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Well-known member
May 18, 2008
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Well... I started my summer classes today... This will be my third semester back in school, and I still don't really know anyone. I know I'm only a couple years older than the kids in my classes, but being out here with these people just seems to make the things I don't like about me stand out even more in my eyes. I think part of me is afraid to talk to anyone out of the fear that they will full out reject me.

I mean, I've made friends before, but I don't remember it being so hard. Granted, the classroom setting isn't the best place to get to know your neighbors, but I just don't think I have anything to offer these kids. And any of the older people have families and kids and spouses and all that, so it's not like they would even have time for more friends (between work and school and raising a family and all that stuff...)

I suppose what I'm getting at is that not knowing anyone makes me feel lonely... Go freaking figure...
The more u think about rejection , the more possible it seems. Itll be hard at first but just go talk to them , u know since u said u dont know anyone, im pretty sure some of them wil lbe really eager to know about you, talk to you. its only natural coz humans are curious , thats out nature so its not likely that theyll REJECT you. Just try to talk to one person, then a couple, and gradually try to takl to all of em, step by step ull gain back teh confidence. Like that nike logo says : JUST DO IT ;)
poppycock :p I am sure just from what I have seen on here that you have plenty to offer them kids.

just have a little confidence in you man. I mean your come across as quite the character and given that you also come across as intelligent as well. I would say that you have moor then just a little to offer them.
Youve got nothing to loose when trying to make friends/interact with people. The worst thing to do is to plot along and not interact with anyone for the fear of rejection and what not. The best thing about school is your surrounded by people, there is always someone to talk to, you just need to put the effort in. you cannot sit back and wait for everyone to come to you.

Dont ever think of yourself any less then everyone else, If someone aprouched you and started a conversation, you would feel good would you not? you woulnt tell them to go away would you? Other people feel the same way.

People dont bite, There no different to yourself. The moment you think yourself as any lower then anyone else, then you will portray yourself to be that way, and people will notice.

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