Recent content by Ridin Solo

Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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  1. R

    Pessimism is good

    Funny you should post this because I've been toying with adopting this mentality as of late... too many times I've let optimism and fantasy fuel hope. Reality never seems to meet me part way. The last time I had high expectations I recieved the worst bout of depression of my life and I don't...
  2. R

    my relationship with loneliness....

    Wow... you're life really parallels mine accept I didn't move around... I was fat from around ages 8-12, virtual loser in highschool until junior/senior year when I took up weed after the first girl I dated blew me off... partied with the stoners and wankstas up until I realized I had a serious...
  3. R

    un-wanted dream, go away!

    At least when you wake up you can say, "Been there, done that." I dream about a girl I've been obsessed over for the pased few months, a girl that I recently accepted wants nothing to do with me... I've had dreams where I follow her to her residence, dreams where I look for her but can't find...
  4. R

    So February 14th is nearly upon us!

    I asked a girl out this week, thinking she was intersted in me... she said she'd call me if she's available but I have an overwhelming feeling that isn't happening. Looks like I'll be spending V-day with a six pack...
  5. R

    feeling a bit 'panicky'

    I think I have an idea of what you mean... I'll start to panic while working at night if I'm the only one on the floor. It's like I already feel alone but it's always comforting to have people around no matter how formal the relationship is. But when there's no one around I'm not only alone...
  6. R


    I've done meditation here and there and have gotten pretty good at it... it helps me remember dreams better and has even allowed me to have out of body experiences which are always fun.
  7. R

    "Well Some Things You Can Explain Away, But the Heartache's in Me Till This Day"

    Welcome bro. I went through the whole "want her but can't have her" scenario recently. I went through the depressive state. I played the waiting game, and what I learned from it is that it's a big waste of time. This girl and I are in the same work place so putting her in my past is impossible...
  8. R

    I cant make friends

    Great idea... have no friends? Put yourself at risk for cancer!
  9. R

    The Most Awesome Site EVARRRRRRR

    The first person I talked to was a girl that lived in the town next to me... what are the odds?!?
  10. R

    Winnipeg: What do you know about it?

    Chris Jericho grew up there.
  11. R

    Online Dating Sites

    Hey Filly, if I didn't know you were on a site for lonely people I'd think you were a total player... you should do good just don't expect women to make the first move. It's a numbers game and the guy is in the driver's seat. If you want some advice... you should set your "body type" to...
  12. R

    Resenting people around you (even close family and friends) just for being in happy

    I'm probably in the minority but I resent people who seem happy with a lot less than what I want, if that makes any sense. My sister is perfectly content being an overweight slob wasting her days away in front of a television. My dad is a cheery ******* even though he has a mundane job, a less...
  13. R

    Any advice on how to make this go well?

    Try not to "act." Don't try to impress them or give them a false depiction of who you are... it works against you in my own experience. Do try to be relaxed and find a reason to be happy (you're with someone that cares for you... the best reason there is.) Be genuinely interested in learning...
  14. R


    Playing devil's advocate (because I don't believe in solpsism but I also believe it can't be disproven rationally)... remember that pain is information sent to us from the brain. Consciousness (or lack thereof) is regulated by the brain. The brain is just a physical representation of the mind...
  15. R

    Dont want to spend the rest of my life alone!

    I'm in the same predicament. If I had the easy answers I probably wouldn't be here... but look on the bright side... you're very attractive and look friendly/approachable enough. Try working with that.