3 day weekend

Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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Nov 3, 2013
Reaction score
Midwest, USA
I hate three day weekends. I hate weekends anyways but that extra day kills me. Sixty hours of sitting home alone, no where to go, nothing to do, and no one to talk too.

I had one internet friend to talk too. We've been chatting for over a year. But when I was trying to talk about my lonliness/depression last night he got mad and logged out, said I was being negative. When in reality I was just trying to talk to someone about how I feel bc weekends are so hard on me. I spend the whole weekend crying. He made it worse by leaving bc now I have no one. That was the last thing I needed on top of everything else I've been feeling and going through lately.

I'm starting to feel like I need to get help and be on medication all from the depression that being alone is causing me. But I called around, can't afford to go to any professional or doctor in my area. So that's out. I'm unsure what to do from here. I get worse everyday. Never better.
Hey, Razzberi, welcome to the forum. :)

I hate 3-day weekends too, even if I do something with friends it's only for a few hours, then it's loneliness for the entire remaining 58 hours lol. I'm having a lonely weekend myself, so if you want to chat pm me. I promise I won't log out if you talk about your problems, I'm a good listener. ;)
I enjoy the weekend. My work finishes at 12 on Saturday and then I start on Tuesday 3pm.
So it's plenty of time to do stuff. I think you need to go out somewhere even if it's by yourself. Walking, cycling, get some fresh air. Don't reply on others to do something.
Nah, I love the long weekends <3 I feel even worse on days when I have to force myself to get up...
I spent four days alone sorting, discarding, and packing up eight years worth of living on my own to have to move back to my moms. It sucked so I know where you are coming from. That's why places like this are good, you can join and make friends who understand and won't just log off because you want to talk about it.
Feeling lonely is painful enough, but getting rejected for feeling lonely only compounds the loneliness. And there are a lot of people who do not want to listen and who turn away. Razzberry-you are not alone, you have all of us.

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