What car?

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I've been thinking about changing my car.

I wont something a little different. Something that looks cool and has a lilo hump under the bonnet.

Something that well go round the world twice on 1 tank of fuel and well beat a ferrari of the lights lol

So cheep, stylish and fast. Any idea's?
Oh and it must be reliable. No rust bucket. lol
I know I know. Its impossible to get all that. Am an impossible person to please tho. But still I need ideas.
At present I gots a ford focus with 100-HP. It dose 0 - 60 in 10.2 seconds. I wont something that dose it in under 10 seconds :D Am not swooping me car for slower then I got.

So what you lot got? What would you like? And what should I get?
Chevy Volt. ALWAYS WIN (Not released yet though lol but I m waiting:p)
How you doing van. Like the sig. So true.

Well I could get this. Sanal would probably end up with it be for me as its coming to he's country first.
Am not sure I think the trotters company van might be better lol
LOl bluey thats Tata Nano. It's an "Indian" car. They had that cheap car plans for 10 years now ie the Tata Group and the car model was on suspense till they announced it's release last year. It's kinda kool though :p lol like it is somewhat 100000 INR and that would be like around 1400 Pounds. Quite cheap :p
Oh it will cost more there cos you will have to get it exported from India lol
Motorcycles are pretty cheap, you can get a new one for like, 4,500 +

I'm thinking of getting one instead of a first car. They may not be as safe, but they get like, 40 miles per gallon average.
Sanal said:
Oh it will cost more there cos you will have to get it exported from India lol

Ye, pluss we have to spend moor on safety stuff :rolleyes:
Where apparently not has care free has you lot lol
Just dont get one of those cars thats like 2 inches from the ground.

Lol it enrages me when I see someone driving one of those...especially if it has a spoiler. It's like...argh, crash that thing already so I don't have to be embarassed for you >_<
You should get one of these :cool:

Bluey said:
How you doing van. Like the sig. So true.

Well I could get this. Sanal would probably end up with it be for me as its coming to he's country first.
Am not sure I think the trotters company van might be better lol

not bad, might of found someone :3

thanks i like yours too :p

and trust me bluey, chicks will dig you lol

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