Bored? Entertainment Mega Thread

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Which Opponent Of Rocky's Did You Enjoy Watching The Most?

  • Apollo Creed

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  • Clubber Lang

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ivan Drago

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Tommy Gunn

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Mason Dixon

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Let's extrapolate on this one:

Even Bugs Bunny and Loony Tunes were written for adults. This goes back to the 1930's. Watch your favorite Bugs Bunny clips now, and you'll GET so much more of what they're talking about than you could ever as a kid.

Same with the entire Hanna Barbera movement of the 60's. Flintstones, Jetsons, Topcat, etc. All meant for adults. Remember, these were prime time TV shows shown at 8pm at night.

We've had Simpsons for almost 25 years straight. The longest animation series in History. All for adults, as well as its counterpart Futurama.

MacFarlane was generous enough to give us Family Guy, one of the funniest shows ever, and American Dad.

Cartoons generally have one thing in common. The exaggeration of the human condition, in order to point out how pathetically exaggerated we actually are. Especially today where it is a little more pronounced, such as in Futurama, Simpsons, Family Guy, but even the old Bugs Bunny cartoons were taking huge stabs at human behavior, politics, and social issues.

No, there's nothing wrong with these shows at all. In fact, kids will never get the sociological aspects many of these cartoons are portraying about human behavior.

You want to know what to me is childish? Scratch that, wrong question, as it is an insult to children. Children have good shows, Sesame Street, Barney, let kids be kids and grow up and learn their ABC's.

Let me ask again. You want to know what type of TV I think is NON-adult, and in fact, destroying the very fabric of society?

Reality TV.

Fear Factor type garbage.

Jerry Springer type garbage.

Cross Fire and these other pseudo-news shows that are nothing but arguing matches.

Kardashians, and keeping up with those ******* idiots, Jersey Shore, and all that other brain eating cancer that anyone with an IQ over 35 could never sit down and watch.

I don't mean to rant and rave, but I'll take Wile E Coyote strapping his ass to an ACME rocket any day of the week before I have to sit through Anderson Cooper or Sean Hannity or Snooki or God knows any of these other abominations against humanity and its values.
Peaches said:
try watching Ghost in the Shell as a child... it would be a lifelong trauma

I watched just a couple episodes. That show is... intense.

On the converse, I've been watching Ghost 07 in the past couple of days. I find it extremely soothing.
It depends on the Animation I think. Shows like Family Guy, American Dad, The Cleveland Show, King Of The Hill, South Park and anything with 'Adult Material' are pretty much designed for Adults. I'd quite happily say I was being childish if I decided to sit down and watch Pokemon, Scooby Doo or even Lazy Town. But not Spongebob. Spongebob is for MEN!
Try to come up with some goofy alternative punishments a mod can hand out. I'll start.

1. Ban 4 other random members for a period of 1 month per infraction by the offender.

2. Secretly send a prank virus.

3. Change offender's username to "Dipshit" for a period of 1 year.

4. The offender will have to use an image of me as their sig for a period of 8 months. No exceptions.

5. The offender can only reply in images.
The offender can still respond. Show their posts but make their words invisible.
I used to be a moderator on a wrestling forum and I truly wish I had been a little more power mad...

But no, I was all nice and played by the rules, I hated that! xD
Make you watch BORING music channel videos that are repeated every single day of the week about 999999999999999999991 times for a specific length of time before proceeding to the site!!

I feel like smashing the screen in just describing that!!!!
The offender can only write 2 word answers - each word has to be a dictionary word.
Make you solve math equations before viewing threads.
Send every new member a pm just to say hey, welcome to the forums with every second letter of the text being in caps.
1. Follow the escapistmagazine method of marking the banned and the stupid, by replacing their picture with a GIF of some vague description going alone the lines of YOU'RE BANNED! PERMABANNED!

1a. Combine this with changing their personal signature with the message they said that got them banned, complete with a dissaproval meter other members can tick each time they come across it, if they feel that way, combined with leaving small hate messages which are displayed when the banned user attempts to log in, or in the case of a potential I.P ban, simply if they access the website. Also change their "title" to BANNED of course.

2. Activate a script which replaces a letter, word or expletive with randomly selected inwardly aimed insults. Especially effective if applied before a ban, so the user has to endure the ridicule and messages not being understood as punishment for being a dick. Also helps to ban them by forcing them to leave of their own volition, which is a plus. Example;

So hi guys, you're all ******* sad and I have a car and a girlfriend and I hope you die lol.

So hi guys, you're I like to lick windows sad and I have I once ate dog turd and liked it and a girlfriend and I hope no one understands me die lol.

If that makes sense.

3. Give them a post count limit of about 25 characters, and for every character they go over this limit, they get -1 reputation, -1 post count and also days added to the booby box, or banment.

4. Create a prison, in which they have to type randomly generated words to break free - said words slowly get more and more complex and one single failure drops them down to the next day. First day it's 1 letter words, and by the 7th day it's 7 letter words etc. Also allow other users to view this in a form of chat box that only the banned guy can type into, or something.

5. Annihilate their family.
" Would you survive the ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE? 78%
Played a lot of video games, have we? ;p
You'd probably live to see another day. But don't get cocky. Stay on your toes, keep your eyes peeled and don't drink tap water. And don't trust anyone with long sleeves..."

yeaaah mtf

It's a toss up. You may not make it, but you probably would. But don't get cocky. Stay on your toes, keep your eyes peeled and don't drink tap water. And don't trust anyone with long sleeves...
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