What do You want to be able to say to a person You never met before? Do You think that, just because that dude over there asked that dudette what the time is, he's outgoing? If You feel as someone less than what You really could be, and ugly, it is no wonder You aren't "normally" social.

Just how are You doing, Joe? Are You happy with Your life, apart from being who You are? Do You think life has treated You well enough for how well You've treated others, so far?

I don't want to go to conclusions just yet; i personally know several people who are just like You (and even salesmen as well) but they all seem so terribly unwilling to quit striving for being the best they can be that they are really hard on themselves. They can't accept that they didn't manage to perform as well as they thought they'd would in several chapters of their lives. We're all good at something, but very few of us are good at alot. Maybe You simply haven't find Your niche just yet? The strongest ant don't always have to find and carry the heaviest stick back home, until he starts looking around the right bush.

PM me if You want to keep things private, and if anything seems relative to Your life, of course. You'll find alot of great people here, and soon enough i think You'll find someone who will be able to change Your self-esteem beyond Your imagination. Welcome to the forum.
Everyone has difficulties, Guest, and none should be trivialized.

Welcome Joe.
I don't understand how these people can insolate themselves away in their cocoons, where they cannot express their most carnal desires. The innate base desire of the human is more beautiful than all this chaff these people have built up around themselves. Tear it all down, it makes no difference. There is nothing more natural and thus true in this world than a human eating, *******, deficating, hunting, killing, destroying. This is man, this is his nature. To hide this nature is to delude yourself.

In order to avoid being enslaved in this society, you need but one thing: a self-manufactured fake credit card. Most people are not industrious enough to make one. You need to be able to interface with their devices in order to survive. Think of it this way: would you like to spend a few months of work for a lifetime of earnings or a lifetime of work for a few months of earnings?

Secondarily, you cannot have permanent residency, this will just lead to entrapment. You do not need anything but yourself to produce your own content to satisfy yourself. Nothing is 'permanent' in this ephermal world anyway. If you need to use the Internet you merely enter a public library. If one of 'them' accosts you about what type of materials you're looking at, what is the point of talking to him? What is the point of talking to a robot? Who says its wrong to look at racist materials? Who says its wrong to look at A Lonely Life in a library? Your 'society?' What are they going to do to you? You are strong, they are weak. If one of the authoritative ones comes up to you, simply ignore them, walk off like they are nothing. They can do nothing to you, they will never see you again, so why do you care what they think?

It is simply impossible to think that everyone is better than you, you will be good at something or more likely a combination of things. It's easy to compare ourselves to others and find our lives wanting - that is the basis of a captialistic society - you have to have more. The truth is that there are more capable people in the world, but often they've sacrificed something to get there.

Joe said:
Have u ever felt like you where the worst most pathetic human being on the planet, that every body else is better than you, that everyone is out of ur league. Now that is my loneliness. atm my self esteem is kinda honeysuckle right now, i dont know why. Everytime I walk the streets I feel so ugly and would look at other ppl and go **** they look good, gosh look at what they are wearing. Or I wish i could be as outgoing as everybody is. or everybody elses lives are alot better than mine. see everyone tells me that I am a good at sales and that everyone loves to listen to me on the phones. But i even envy other sales reps. like i jst called up this girl cause i was having probs wi t my mobile phone plan, she was probably around the same age as i was but she was fluent, precise, focus, just absolutely flawless. In fact she even make me look like a fool I absolutely did not know if the right words were coming out of my mouth, to tell her my concerns. And i was overwhelmed by this. I know this is a very stupid thread, but i wished that I can make more sense of this, of what i am feeling, its not that I am jealous, or hating other ppl due to their success and talents, its just that I am so overwhelmed even by others in the internet such as myspace and facebook, where everyone has friends, and a awesome life, except for me who is missing out
Don't be hard on yourself. Study words and phrases. Get a thesaurus
and find alternative meanings. One thing that no one can take away from you is your education. They can rob you of money and personal belongings but the more you can learn the more valuable you will feel.
I am a lonely person too. I lost most of my family through divorce or death. Some nights I have one bad dream after another. Life has not been fair to me and I ask God why. I saw it coming at a young age. It seems that I have 5 years of feast and 5 years of famine.
Five years I will have everything going next thing you know everything is going wrong. I lost just about everything I owned in a divorce and then what I had left my family stole from me. These are people who are suppose to love me. Don't feel bad about yourself..be strong..ask God for strength and learn...
I totally understand Joe. My life is exactly like his...or not worst. There are sometimes I wished i was better off dead, but yet, I am so much pretty useless. I am even afraid of pain, so much so i do not have the guts to kill myself. Well, Joe, Loneliness take time to get used to it. 18 Yrs of loneliness, 18 yrs of trying to mix with people, 18 yrs of trying to do new stuff but always failing, 18 yrs of failing in what ever you do does make you numb. Don't worry Joe, at first, there will be alot of pain and suffering, tears and all but after awhile, you will see that, there is really on one to help you out, but you have to continue your life no matter what. So yeah, soon, you will be like me numb, a walking piece of flesh, with the soul inside long dead and decomposed.
I think maybe I don't necessarily see people as better or worse than others; so much as sometimes I stand there and look around at everyone else and wonder how come their lives seem to be working and mine seems to be failing (repeatedly)? Maybe that is sort of like what you are talking about because I understand how it feels - not jealousy - more of a disbelief that I can't get my own life to work out.

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