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Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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  1. T

    Some holiday spirit didn't really think I'd write a post without some references to Nazis and their ilk, did you? So yeah, Hitler was also the Grinch.
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    Aktion T4 is here again

    and it's spreading... the slippery slope came to this point. protest if you like, but fate will not be stopped.
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    Screening - what it means Being screened means being part of the pool for experiments like this one, if you're unlucky enough. This is the value of a life that is screened. Less than an animal, less than nothing. These...
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    More nightmares in the world So remember, if you are ruthlessly attacked and stigmatized by society and try to present evidence, you're going to become a felon. All for eugenics.
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    Walking to the executioner

    So tomorrow I get to meet someone who's just itching to lock me up. No way to avoid his judgement. I can only hope that this nightmare won't get any worse. This ******* world. I just want out. No more pointless and stupid suffering. This life shouldn't be happening, but I can't fight them...
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    There is no such thing as positive eugenics Try to tell me something like THAT can ever have a positive outcome. Eugenics is an evil, disgusting religion and anyone who has the slightest praise for the concept ought to be rounded up...
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    Dead Inside

    About ready to lose everything. Walls crashing in on me. No way out. Everyone is malicious and cruel, not just greedy. This is a sick system, they already took away my past and now they will take away my future. I try to get through every day, but soon it will be over. It's so disgusting...
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    Some insightful notes on eugenics Of all places, coming from a smokers' rights activist, but he has done a very good job of dissecting the core of the eugenist argument and why it is inherently a...
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    Total loneliness

    Feeling worse now. Basically impossible to talk to most people. It's hard to write much though I found some good people here. I'll be honest, when I saw someone say she joined so she could mock the weak, I wanted to join so I can find this woman and scream in her face, because of people like her...
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    I'm always attacked everywhere I go. People smell blood, they pounce. Every time. I can't go on living in a world like this. I already spend most of my day hiding and pretending this world doesn't exist. At this point, the sight of another face fills me with such dread. I've basically...
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    new here. alone. 31. will likely be alone for the rest of my life. not sure if i will live a long time. don't know if i can put together a proper introduction. head is still woozy. at least i still have contact with my family.