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Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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  1. jean-vic

    I feel so hopeless (random stuff)

    If you have anything spare to save, put it away. If you don't, there is nothing you can do and the people who aren't in your situation have no right to give an opinion on it.  Unfortunately, we live in a very selfish, self-centred time. People like to live in their drama. However, you can't...
  2. jean-vic

    I feel so hopeless (random stuff)

    I want to read over this post again and really take it in before I reply properly, but it has been read and you will get an answer.
  3. jean-vic

    So Today I...

    Thank you.
  4. jean-vic

    So Today I...

    So, I never liked talking about my depression and anxiety. Hated opening up. Men keep that honeysuckle in, right. Then, I met someone who encouraged me to open up. In time, she became my best friend. She is a truly incredible human being and I love her very much. However, last night, she revealed to me...
  5. jean-vic

    "Why Do We Fall in Love with One Person and Not Another?"

    Chance and the universe's cruel sense of irony.
  6. jean-vic

    Hiring a girlfriend

    Not only are you disrespecting the woman and the whole concept of what a loving relationship is and should, you're also disrespecting yourself.
  7. jean-vic

    New chat-ter

    I'm always up for a chat if you ever want to.
  8. jean-vic


    WWE started going downhill in 2001 and it became unwatchable from 2007. Thought Punk might turn things around but we know how that ended. Watched Wrestlemania 35 and it was the longest seven hours of my life. It felt like an overly long episode of Smackdown. I think it's just modern wrestling...
  9. jean-vic

    Seeking Therapy a Weakness?

    Thank you to everyone for the input. I will take it all into consideration going forward.
  10. jean-vic

    Seeking Therapy a Weakness?

    I have lived with depression for over a decade now and I have always stood strong in the face of it. However, recently, I have been having more and more depressive episodes and friends and family are urging me to seek therapy as they don't believe I'm dealing with it anymore. I have always had a...
  11. jean-vic

    Does anyone feel closer to a higher power due to their loneliness?

    I see no evidence for God in the suffering of humans. The idea that a loving God would allow a human to suffer for 80 years in this world and then condemn them to suffer for eternity just because they didn't believe in him is an anathema to me. As long as personal belief does not infringe on the...
  12. jean-vic

    "Are You Happy?"

    I agree that the state of being happy and "happiness" are completely different things. I think happiness is better defined as contentment or satisfied. Happiness, I suppose, is finding satisfaction and peace in the way life is. People who aren't happy tend to be those who can't accept the world...
  13. jean-vic

    What are you thinking right now?

    What am I thinking right now? Why do people say that men should be open about their emotions, but, when they are, they then completely reject their emotions via ignorance?
  14. jean-vic

    Why are you alive?

    Friedrich Nietzsche was a proponent of the concept of eternal recurrence. Essentially, everything that has happened and will ever happen will repeat exactly as it has and will all over again for all eternity. Similarly, physics describes how reality functions on different dimensional planes. We...
  15. jean-vic

    hi everyone, I am the new girl...

    Welcome to the forum. May you find what you're looking for here.
  16. jean-vic

    Questions for the Men

    Male mental health is still largely ignored. It seems that efforts are being made to tackle the issue, but society doesn't advance as quickly as we would like. So, there may be adverts on TV telling men to open up, and there may be articles telling men that crying is both healthy and necessary...
  17. jean-vic

    What is Acceptable to Post on Social Media?

    Just wondering what everyone considers acceptable to post on social media.  I never talk about issues or draw attention to any emotional or mental trouble I may be having. I often post humourous statuses or I will share music videos. I occasionally share music videos and write out specific...
  18. jean-vic

    To text or not to text that is the question?

    Women are pretty simple creatures. If they want to talk to you, they will. If they don't, they won't. Also, nothing turns a woman off faster than a bloke who is constantly pestering her. Text a woman. If she replies, great, but make sure that she is the one to initiate the next conversation. If...
  19. jean-vic

    What is your personality type?

  20. jean-vic

    Do you fear death?

    I don't think anyone can truly fear death as no one can truly comprehend it. All we know is existence, so to imagine non-existence isn't something we're fully capable of. It's probably only in the final moment that we truly understand what lies before us, and I imagine that most people welcome it.