Why is discussion on 'RELIGION' banned?

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This is getting dangerously close to becoming a 'debate'.
Lol that must have been your plan all along, CAS. ;) By talking about why we can't discuss religion, we have begun to discuss religion!!! YOU SLY DOG!! :p haha

No, I don't think we have... Links to perspectives and viewpoints are not the same as getting personally involved... This form of soul searching is probably the best approach... It's a way to share what we are exploring without running the risk of things becoming uncivil...

Or maybe it's just that I love finding a way to unite two opposite things... to have that cake and eat it too...
Lol I was just cracking a joke, Despair. :p I don't really think that we're debating religion right now.

Badjedidude said:
Lol that must have been your plan all along, CAS. ;) By talking about why we can't discuss religion, we have begun to discuss religion!!! YOU SLY DOG!! :p haha


**** you! You've got me sussed out.
Despair deleted his account lol
Sanal said:
Despair deleted his account lol

Nah, I just let it slip out and the mods wouldn't let me keep both accounts, but it's cool lol.

Now, while we can't discuss religion, maybe we can discuss our own crazy invented ones...

I call this the Voidist Oblivios: the belief in nothing

Let us all bow before the great nothingness that precedes all things. Out of nothing comes all possibilities, therefore let us pray onto NOTHING... Let us congregate in the name of NOTHINGNESS. We worship the nothingness and believe that life is an illusion, existence is an imperfection that will eventually fade back into the great void. There is only the great void. The eternal empty perfect oblivion...

I find the paradox intriguing. they believe in nothing... it's like being atheist and relegionist at the same time.
i think of allonelylife.com like a neverending party,
and you dont discuss religion or politics at a party!

and also i wouldnt want to offend anyone of another religion with
my western hemisphere christian beliefs like jesus or the easter bunny
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