There's something I have to say to a lot of poeple here.

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Nov 8, 2009
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Ok, I’ve been lurking this forum for some time now not really posting but doing a lot of reading. I’ve come to a few conclusions. Some of these may be a bit harsh I should warn you, but everything I’m saying has a full intent of helping someone not belittling them in any way.
I’m seeing a lot of normal looking / sounding people on these forums constantly talking about their fear of people and social situations. I’m also seeing a lot of prep talk and cheering up, which is great for every now and then, and I’m thankful that a place exists where people are so considerate of one another, but in the long run, it doesn’t really help anyone here start to experience life without depression.
If you experienced something tragic or if your illness ranges beyond just being lonely or a “social dunce,” then I’m sorry, I don’t have all the answers.

I have no idea where to begin my rant, so I’ll just pick random points. There’s a lot of brute honesty flying in this post, some of you might get angry at me for it.

Ok, after reading so many of these threads and posts, one of everyone’s biggest problem is just socializing and making friends in general. Well, if you all think you’re so bad at it, let’s take a step back and think why. Look at all these threads and all these posts inside them that just stink with negativity and people feeling sorry for themselves. Please, grow some backbone and toughen up. A person constantly analyzing how pathetic they think they are is not someone anyone WANTS to spend time around. Sympathy does not lead to friends. Think about it: who would you want to spend your day with? Someone who’s talking about how sad and lonely they feel or someone FUN TO BE AROUND? All these constant “nobody cares about some pathetic loser like me” posts in threads like “What’s the sweetest thing someone has ever said to you?” are not doing you or anyone else any good.

Also, a lot of people here seem to be normal people with a lot of intellect, only they spend all their time in their house afraid to go outside. I was forced inside my house one summer after surgery and of course I was the only person in town without a nice summer tan. (and with paleness being a huge stigma for me since I was little) I had to go outside eventually to get ready for the next school year. It’s actually really easy to tell who’s been cooped up inside their own room on looks alone. When I finally got up enough nerve to leave, I felt like EVERYONE I SAW WAS STARING AT ME AND JUDGING ME. It SUCKS, I know. I purposely avoided so many people so they wouldn’t think I was some hermit in old clothes and skin problems. I eventually got through it, though. Not because I wanted to, but because I had to.
To anyone who thinks they’re ugly, let’s talk about this. I’ve seen a lot of photos from the Faces Thread. Being totally straight with everyone, I didn’t see anyone that I considered completely unapproachable in any way, but I did see a LOT of pictures that just generated a sense of creepiness. Then I wondered, what makes someone look like a creep / unapproachable? Well, <b>the things that made some of you guys look creepy were:
pale skin (vitamin D from sunlight gives off a healthy glow on your skin EVEN if you’re still pale)
droopy eyes (looking into someone’s eyes tells you SO MUCH about someone. Half open, uninterested, unalert eyes are so unpleasant to look into)
bad posture (by holding your shoulders up and your neck back, you look more confident and feel more active. Slouching just shows you don’t care)
NO SMILE (ANYONE THAT GIVES OFF A GENUINE, HAPPY SMILE IS BEAUTIFUL IN SOME WAY. Don’t think about whether you have a crappy smile or not, if you smile in public people will see you’re happy about something and if you don’t look like a creep they’ll return one)
Old / plain clothes (I have plenty of “I don’t give a crap” shirts that if I wore in public would make me look unpreventable and old fashioned. It’s pretty easy to detect new and fresh clothing on people, this can show a lot about you)
In short, NO ONE IS “UGLY.” True, some are better looking than others, but that doesn’t mean someone who isn’t as good looking can be attractive too. Don’t get yourself down on it. If you’re concerned about your looks, you have to fix it. (weight problem, dorky glasses, boring hair, etc)

If you want to be a little less lonely and meet friends, just hang out with people you know more often. I mean, think about someone you know or have just recently met. What do you think they’re doing tonight / tomorrow? PROBABLY NOTHING IMPORTANT. Not everyone out there is living super cool stress free lives without you. Just find something fun to do and ask if they want to spend time with you. Having company and another person to convey thoughts about the things around you is a blessing to have.

Relationships and love?
I’m no expert, but I see a lot of nice guys here that don’t deserve to be rejected by women. A huge amount of us here have girl problems. You probably got the “nice guy” rejection a couple of times (if you’re male). Well, how can I stop being the “nice guy?” ok, being honest it’s probably from a list of reasons. Primarily, stop treating a girl like she’s some kind of goddess that automatically has your affection and love. Don’t make some girl your top priority that constantly occupies your thoughts, and DON’T MAKE EVERYTHING YOU SAY TO HER SOME DESPEREATE ATTEMPT AT CREATING SOME KIND OF EMOTIONAL POETRY. From my experience, if you have to go through the uninteresting “How are you? Good, you? Alright. How was your day? It was ok, your’s?” BS when you talk to her, she’s either not in the mood to speak to you at that particular time or you’re doing something wrong.
Please, stop thinking that every girl that speaks to you is some kind of precious gem no one can harm and it’s your duty to keep her safe from the world. Want to know something else, too? YES, GIRLS LOVE SEX. NOT EVERY GUY THAT TRIES TO HAVE SEX WITH HER IS “AN ******* THAT JUST WANTS TO GET IN HER PANTS.” GIRLS PRACTICE F*** AND CHUCK, TOO. NOT EVERY GIRL WANTS TO HAVE AN EMOTIONAL LOVING SERIOUS RELATIONSHIP.
Look, if there’s some girl out there that you want to meet and you’re admiring from afar, just suck it up and talk to her. If you never actually spoke to her, you got it easier! If a girl is interested in meeting guys (Yes, any guy), she’ll often be interested and curious about who you are. DON’T TALK ABOUT YOURSELF AT ALL UNLESS SHE ASKS YOU. Smile, laugh, and be GENUALLY INTERESTED IN THE THINGS SHE SAYS. (or at least learn to fake it). It’s NOT hard. You’ll fail many times, but whatever, just man up and don’t cry about it. Make sure you offer her something too. No girl wants some lonely guy with no friends and sits on his computer all day as a boyfriend. If you don’t soak up courage to talk to that cute girl, then chances are she’ll just find some other guy to grow attached to (and contrary to a lot of beliefs, he WONT be a ****** and he’ll probably treat her with a lot of respect and have some good success stories about his life).
It’s actually pretty easy to NOT be thought of as creepy. I’ve been called a creep many times before, but it’s not too hard to change people’s opinions. If you’re meeting a group of people for the first time, be one of the first people to say something, and make sure it’s funny, positive, and happy. (ex. In college when you meet a bunch of new people in all your classes, on the first day say something like “We should all go around the room and introduce ourselves!” or something as more of a joke.) If you present yourself as outgoing and happy in the first few seconds of meeting someone, that’s how they will almost AWAYS see you. Even if you head back into your depressive state, they’ll just think you had a bad day rather than depression. ***IF SOMEONE ASKS YOU WHAT’S WRONG, DO NOT TALK ABOUT SUICIDE, CUTTING YOURSELF, LONELINESS, DESPAIR, ETC. ONLY, AND ONLY SAY THIS TO SOMEONE YOU’VE KNOWN A VERY LONG TIME.*** Make something up. Most people need an excuse to be miserable (my car broke down, my sister’s in the hospital, etc).
I have a depressed friend which I sometimes invite along, but then stopped taking him places with me. The reason? He’s so **** quiet, reserved, and shy. If you don’t speak up in a group of people at first, it gets harder and harder to join in their conversations. I invited him with me several places with various groups of people, and every time he says something it’s always some kind of negative comment. And then he goes back to hiding in his shell. He kept trying to make some “image” of himself instead of just flowing with the conversation. He pretended he was some tough loner who didn’t need society or something dumb like that. If you seriously think of yourself that way around people, then just stop and think about how you searched the internet for a website where depressed and lonely people gather in a forum to talk about their troubles. Humans are social creatures, you can’t deny your need for interaction.

It’s not too difficult to accomplish your goals. I was a nasty mental mess until I decided to get on top of things. What worked for me is actually sitting down and writing lists of things. Some of these lists included a list of ALL my goals (long and short), workout / practice plans, and even a survey of all the thoughts that enter my head. [I strongly recommend the list of thoughts you normally think. Say you have some ex boyfriend or lost friend issues you always think about. Write it down, when you go back, look at it and find a way to either fix the problem, plan out how to fix it, or discard it as unimportant.] Meditation is very important too. Think about what you want in life, and figure out a REALISTIC AND PROGRESSIVE way of getting it done.
There were so many things I wanted to do with my life but didn’t have the motivation to do them. I wanted my depression to be over, but I had no idea how to ease it. Then one day, BAM. Everything was forced on me at once. My roommates came in and we all forced each other to go to the gym (I was unhappy with my physique, and I haven’t been to the gym in over a year but I kept saying how I wanted to go), I had to get my grades back up (I was on academic probation because the previous semester I had a mental breakdown and stopped going to classes), I realized my family has almost no money and I need to start growing up and getting it myself, and I met a cute girl who I really liked and I knew I had to gain some self confidence and esteem and make myself interesting if I ever wanted a shot at her.

Do yourself a huge favor; get the hell off your freaking computer. Is what you’re searching for in this box you’re looking at? Is what you really want what you have now? No? Well, don’t be a cry baby and man up. Think rationally about how you can fix or ease it enough for you to actually say you enjoy life. Sitting around thinking about how pathetic you are gets you nowhere and you know what else it does? It makes you a pathetic cry baby that can’t deal with the negatives of life without pampering and other people to spoon feed you hope. I’ve been at rock bottom, too. I know what it’s like. It sucks. Don’t make hitting that point the starting gun for your motivation for accomplishing your goals. No more living in a dream world for you, it’s clearly not working the way you want it to.


If I helped just ONE person out of this, then I’m happy. To those of you with far worse problems than social anxiety, I’m sorry if I said anything to upset you.
But some people here had more of a need for a kick in the rear than a shoulder to cry on.
What you're saying is nothing groundbreaking but I can't argue with it... you're absolutely right. People like myself have a lot of pyschological hurdles to clear and it seems insanely overwhelming at times. Isolation really fucks with your mind after a while... depression, low self esteem, lack of a definite personality, extreme paranoia and obsession. A lot of the time I feel like I'm in some kind of movie where I'm just "suppose" to be miserable and repeatedly kicked when down. It's going to take more than a simple "kick in the rear" to fix my thought processes but I'm not giving up anytime soon. It's just easier to converse with others in similar situations WHILE working to that ultimate goal... happiness.
JOULES: I agree, but only to some small extent...but do you really think that a motivational kick in the rear works on the internet? The general tone of your diatribe seems to be that you despise and look down on everyone here for their "weak, pussy way of handling things"...and that's just not conducive to motivation.

Nice try and no offense, but your post comes off as being pretty darn negative...not much different from what you say everyone else is doing on here. I understand your point of view, but maybe next time you should stick to something a bit less insulting.

Many of the people here already have serious problems with relating to people and feel that they don't fit into society. Highlighting their differences and yelling at them (ie, using ALL CAPS and BOLD TYPE) just isn't going to help. I can handle it, but a lot of people here would actually be hurt by what they read on the internet--they'd take it personally instead of understanding it for what it is--a misguided attempt to forcibly (and negatively) motivate someone into action over the internet. Doesn't work, chum. Maybe you just needed to vent some stress or something, but try a bit harder to be more understanding and friendly next time if you actually want to make a discernible difference.

Badjedidude said:
Many of the people here already have serious problems with relating to people and feel that they don't fit into society. Highlighting their differences and yelling at them just isn't going to help.

So true. I too feel highly disconnected from my peers and I don't think that a cyber-kick in the butt to make me become more like them will change that situation. But on the other hand, bitching and ranting about my social problems here would probably not be helpful neither to me nor to other people. How 'bout we all just try to become more mature and responsible for our own feelings and actions and share what we've been doing to create the lives we want for ourselves, even though it doesn't fit into society's norms and expectations?
Yeah, sorry if I came off in a condescending tone. I feel like everyone in my house has severe depression in some way. After coming back from college I realized that the environment and people you're around most can really effect your mood.
I've felt feelings of loneliness and isolation since I came back, and it's mostly attributed to my family's silent misery.

I think this place would be more helpful and enlightening if the "My life sucks" and "Screw society, I don't need it and it doesn't need me" feelings could be toned down. I mean, it's a comforting feeling knowing that you're not the only one who feels miserable, but I feel like if we all vent our negative emotions too much then it creates some kind of "aura" of hopelessness.
That's just what I think though. I say this as someone who feels close to healing the wounds of depression.
Badjedidude said:
JOULES: I agree, but only to some small extent...but do you really think that a motivational kick in the rear works on the internet? The general tone of your diatribe seems to be that you despise and look down on everyone here for their "weak, pussy way of handling things"...and that's just not conducive to motivation.

Nice try and no offense, but your post comes off as being pretty darn negative...not much different from what you say everyone else is doing on here. I understand your point of view, but maybe next time you should stick to something a bit less insulting.

Many of the people here already have serious problems with relating to people and feel that they don't fit into society. Highlighting their differences and yelling at them (ie, using ALL CAPS and BOLD TYPE) just isn't going to help. I can handle it, but a lot of people here would actually be hurt by what they read on the internet--they'd take it personally instead of understanding it for what it is--a misguided attempt to forcibly (and negatively) motivate someone into action over the internet. Doesn't work, chum. Maybe you just needed to vent some stress or something, but try a bit harder to be more understanding and friendly next time if you actually want to make a discernible difference.


I second that.
nice words Steve.
see, i kinda see what joules is coming from. It's like you surf this site long enough and see all the posts, it can kinda get you down, sometimes you may even feel like nothing you could say would truelly help the person aside from just letting them know they arn't alone. So perhaps he took it upon himself to be different, to charge folks up, give them a little metaphorical slap in the face so to speak to wake up from the negativity and do something about it, instead of feeling sorry all the time and moping. Not a bad idea, but i see one critical flaw in joules logic. what he forgot to mention was that...

getting a horse will solve anyone's depression problems completely. So to help Joules out, get a fuckin' horse people! seriously, there is a post on it i made, but you can't go wrong with a horse. they know the secrets of the universe and evolved simply to make the life of humans easier, do what you know you must do to get your life back on track, get a horse.

um....Can someone please tell me if this is worth reading, because it's longer than the decleration of independence and I just don't know if I have the energy or the concentration to read all that.:p

HOWEVER, I did skim a few lines, and what very little I did read, I agree... there's a lot of pissing and moaning on this site, one thread was even asking people if they were to kill themselves how they would do it....Doesn't seem very productive or healthy to me but, I had a more valid point to make but I forgot....Must'a not have been that important lol....I wish this site focused more on making friends with the people who are on this board, maybe I'm just new and haven't reaped that benefit yet? *shrug*

I think we should all get together and have an eskimo's the happy dessert:D
Joules - The whole point of these forums is for people who are lonely to find others to talk to, and an area to let out the way they feel. I didn't read all your post because it was really starting to wind me up, but lines such as, "Please, grow some backbone and toughen up" and "don’t be a cry baby and man up" are the WORST possible sorts of things you can say to people who feel like this. The childish words you used also kinda say something about you that doesn't score you any points at all. Many of us have Social Anxiety issues, and we can't just push a switch and "toughen up". Besides, it's got nothing to do with being tough at all.

Also all the caps you put, coming across like someone yelling, is going to do absolutely nothing to help anyone. All that sort of thing does, especially from a complete stranger, is wind people up and make them feel WORSE. Do you honestly think that anyone who feels like the type of person you're talking about is going to take positive note of the sort of post you wrote? I can see that you probably aren't trying to help though, but just let off steam at how annoying you find many of us. So can you honestly see it as a positive contribution to these forums?

My advice is that if you don't like the majority of the people here, and we annoy you so much, and you have such a limited understanding of what many of us go through every day, then you shouldn't be here. Not everyone can be as perfect as you, live perfect lives, choose to go out and meet people whenever we choose, etc.. It isn't as simple as you make it out to be for MANY people. If you're lucky enough not to suffer in the same way many of us do, then that's great and I'm happy for you, but you shouldn't be yelling at and criticising those you are not as fortunate as you. Sure, it's your right to post your feelings, just like it's my right to post mine. However, the term "going too far" doesn't even begin to describe the parts of your post that I actually read.
I would appreciate it if you actually read my entire post before commenting or judging it.

The point I'm trying to make is that a group of people feeling sorry for themselves and moping isn't really helping anyone.
I thought the idea of a lonely person forum was an amazing idea, so I kept coming back to it. However, instead of concentrating on making friends and connecting with people, it seems to me like the majority of this forum is people ranting about how much they dislike themselves and other people.
Even the threads dedicated to just conversing (i.e. "What did you do today?") are filled with messages of "no one loves me" or "my life is dull and boring."

I don't care too much about the life of the forum as much as I care for the lives of the people on it. The reason why most of us are here is because we probably ran a google search for a place where lonely or depressed people could meet others. If whoever comes here just reads a bunch of sadness, then what good is it doing them?
Sometimes when I'm depressed I come here, but that's beginning to feel like I'm heading back to the hopelessness of some back alley with all the junkies to try to cope with a heroine problem. It's kind of a shame.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the point of a place like this to make people smile more and feel make friends rather than a place to just confirm that you have some sort of mental handicap?
Joules - I read quite enough of your post thanks. The first half and last bit, and I didn't care to subject myself to any more. Let me try to answer what you just wrote...

"The point I'm trying to make is that a group of people feeling sorry for themselves and moping isn't really helping anyone".

Using phrases such as "feeling sorry for themselves" and "moping" is really quite unhelpful and rude. How about using phrases like, "feeling unhappy about life" and "feeling low"? Just the fact that you use those terms says a lot about the way you think.

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the point of a place like this to make people smile more and feel make friends rather than a place to just confirm that you have some sort of mental handicap?"

I'm sorry, but I can't help smiling. I think a reply to that is not necessary as what I'm thinking will be pretty obvious to most. :)
hahahaaaaaaa...someone actaully wrote a longer post than me :p

I do agree on many pionts. As you stated you have been in a mental and emotional wrack before.
Having gone through that type of experince you also know that a while in that state it's a bit foggy.
I belive you have a lot of compassion and empaty for people....True sympathy won't help a person becuase it reinforce the delusions.
Yes self pity gets me nowhere...there's a saying in recovery...."poor me, pour me...pour me another drink"
However...whatever my bottom is/ whatever it is. I had to get to the piont of enough is enough.
The piont of a nucelar explosion and restructure myself at the core....
Kind of like a cattipiller going into a cacoon. Or Sometimes it's darkess before daylight.

Changes dosn't happen over nite though...there's a process to it. The experince a person gose through...
kind of like a butterfly struggling to get out of a cacoon...It is also in that process that the butterfly is
strenghten it's wing so it can fly...You might also be aware..if you touch a butterfly's wing can't fly.'s so deeply ingraned inside of us...we'll go on autopilot (old habits) for a crash

We are also creatures of habits...some habits are harder to break then other.
While trying to break this mental habits...most people relaps into their old ways...more than once or twice.

There are many, many pionts that you made which are simular to the principle of the 12steps program..
In many, many way the 12 steps principles is getting a person to be self supporting, accountiable and responsible
for one's own life....meantally, emotionally, and spiritually.

There's many, many issues that a person works on in recovery aside from not drinking and using
selfesteem, abandentment, abused, guilt, shame...etc
They all just don't away by themselves and you can't work on them all at one time becuase it'll overwhelm a person.

There's a saying in recovery...everyone is at their own stage of recovery...becuase we all had different life
experince, bottom and the way we process/perceive life.
There's also another saying ..."I don't wanna be fixed"

Ok...I know, I know....I'v been approched by plenty of women say they just wanna fresia..stright up.
And there'
Plenty there's been women had taken me home and wanted to love me (fix me) back to life. Nurses are attracted to

Well...personally what really fresia me up is that when a woman say she loves me.
Then I go into that she's my one and only ...she's the one. She's the love of my life.
And for some fucken reason she wants to complicate the honeysuckle out of everything or cuz trouble in

I been trying to seperate women and trying not to judge (and it dosn't matter what I think about women..I'm pretty sure
their lives dosn't center around how I think or feel).....

Anyway..what I've trying to say. I want belive that life and love has more meaning.
I'm tiddering back and forth between...I love someone very, very much and she means the world to me
or just treating women as they all just wanna fresia or use me...
As I've stated...I've had plenty of women that came into my life wheather i was in a relationship, fresia partner or just
going with the flow and experince life for what it was...

But for some **** reason I have a thing for this one perticular woman...
Yes...she broke my heart or stole it. At the sametime she truley loves me.

Well..I had a chick told me she just wanna fresia recently....I don't want that.
I want what I want and I want it now. I want my baby :p
Joules said:
.... instead of concentrating on making friends and connecting with people, it seems to me like the majority of this forum is people ranting about how much they dislike themselves and other people.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the point of a place like this to make people smile more and feel make friends rather than a place to just confirm that you have some sort of mental handicap?

This isn't a social networking site, per se. People come here for a variety of vent, to seek something they're missing in their lives, because they're bored or whatever. Some people just like lurking, and that's perfectly acceptable as well.

As for people "moping" and "feeling sorry for themselves", one cannot know the depth of another person's despair simply by reading some posts they've made on an internet forum. Having been on this forum for quite a while and personally speaking to a large number of the members here, I can say for certian that quite a few of them certainly have the right to feel sorry for themselves if they want to! I've talked to members who have suffered unspeakable cruelties in their lives.

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the point of a place like this to make people smile more and feel make friends rather than a place to just confirm that you have some sort of mental handicap?"

There is no one specific "point" to a "place like this." And by the comment above, you are implying that if a person isn't smiling and attempting to "make friends" that they are confirming that they "have some sort of mental handicap." Perhaps that isn't the way you meant it, but it's the way people will take it.
And I am curious to know how you think some of your more harsh comments are going to help the situation you imply you see here on the forum?
It seems as though we're all in congruence, here, Joules. By the way, this IS a place to make friends and smile...that's why your negativity and somewhat hostile attitude are not being recieved very well. Perhaps you should either adopt a different tone or move on.

Well, I guess that's about it. Joules has singlehandedly solved everyone's problems.

Pack your honeysuckle and put your shoes on kids, show's over. Somebody get the lights on their way out.

I'm just teasing. Please don't hurt me.
You know, people aren't always going to be soft and gentle with their words. And when they're not, there's really no reason to be upset with them, especially if their intent is to try to help you in some way.

I never said those who choose to live in isolation have something wrong with them. If that's their choice, then so be it. It's none of my business. However, if one chooses to live that way, is it right for them to feel grief about their choice?

I feel as though honesty is far better than any kind of soft talk. I remember a topic where a user's aunt told him about how she saw him behave awkwardly in social situations. That right there is a gift. She pointed out what makes a person socially awkward, something that you can't see for yourself in first person. She's pretty much addressing the issues and pointing out key things to work on (let's face it, no one WANTS to be socially awkward or bad with women) to help improve someone. Yet, everyone thought the aunt was a horrible being because what she said was "mean."

Isn't the context of a message more important than the tone or attitude behind it?
If someone was violently screaming for you to get out of a burning building, is that person "mean?"
No, they're telling you to get the hell out that way you don't get burned. There might be other ways to do it, but you're not always going to get gentle nudges.
Joules said:
You know, people aren't always going to be soft and gentle with their words. And when they're not, there's really no reason to be upset with them, especially if their intent is to try to help you in some way.

How the 'beep' can you honestly say that you were trying to help? My goodness, you're actually making me laugh!!!

Joules said:
I never said those who choose to live in isolation have something wrong with them. If that's their choice, then so be it. It's none of my business. However, if one chooses to live that way, is it right for them to feel grief about their choice?

PEOPLE DO NOT ALWAYS CHOOSE IT! Don't you get this? Some people have a mental condition, an illness, or some sort of social anxiety. It isn't a choice that people make!

Joules said:
If someone was violently screaming for you to get out of a burning building, is that person "mean?"

Don't be so silly, that is obviously nothing to do with this and a completely different situation.

Joules said:
No, they're telling you to get the hell out that way you don't get burned. There might be other ways to do it, but you're not always going to get gentle nudges.

So perfect Joules knows all there is about people who feel lonely, isolated, or whatever, right? We should all be listening to you, who obviously has a great deal of life experience and has a degree in psychology. You also make it SO clear just how much you care about all of us, right? Your use of capital letters and bold fonts, plus the way you choose words so carefully, makes you very obviously the sort of person who the world will flock to for assistance in this matter. Well I'm SO SORRY I didn't realise! May I be the first in line to get help, as you're obviously about to start offering free help and advice to people. PLEASE let me be first? PLEASE? Maybe I can also help you decorate your new office? If I may be so bold, let me suggest that a traditional type of wallpaper covered in lots of harsh words in bold print, would compliment a carpet that has a large trap door in it that will send people down to your underground head-bashing chamber, where you will bash people over the head in an effort to force them to "grow a backbone" and "stop crying like a baby"! :club: :club: :club:
Joules said:
Also, a lot of people here seem to be normal people with a lot of intellect, only they spend all their time in their house afraid to go outside. I was forced inside my house one summer after surgery and of course I was the only person in town without a nice summer tan. (and with paleness being a huge stigma for me since I was little) I had to go outside eventually to get ready for the next school year. It’s actually really easy to tell who’s been cooped up inside their own room on looks alone. When I finally got up enough nerve to leave, I felt like EVERYONE I SAW WAS STARING AT ME AND JUDGING ME. It SUCKS, I know. I purposely avoided so many people so they wouldn’t think I was some hermit in old clothes and skin problems. I eventually got through it, though. Not because I wanted to, but because I had to.

...what makes someone look like a creep / unapproachable? Well, the things that made some of you guys look creepy were:
pale skin (vitamin D from sunlight gives off a healthy glow on your skin EVEN if you’re still pale)...

Others have addressed many of the points you've tried to make, so here's a random one: As a pale-skinned person, I found this offensive. I don't look creepy, thankyouverymuch, and my first reaction upon seeing a pale person is not that he or she is creepy.

In my opinion, leathery, overly-tanned skin on a person who is naturally fair-skinned, is unattractive.

Creepiness has to do more with attitude than simple physical appearance.

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