
Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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*Sees a guy looking around...*

Hey there *waves*, looking for the lonely people forum? If you are you've just found it!

Welcome aboard Mr. Pennington, hope you get out of it what you're looking for :)
Thanks, folks!

So, eh...I'm Ryan. I guess I'll jump right into the bummer stuff: I suffer from severe clinical depression/anxiety, which is what has led to the aforementioned loneliness. It's pretty much wrecked my ability to form (let alone maintain) in-person relationships. I've been working on it for years, but you eventually wear down, and then the calls and texts from friends stop coming, and then you feel even MORE worthless, and it's just a neverending cycle.

So, (sighhhh). FUN STUFF, GUYS! I'm really just looking for folks in a similar situation to chat with. The isolation has probably reached a dangerous point.

I like video games.
*joins the lil group of lost-looking people*
Ayo, fellow gamer ^_^
Welcome to this gathering of less fortunate ones :p Hope you'll feel good around here!
*watches everyone looking at each other while hidden behind a bush*

Wait, what? I'm not a stalker :club: No, no I'm not (wary)

Welcome aboard, Ryan :) Feel free to check out the chat room, if you're interested.

Which video games do you like?
I am pleased with how quickly this shifted to gaming.  :) I collect everything from NES through PS2. I become more of a spectator beyond that...I enjoy some of the newer indie games. But the classics are where I live. NES easily remains my favorite system. Might start collecting Atari and ColecoVision eventually, once I knock out all the pricey Nintendo stuff.

What about you?
Mr. Pennington said:
I am pleased with how quickly this shifted to gaming.  :) I collect everything from NES through PS2. I become more of a spectator beyond that...I enjoy some of the newer indie games. But the classics are where I live. NES easily remains my favorite system. Might start collecting Atari and ColecoVision eventually, once I knock out all the pricey Nintendo stuff.

What about you?

I have an Atari, PS1, PS2, PS3, Xbox One.  My NES kind of fell out a window a few years ago, so that is no more, I'd like to get another one, but haven't gotten around to it yet.  The Atari is out of commission until I get new adapters for it.   I also play a few MMOs.   And then solitaire on my phone, we can't forget about that.  :p
Oh, if I start typing about that, I might never stop XD
I also approve of the NES thingy fallout happening X)
All in all, I think I game bit more limited to puter than you seem to do, peeps. Some favourite ones as of now are Rift, Warframe, Skyrim and Revelation Online, though I've played more ones. Been poking at Town of Salem with forum members, just like with Cards against Humanity, both of those are browser-based, and more "temporary" ones than mmos, however. Anyway, there's the chat room, as Callie says. I almost live there, and wouldn't mind game discussions.
Mr. Pennington said:
How on earth did your NES fall out the window??

Spring Cleaning, the window was open, the NES was sitting on a small table next to the window, someone bumped the table....bye bye NES :(

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