
Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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Well-known member
Feb 4, 2013
Reaction score
Somewhere near the Great Lakes
OK, I've been keeping relatively quiet for a while on the forum, but today got to be the last straw so I have to say something.

Why the nastiness around here? More and more people are leaving here because others are going out of their way to be hurtful. Why the hate? Many of us are going through similar situations and we all are hear for a reason so there is no need for it. What purpose does it serve? How does being so hateful help you or anyone else? Does it really make you feel that good about yourself? I doubt it. What it does is run good people off who can truly help someone here with a kind word or a funny message or even a great song.

We don't have to get along with or even like everyone else here (I'm sure there are quite a few of you who don't like me), but that's no reason to be an ass to others and to do everything you can to hurt them intentionally. You don't like someone? Block them. Don't deal with them. Ignore them. No need for all the hate. There is WAY too much of that in the world already, we don't need that here as well.

So stop. Just stop.
Well said wolverjr. I agree with you completely and I admire the strength and truth you have written. Bright Blessings everyone, life is to short to be hurtful.
People are what people are. Since this forum was created, it's likely had people that have been rude or trolling on it. It's just a fact of life, whether it's online or in real life.
There is an ignore button here, there is a report button here (as you said). If people are being rude to someone, they can report it or put the person on ignore. Leaving the forum because of it is akin to running away. You will have it no matter where you go, so why keep running away? There are more good people here than bad people. But you can't stop the trolls and mean people (unless they cross the line, of course), they will always be around.
You're absolutely right Callie. People are who people are and there is no way to control that and leaving is just a way of letting the troll win. But I'm just tired of seeing people give up being here out of frustration or hurt when they want/need to be here as much as everyone else. And I'm REALLY tired of it being people I know and have come to care about. And I'm pissed off enough today to say something about it rather than to try and be my normal voice of reason.
...looks like I must've missed something after all while I was gone for the past days. Thought everything looked the same as usual. But I better be quiet since I don't know which front I belong to here.
I don't do it for fun or to feel better about myself, because i certainly don't. I only do it because i myself am also really tired of people i've come to know and care about being hurt. Just as you are writing this thread i had to do something. Was it the best way? No, it certainly wasn't, but it was the only way i could come up with that would have some sort of effect.

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