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Active member
Jan 26, 2010
Reaction score
Hey everyone,

I just recently joined and wandered around for the first hour reading other peoples post / replying to a few.

I'll start my own thread though.

Like everyone's thread mine is pretty similar, nothing to out of the ordinary, but since im online might as well share a little about myself.

Feel free to make suggestions/ comments (Thanks to badjedidude ill start adding spaces to my post haha)

Ok first off, currently i'm doing okay. Before i was feeling a little down but eventually it passed. I'm just procrastinating in doing work right now. But ill tell you a little about myself

Growing up i never made to many friends, i was pretty shy (nvm rewind i was extremely shy). I didn't actually make one really good friend until middle school. And actually from there i spoke a little more and eventually found myself into my own little group of friends. Still shy though

I moved into high school and developed a lot more friendships. My first year was great i made many new friends, became more popular, and even went out with a girl for a little bit. But going onto my sophmore year i got terrible acne, which brough pretty down. And on top of that i quit sports and didn't socialize as much. Until my senior then did my acne calm down, well i took medicine. But by then i was like a nobody. Sure i had some friends but because the previous two years i tried so hard not to be noticed that i actually became unnoticed. And i woudl go to college the next year so i just waited for that year to be over with. I did make more friends but i didn't party too much. Also i gained some wait so instead of feelign insecure about my acne now i was alittle over weight.

I moved onto college, and wanted a fresh start but i still was really new to socialize with people. So i still felt really reserved and quiet which doesn't help much. And basically your own body language and mood will effect how others approach you. Eventually i did make some friends, a few good ones. But im still sorta shy. First i did lose some weight so im okay but i feel i could def be better also my acne came back, not as severe but since i already have such a low self esteem evry little bit adds to it. I know i can't just wait till i get in better shape and my acne completely clears up before i start meeting mroe people but still i can't fully get out of it. I hurt my leg so i can't play to intense in sports. As for parties i go out occaionally but still not too often. Im somewhat shy around girls, mainly because i feel so bad about how i look. I do have many friends that are girls but none that actually like in that way/ or they all have boy friends. There are many school clubs and i do go but i always awkardly stand there and eventually only talk to a few people. I knwo i should approach people but evryones always in groups / not that many people would approach me. I try not to worry about ti too much but you know, i do.

So basically this post is just a brief description of me and my situation.
Welcome to the forum :)

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