Constant lying

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user 188685

sunflower lover
May 29, 2022
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My mom's spouse has a real problem with lying,he will tell someone what he thinks that they want to hear,he has been this way for years and years,the problem with lying is,you should never lie,it is never a good thing to lie,but I think that he likes telling all of these stories because it makes him feel good.Why do you think he likes to lie?Do you think he likes telling people stories just for the hell of it,or do you think he is a born liar?
Maybe he has an innate need to please the people around him.

I definitely don't think people can be born liars. It's something you are conditioned into becoming.
Im not sure about him in particular, but i know someone that does similar things. I think for him its just out of a fear of being accepted.
Before I got to know my ex-wife I didn't believe Pathological Liars were real. I thought it was a joke. I believed that they knew they were lying and could control it. I was wrong. There are some people that just naturally lie about all kinds of things that don't matter one way or the other. They even lie when it doesn't benefit them. My ex-wife wasn't lying to screw with me. She just lied about everything to everybody. This totally went against my very logical thinking. Being single is the best. Ha! ha!

There is an entire range of lying and for many different reasons. Some of which are not controllable.
I think it's like you said, he likes to tell these stories because it makes him feel good. I think he probably enjoys the attention, and maybe feels like he gets an ego/popularity/status boost from it, which boosts his self-esteem or self-image. I think a lot of people do this. They are Boole Sheet Artistes.

I think in addition to struggling to learn hard skills, I think this is another reason that I have a hard time getting ahead in the world - because I'm not cunning and quick-witted enough to be a good liar. That only leaves me with my honest substance, which isn't that great. But I can't bullshit people into thinking that I'm more than I am. My mind doesn't work like that.

I'm not trying to pat myself on the back or anything either, saying that I'm such a good guy. I'm saying that I'm not cunning, and it's making it hard for me to keep up in this increasingly Darwinian world.
But I can't bullshit people into thinking that I'm more than I am. My mind doesn't work like that.
I agree that is a huge advantage. :(

Most people can BS others especially at job interviews. I got two job offers for jobs I had zero knowledge or experience at. All I did was research what the job entailed. Then I searched the internet for various projects that included that. Then I went into the interview and talked about those jobs as if I was a part of them. They bought it hook line and sinker.
Without knowing the kind of stuff he says, it's difficult to say. I used to know a guy who was like that, always bullshitting about all kinds of stuff. Thinking back now I suppose in his case he thought he would come across as more appealing or intelligent. Of course people saw right through it but he was actually fun to hang out with, minus all that garbage, so he needn't have bothered.
I've met many bullshitters over the years, but mostly when i was a kid/teenager. As a kid it's normal really but when adults do it to big themselves up it's mega tragic in my book. You can't go through life being a pathological liar/bullshitter supreme without being caught out one day.
I've met many bullshitters over the years, but mostly when i was a kid/teenager. As a kid it's normal really but when adults do it to big themselves up it's mega tragic in my book. You can't go through life being a pathological liar/bullshitter supreme without being caught out one day.
very true

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