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Lonely in BC

I'm in shock. You know that feeling you get in the pit of your stomach when something nasty happens- that describes it.

I went down to check on my dock down at the lake and I still can't quite believe what I saw. An area that I've put 6 years of time, energy, and my own cash into vandalized. Trees and bushes that I've nurtured mowed down. The beautiful rock fire pit I'd made knocked apart. Why? So that someone- who I actually thought was a friend of sorts, could "improve" her view of the lake. I'm dumbstruck.

Six years ago my neighbors approached me and indicated there was a spot down at the lake I should consider for a spot to put a dock in. They'd seen how I'd cleaned up the Crown land behind my house (again, at my own expense) of all the junk dumped there over the years and by doing so gave the local kids (mine included) a safer place to play. I walked down to the proposed area with them and almost said no. There had been an old boathouse that burnt down, crap had been dumped there- it was a mess. I got talked into it and I'm glad- was glad, I did, it took me all of that first summer to cart all the junk over the railroad tracks and off to the dump. Since then I encouraged the trees that were there to grow, pulled the weeds that wanted to take over by hand, built the fire pit, and put in a beautiful dock.

Yesterday it was undone. When I asked the individual in question "why?" her response was that I didn't own it (true, but I did get permission to use/enhance it by the local authorities- I was told to leave all native plant and tree growth unmolested which I abided by). When I pointed out she didn't own it either I got told to fresia-off! fresia-off- imagine that. That's how quickly a friendship can end. My neighbors are as furious as me as she "pruned" (that's how she put it) their areas as well (not as severely as mine)- the guy to the left of me has had his spot for 40+ years, this "lady" butchered trees he and his late mother transplanted decades ago.

I was warned by people years ago about befriending this individual- she's a bit.....erratic? kind of describes it. Being me, I gave her the benefit of the doubt but now- wow! When I was told to "fresia-off" I suggested that it might be best if her shadow never darkens my door step again, she screamed something along the lines of "you're an *******, if you can't speak to me like a human being......" then slammed the door in my face. I've helped this neighbor, lent her and her guy tools, tried to be encouraging when she's depressed (always on an emotional rollercoaster) and I get fresia-off and a door slammed in my face.

The neighbors have asked what I'm going to do. I honestly don't know. My instinct is to start repairing the damage but if it happens again.......

Just as I'm coming out of my shell regarding people and relationships this happens.

Dam! :(
Wow, pardon my expression but what a *****. Isn't there any legal action all of you can take against her? If you were told by local authorities to leave native plant life and she's disrupted it or destroyed it there might be something they can do. Even if you don't own the property someone does. That's just sad someone would do such a thing. Something is obviously bothering her or going on but to do something destructive like that is just so childish.

I hope you repair it, all of you. Show her she can't be a ***** and get away with it.
Never say never to refferning women as BITCHES.!!!!!
That ***** burts your bubble and rocked your world
Thanks guys,

I'm seriously trying to avoid that kind of labeling or over-reaction. Its taken many years to learn self-control and I don't want to give into anger. It's really best if we don't poke the bear, when he wakes up he acts.......unpleasantly.

Sci, I've already called and left a message for the land authorities about this situation- basically I indicated it was vandalized by persons unknown and I want to make sure I have the ok to do restoration. I'm sure if there were any questions asked (highly unlikely) they would knock on the closest door- the "lady's".
Wow. I'd be pretty pissed, too to have all of those years of work destroyed in a flash and for such a selfish reason.
yeah man....porple be telling me have....
the williningness to have the willingness to have
the willingness to pray for people that hurted
me to be happy.....

and they also posted a sign on the wall that
LIVE And let LIVE....

retarfed honeysuckle like
LOL the "lady's"

Hopefully they let you and keep an eye on things. Curious if they do investigate (which most do) and talk to her what she'd say. Deny or admit? Hmm...
Sci-Fi said:
LOL the "lady's"

Hopefully they let you and keep an eye on things. Curious if they do investigate (which most do) and talk to her what she'd say. Deny or admit? Hmm...

It's Canada, we rattle sabres but seldom enforce. Besides, the conservation side of government is in a slumber right now. I did discover there is a moratorium regarding lakefront development in my area- the wording includes native plant life. I've been encouraged to pursue it by a member of the community who is willing to assist me with paperwork and contacts (he's a naturalist who has appreciated my efforts regarding my personal environmental crusade). I went down and had another look, I just can't understand the rationale as her lake view really hasn't been enhanced.

I wonder if I can start a nudist beach down there? The "lady" is quite prudish and is uptight as hell. Something to ponder.......

People are so weird about land and boundaries regarding land...i swear

my neighbors on one side of my parent's house keep moving their boundary markers over a few feet into our yard. it's ridiculous.
SophiaGrace said:
People are so weird about land and boundaries regarding land...i swear

my neighbors on one side of my parent's house keep moving their boundary markers over a few feet into our yard. it's ridiculous.
Hi Sophia.
In a perfect world, I suppose you could ask them politely not to?

SophiaGrace said:
People are so weird about land and boundaries regarding land...i swear

my neighbors on one side of my parent's house keep moving their boundary markers over a few feet into our yard. it's ridiculous.

I thought that just happened here- I've watched people do it and seen the arguments after. I paid the $400.00 bucks several years ago to have my property surveyed- it amused me to no end to see my neighbors 3 houses down out there with a 25' tape measure measuring the 200 odd feet to their property line one evening when they weren't aware I was around- if I'd known they were going to do that I would have moved my pins a few feet for shits n' giggles..

Neighbors- can't live with them, can't live witho.....skip that last bit, stick to the can't live with them.
Actually i think i'd go insane without neighbors and room mates. Even if they drive me insane with their presence, to be without the presence of another human being would somehow be worse.
SophiaGrace said:
Actually i think i'd go insane without neighbors and room mates. Even if they drive me insane with their presence, to be without the presence of another human being would somehow be worse.

A week with me would make you insane sweetie ;)
Lonely in BC said:
SophiaGrace said:
Actually i think i'd go insane without neighbors and room mates. Even if they drive me insane with their presence, to be without the presence of another human being would somehow be worse.

A week with me would make you insane sweetie ;)

i don't doubt it, what with that crazy neighbor and all. :p

Lonely that sucks man, I think you should let the anger out,not necessarily on the person who did it, better than bottle it up.
Also if nobody messed with it for so long before it probably is worth working on again, if the person who wrecked it learns their lesson
beautifulsorrow said:
Lonely that sucks man, I think you should let the anger out,not necessarily on the person who did it, better than bottle it up.
Also if nobody messed with it for so long before it probably is worth working on again, if the person who wrecked it learns their lesson

Thanks for the advice beautiful, I decided a long time ago that anger wasn't really the best solution- it costs too much in so many ways. I finally grew up I guess.

No, I've decided to replant with the assistance of some neighbors who are going to sit "crazy *****" (I had no idea they have been calling her that for years) down for a chat- I suspect she'll feel pretty intimidated by that.

SophiaGrace said:
Lonesome Crow said:
fresia the fences.....just build walls.

Big. Concrete Walls, with explosives in them. :D

Nope, just can't do it, it'll be an eyesore at my beautiful lake.

I would build a wall around crazy ***** though. No doors or windows. :D
Good luck BC, hope she doesnt ruin the work you will be putting in it. You are right about native species of plants around the lake, it affects the eco system considerably, including, small animals, insects, fish etc. Iwould tell them the name of the person who did it, she broke the law, and she had no consideration for her neighbors and your work. I also understand your frustration, ive been maintaining an special area in my home town ever since i was a child, with my parents and friends. It was vandelised constantly...

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