my relationship with loneliness....

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Feb 13, 2010
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Ever since I was seven or eight, I've had periods of months to years of having nobody to hang with, call, etc. Lately has been one of the longer periods (haven't really had a good clique since 3/07, haven't hung out with a close friend since 3/09...and he screwed me outta $15!).
People deal with it differently. I've known a lot of other friendless people, who became friendless due to different reasons. Some were angry kids who became too career (money=status) focused, and completely ignored social cues. Others made a big mistake, or a bunch of little ones, that ostracized them from the people around them. Others were just always socially awkward and learned to deal, for the most part. Still others, like me, moved around all the time and didn't really put roots down.
When I was young, I'd deal with loneliness by either taking giant walks or bike rides in the woods when we lived in the country, or eating. I was obese by the time I was 8. Video games and junk food were my two biggest things for most of growing up, no matter where we were living, or the situation at home. Those two things gave me comfort, and were my comfort zone.
Around 15, I discovered weed. I loved it (and honestly I still do). By the end of high school, I was considered cool because I was baked ALL the time, had hot girls in my car, and could usually get you "what you needed". I seriously had that party life for about 2 years, until I screwed up with a girl and took it out on myself. The point is that I traded in video games, food, etc. for ganja. Unfortunately, not only was ganja a comfort zone for me; pretty soon my entire social life revolved around it. I didn't hang out with kids who didn't smoke. Kids who would have hung out with me anytime soon became tired of me being out of my head, and as people grew up, they dropped off. Soon I began questioning my own identity, slowly driving myself crazy with anxiety and "what-if" scenarios - I
m sure you've been there.
I smoke pretty regularly still, but not like I used to. I'm very slowly meeting new people and staying straight for them, since I'm technically a grown up now and need to conduct myself as such. I'm rediscovering the things I like to actually DO, not get high and think about (although, a bunch of those things crossed over with each other :) ) I know with some self-discipline I can put my degree to work, move out and start fresh yet again.
I guess what I'm trying to say is not to let your social life (or lack thereof) dictate who you are. I only wish that all the hours I had spent worrying about what my "friends" thought of me had been spent on hobbies, dating more, building my resume, etc. Now I'm almost 23 and I've got the resume of a high school senior and a college degree.
On the other had, my last close "friend" (the $15 scam artist) had always been a tee-totaller (completely sober), had worked nearly every day since he was 15 to land his dream job, and now that he has it...he still has no friends. He's a 24 year old virgin in a one bedroom box in the middle of nowhere, and is quickly becoming a gym ******. Every time we used to hang out I had to listen to his dating failures and watch him get progressively angrier...I knew I had to get rid of him, and I was almost thankful that he gave me a reason.
Getting off track....basically, I know loneliness. I know it's a crappy thing to feel. But I know that it can't affect how I feel about myself, since I let it do that before with really bad results. Let's all commit to spending at least a little time every day to make our lives better by doing something we want to do, without worrying what others might think or how it might rub some people the wrong way.
Nice post, driftboy. :) Glad to hear that you're making some progress and stuff. :D

Yeah, I've been there. Obese, video games, weed, friends who screwed me out of $30,000, other friends who moved away, girlfriend who moved away. Weed makes it easier to do nothing, but the real reasons I loved it is that sometimes it inspired me, and it always made my stomach better. I have IBS and no matter what I do, my stomach hurts nearly all the time. Can't get it anymore though anyway.

I'm 28 now. Loneliness becomes more and more haunting as the years go on. Even if I were to find the girl of my dreams, I'd be sad we missed out in 28 years of each others lives. There's no one I'm more jealous of then a guy who met his sweetheart in highschool or sooner, had no one else, got married, and lived happily ever after. That is who I wanted to be, but the universe did not approve.

All things in life are an adventure, but ultimately you are alone in all things. Well there comes a point where you get sick of adventures. It's just another story, a nice plot, some twists, some memorable characters, but it's all the same. Same with work, with friends, relations with people. More then anything I wanted someone who would always be there for me, but people even get divorced after 30 years of marriage. Happened to my friend's parents. That and I miss having a real family.

Life has been a lonely cold monotanous place for me recently, but death isn't any better. It would suck to reincarnate and learn all these life lessons again; I mean you're just alive long enough to really know what you want and look for it, then it's taken away from you. Heaven would probably bore me to death, assimilation into "oneness", "nirvana," some kind of spiritual collective would enforce ego death and destroy individuality, but the scariest outcome is floating through the universe alone as some spirit that can never interact with anything. Not to mention that in most of these afterlife possibilities even if I did find a permanent soulmate in death we would part.

Death > Life > limitless fantasy > Death (life is better then death (or potential afterlife) fantasy, the limitless imagination, is better then the real world, but at some point it's all the same, and death is better then it, thus the cycle continues.) Or who knows, maybe simply non-existing death is appropriate at some point. Back to the void...
You forgot hell and eternal damnation, or do you assume yourself to be righteous beyond reproach?
Despair said:
You forgot hell and eternal damnation, or do you assume yourself to be righteous beyond reproach?

No. I feel that every soul will ultimately be "saved."
I didn't include hell, because EVERYTHING is hell, at one time or another.
Catharsis said:
No. I feel that every soul will ultimately be "saved."

That sort of theory just always seemed too kitchy for me. What's the point of having right and wrong if everyone ends up in the same place?

...not that I really believe in a magical heaven and evil hell, either.

I guess the takeaway point I was trying to make was that if you put relationships first in terms of your own life worth, you're giving up A LOT of the power you could be using to make yourself happy. I first read that idea about 6 months ago, and it's still sinking in. Now whenever I get a blow-off, rude behavior, etc. from whomever, I have no problem telling them to screw off. Downers, negative people, and a-holes do nothing to make my life better, and therefore shouldn't take up my time.
Five years ago, if a girl I was interested in even gave me a hint of coldness, it would have me in my room for weeks, doing never-ending bongloads and cursing my own existence. With my new way of thinking, I actually left my last date at the mall after she decided to chat up some other guy with me standing right there. Dummy girl even had the nerve to call me for a ride home afterwards. Nope, sorry. You're a resourceful girl. Find another ride. Peace.
Cocky, self-obsessed people like this (and they're everywhere) seem to have one trait: they like having people's undivided doting attention, and they think that they're entitled to it at all times, with no consequences to boorish behavior. Once you let them know that you no longer stand for it, it's like watching a five year old kid who got caught being naughty. I had kids who were known to carry firearms around (party life around here is a little crazy) afraid to look me in the eyes once I let them know I wouldn't tolerate their bullshit.
BTW - I wound up getting my $15 back from that really cool kid. He misspelled fifteen, and I haven't seen him since. :)
I think that sometimes we loose our track. It is good you are finding yours again... I hope to find mine soon. Thanks for sharing. Have a spectacular life.
Wow... you're life really parallels mine accept I didn't move around... I was fat from around ages 8-12, virtual loser in highschool until junior/senior year when I took up weed after the first girl I dated blew me off... partied with the stoners and wankstas up until I realized I had a serious addiction to weed and I was going downhill. By that time I was socially isolated and had to cut ties with the only group that accepted me at that point. I've been a loner for the past year or two... haven't talked to my former best friend since the beginning of last summer after I told him to sell my weed bowl... he never gave me the money!

But yeah, your story is really inspirational for that reason. I just wish making friends was as easy for me as it seems to be for everyone else. It seems people with a lot less social grace have connections coming out of the woodwork, at least in my college. I don't get it... everytime I try to establish a friendship or relationship I get shot down in one form or another.
driftboy well said but daaam 4getting is a very very very hard thing to do wen it comes to loneliness.....ironically you get use to loneliness coz its all you have and in a weird way your not alone coz you always have materializes into something or someone...soz if i aint making sense but thats how its got me....i was ostracized by a group...a mixture of anger and loneliness is not a good thing...but from that i learned that people are terrible...the worst things with me is that i been so lonely all my life i 4get to interact with people on a social level...

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