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Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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I usually massacre a tune or two in there.

Have you ever experienced inner peace despite the turmoil of indecision?
Hmm interesting, maybe not. Don't think so.

What would you name a cat you are going to adopt?
A saturday job before I left school stacking shelves

What's the thing that frightens you most
It would be extremely long, mostly boring, but punctuated by moments of complete insanity.

If you woke up one morning and found that you could alter the flow of time and space, how would you utilise your new found power?
I would be very selfish and go back to my teens and change every single choice I made.

I am going to repeat the same question as it's an interesting one
I'd go back to yesterday and choose another question, so that everyone else couldn't piggyback it, thereby forcing me to choose another question again...

Have you ever been on an open-topped bus?

Would you rather take care of a bunch of kittens or puppies?
Umm, being a cat-person, I`d go for the kittens.

Do you get easily distracted by what`s going on around you?
errr...let`s see...yes...maybe...could be...not really...dunno. lol. I eat them.

Do you know tonight`s the largest full moon (supermoon)?
No, too dangerous. It was a 10-floor-building. I did go on top of it though.

What is your preferred hobby?

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