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Pasha Selim said:
Steel said:
Currently, there are the grand total of 1 member with a durational ban.. and that expires in less than 2 days.

I hope is not torontonian-xenophon

No, he was permabanned for his behavior towards other members.
EveWasFramed said:
Pasha Selim said:
Steel said:
Currently, there are the grand total of 1 member with a durational ban.. and that expires in less than 2 days.

I hope is not torontonian-xenophon

No, he was permabanned for his behavior towards other members.

What? You mean we'll never get to hear from Oswald again? Rats! :p


Sorry. I couldn't help myself!
Spare said:
EveWasFramed said:
Pasha Selim said:
Steel said:
Currently, there are the grand total of 1 member with a durational ban.. and that expires in less than 2 days.

I hope is not torontonian-xenophon

No, he was permabanned for his behavior towards other members.

What? You mean we'll never get to hear from Oswald again? Rats! :p

Sorry. I couldn't help myself!

lmao, well, he does try and get back in on occasion by registering under other names. I guess we do a fairly decent job of keeping the trolls at bay.
I think the thing that none of you have addressed was the amount of abuse she FACED. I said from the beginning that I was never denying she was abusive, but the concern for me was the concerted efforts of others to "crush" her. The specific example that I would like to pick up on is TheLonelySkeptic's "imbecilic piece of aimless flotsam" post, and the "LMAO!!" by a moderator.

Getting back to the OP, Jales asks the mods to

"ONE: please try not to make people regardless of how mean they may seem feel unwanted"

There have been many examples of the above happening, and they all hurt the self-esteem of vulnerable people. The main issue here in my opinion is not the mods themselves but mostly the people who may side with the mods against a perceived "flamer", sometimes bullying them in all but name.

Secondly she asks for a place for them to go, and while this may not be feasible, how about emailing them with another specific site prior to banning them? I would be happy to set up a small corner of depressionforums or somewhere: even if it is never used, at least people wouldn't feel so much like they were thrust out into the cold.

Bluerose was abusive to other members EVERY time she came back to the forum. SHe has been banned more than once, and by different moderators. What gives her the right to abuse other members? What if those members are depressed and suicidal as well? Does that give her an excuse, just because she is suicidal, etc? The moderators here do what they feel is right for the forum majority. It's clear that Bluerose turned away anyone who tried to help her, as evidenced in her posts. The members who abuse others and do it loudly, aren't the only ones who are "vulnerable" - some just aren't vocal about it.
Bluerose is a non-issue at this point. She is no longer banned.
On any forum, there are rules to follow, and there are people who enforce these rules. When all three moderators are in full agreement on an issue, I can hardly see where the problem is. This has been stressd, repeatedly, and ignored.
A person who is suffereing from depression needs help that this forum is not equipt to give them. There is a plethora of information available on line about depression, including forums. One only has to input "depression" into a search engine. This is not a depression forum.
Reading an edited thread will rarely give an accurate depiction of events. Certainly, it is hard to criticise someone for insulting someone who instigated a personal attack. I don't think its unreasonable for cutting a member some slack under these circumstances.

This is not a depression forum, and thus referring someone to one may well be deemed as insulting. Only a tiny minority of members will ever be threatened with/given a ban.. because they treat other members with respect.

I will reiterate - the victims of someone demonstrating anti-social behaviour must ALWAYS be the first priority. I feel the majority of this community would agree with me on that.
little_buddha said:
There have been many examples of the above happening, and they all hurt the self-esteem of vulnerable people. The main issue here in my opinion is not the mods themselves but mostly the people who may side with the mods against a perceived "flamer", sometimes bullying them in all but name.

I would agree that here have been instances of people going to far in what they probably perceive as defending someone. This also applies to a much lesser degree to those objecting to someone being told to knock off their disruption.

I still do not understand why someone in search of another forum can not google it themselves to see what fits their needs or use any there are already listed on this site in numerous places.
PLEASE.....for the love of god...someone lie right into my face and say were not having a discussion about how wrong it was to ban bluerose and Tman...


now i can see were your coming from, and aye we should all help people threw there life problems but if they then call someone who'se rly respected and liked a gardenia out of nowhere and then basically troll in his face...i believe that gives us clearence to say fresia off, STOP-ban-hammertime!

can u guys seriously not see how stupid this thread is...
Van Hooligan X said:
PLEASE.....for the love of god...someone lie right into my face and say were not having a discussion about how wrong it was to ban bluerose and Tman...


now i can see were your coming from, and aye we should all help people threw there life problems but if they then call someone who'se rly respected and liked a gardenia out of nowhere and then basically troll in his face...i believe that gives us clearence to say fresia off, STOP-ban-hammertime!

can u guys seriously not see how stupid this thread is...

Seriousely I don't think this thread is stupid.

I belive Jales didn't think it was stupid for posting or starting this thread. Jales simply made a simple suggestions or alternative
so there can be sometype of salutions.
I belive as sick, lonely, or turamatized people can get sometimes as long as the challegnes are willing to be brought out
into the open or into the light, it's a good thing.

Things arn't always black and white. I belive the modes do the pretty good job and don't banned people at drop
of hat. As stated...the mode take a vote or discuss these issues.

At the sametime...poeple have to get realistic about the this forum or any internet forum.
It's not a CURE ALL....

Heck I attend support groups IRL...even all the support group knows or states they are not a cure all
and don't have the answers to everyone's problems. If a person needs professional help..A person should
seek professional help. At the sametime not everybody require professional help.

Never the less...the indiviual her/himself must take the actions to seek professional help.

mmm you don't do to a tire shop if you need hair cut...lmao

Even if you seek professional still have to follow directions..
Take one pill per/day....not 5 pills per/day or 1 pill every 5 days....:p

The indiviual ultimately has to become accountible eventually.
Lonesome Crow said:
mmm you don't do to a tire shop if you need hair cut...lmao

What's wrong with letting the Michelin Man cut your hair? You can get your hair cut while your tires are being rotated! :p

Michelin Man...ftw! :p
I guess that the compromise, if there can be a compromise on this, is that perhaps in future extreme posts should be dealt with as politely and efficiently as possible - as Jales suggests. That includes both suicidal posts and angry ones. Scenarios have come up in the past where something COULD have gone wrong, whether that is a threat to harm others or themselves, and there have been responses not conducive to that person's state of well-being, viz. "you're a waste of life" and "do it then".

I accept all the mods' points with regard to the second issue that Jales raised. I think that it was a direct result of a member who has been banned recently contacting both of us and telling us they were miserable. So anything we came up with was trying to resolve that situation. While the system is far from perfect, the same may be said of any existing form of punishment, and I recognise that the issue is not widespread enough to warrant a new forum or community being started.
EveWasFramed said:
Lonesome Crow said:
mmm you don't do to a tire shop if you need hair cut...lmao

What's wrong with letting the Michelin Man cut your hair? You can get your hair cut while your tires are being rotated! :p

Michelin Man...ftw! :p

mmm...I would of had a lot of goodyears if it was as easy as me going to the tireshop to roate my Michelle:p

Too bad you can't ask the judges and lawers to pro-rate the ex-wf when you trade her in for a new one...:(
Prorating your partner is a good idea ....No ?
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