What The Hell Is The Matter With All Of You!?

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Well-known member
Sep 4, 2011
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Island Of Patmos
Are you all insane!? Where are all the posts about how scared we all are with respect to Dec.21, 2012!?:p

December 21, 2012 will soon arrive! We must build underground shelters for the elite people in the world and the rest of us can go to Hell!! Everybody knows that the Mayan calender stops on this date which means without a shadow of doubt that we are doomed!!:p

You must listen to every "Expert" on the subject and believe everything they tell you. They are never wrong. They know everything about everything. We'd be fools to not listen to them. Drop everything you are doing, at once, because in 3 weeks nothing will matter! Spend the precious time we have left partying your asses off.:p

The Galactic Alignment is a huge "Party Pooper!"

*A deep breath*
Isn't there a little part in all of us just waiting for planet x to come along and obliterate us all? :p

If it doesn't happen I'm gonna ring up my local Odeon and ask for my money back for watching 2012 under false advertising (well that and the fact it was rubbish).
The Good Citizen said:
Isn't there a little part in all of us just waiting for planet x to come along and obliterate us all? :p

If it doesn't happen I'm gonna ring up my local Odeon and ask for my money back for watching 2012 under false advertising (well that and the fact it was rubbish).
I've already dug a deep tunnel in the ground leading to my new underground home. :) 800 Lighters, 200,000 cans of food, and 5,000 can openers...just in case... lol. My source of water will be sucked out through a straw at a nearby well. :]

yeah.... lol.
Wasn't the Millennium bug also going to cause a chain reaction to destroy us all too ? At least that one was more logical than fictional. If we are going we are going, so every reason to not be worried about it.
I think awhile ago 6/6/06 had everyone freaking out.

What happened, y'all? Don't you love your doomsdays? Just toss them out like yesterday's used tissues after the date has passed? :(

Nobody even remembers 6/6/06. So sad.
Recent achealogical evidence has already disproven the whole "end of days" Mayan calendar thing.

The Mayans themselves left instructions to simply reset the calendar once it runs out.

They simply calculated it out as far as they reasonably could (without just saying they'd be around "forever"). And then, if they were still around by 2012, they simply planned to renew the calendar and start all over again.

It's not ******* rocket science.
I know this may sound stupid, but I believe that the internet is going to be a major factor in our ultimate fall. There are just too many computer geniuses out there that get off on ruining other's lives. You can order prescription meds anonymously, create and sell child porn, money scams, death, the whole deal.

I understand that horrendous things like these were around even before the internet, but the net has opened the floodgates of the greatest magnitude. In my opinion, when it comes to the internet, the word "Safe" is nonexistent.

Call me paranoid if you want, but this is a major reason I don't do business online. An old forum administrator once told me that he used his credit card on ebay or something, and within a couple of weeks his remaining credit cards were frauded. I'm not sure how exactly. I'm not skilled enough to know how. Just look at my threads in the "Tech" section. That should tell you how awesome my mad skillz are.

There are many reasons we have that will cause the end of days. Mega Quakes, Asteroids, Solar Flares, Galactic Alignment, pestilence, and nuclear war to name a few. My personal belief is that only God knows when the truly final day of our existence is.

If something does go down on Dec.21, maybe we should look at it as a beginning of something as opposed to the ending. Another reason many believe that this date will be horrendous is because they're too hung up on numerology.

The Book Of Revelation is known for having used the #12 and it's multiples a lot. Just because you can switch the numbers of Dec.21, 2012 around, doesn't mean they are connected in any way.
i'm still working on buillding up the ranks of my harrem!
just a few more girls needed (don't want to run out!)
soon i will start building my super-bunker.. that's the easy part.
Walley said:
i'm still working on buillding up the ranks of my harrem!
just a few more girls needed (don't want to run out!)
soon i will start building my super-bunker.. that's the easy part.

LOL I can donate a couple of camels

It has sparked some thoughts though, like what I would do if it was a dead cert that the end is nigh.
LoneKiller said:
Are you all insane!? Where are all the posts about how scared we all are with respect to Dec.21, 2012!?:p

I've been quickly deleting them before ayone could see them.

You got lucky with yours. :club:

LoneKiller said:
Are you all insane!? Where are all the posts about how scared we all are with respect to Dec.21, 2012!?:p

December 21, 2012 will soon arrive! We must build underground shelters for the elite people in the world and the rest of us can go to Hell!! Everybody knows that the Mayan calender stops on this date which means without a shadow of doubt that we are doomed!!:p

You must listen to every "Expert" on the subject and believe everything they tell you. They are never wrong. They know everything about everything. We'd be fools to not listen to them. Drop everything you are doing, at once, because in 3 weeks nothing will matter! Spend the precious time we have left partying your asses off.:p

The Galactic Alignment is a huge "Party Pooper!"

*A deep breath*

Yea.... My dad the priest did a sermon on this. He opened a prayerbook which had a calendar of prayers up to 2058. Then he said "I guess that means the world will end on 2058." The world will end when it will end, but calendars, Mayan or otherwise, cannot go on forever.
EveWasFramed said:
LoneKiller said:
Are you all insane!? Where are all the posts about how scared we all are with respect to Dec.21, 2012!?:p

I've been quickly deleting them before ayone could see them.

You got lucky with yours. :club:

Yes I did.
Lord knows I was due for some luck lately. I've spent over $20 on scratch tickets within the last week and haven't won jack. I should have taken the money and just mailed it to Atlantic Lotto Corp. with a bow tied around it instead.
I agree with you on the net possibly being our demise. It can't be policed, its eating jobs and the more technology advances the more we will depend on it. There are many pitfalls and even though it has many benefits I can imagine the whole thing imploding.

It started with packman, eating up everything, we just have an upgraded version.

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