Did anyone else set age goals for themselves (relationship goals).

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Well-known member
Dec 30, 2008
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I began taking my shyness around girls seriously at the age of about 14. From then on, I figured the best thing to do was to set myself some time goals. First I said that by the time I'm 16 I must have engaged in my first kiss/romantic experience with a girl etc. 16 passed me by and rather than immediately worry about it I set myself another goal. This time 18. My anxiety just became worse within these two years. Inevitably, still nothing happened. By the time I was 18/19 I was really starting to freak out over this situation. I stepped it up a gear and said that by the age of 21 I must have done everything. Well, guess what. Here I am at the age of 21 years and 4 months, and I'm no different to how I was at 14.

I didn't start this thread to seek advice or sympathy. (I've had enough of that to last me for years), but I just want to know if anyone else has made these time goals, and if so, have they been effective for you or not?

Regards, Craig.
I've set myself plenty of goals over the years. 'I'll have this done by this year', or 'I'll accomplish this by my birthday in 20??'.

Haven't met a-one yet. It's very disheartening. But at the end of the day I have to remember that if I want to accomplish anything, I have to do the work; no one else will do it for me. So I keep setting goals, and I keep plugging away, and WHEN I finally put forth a true effort I'll meet one someday.
Every single year for the past 6 years (I'll be 22 in October) I've told myself that by the end of the year, I'll have finally been on a date. Usually it's a New Years resolution. Last year I decided to be more realistic...I told myself that I would, at a bare minimum, get a girls phone number.

I managed two, and almost got a date, so this year I decided to shoot higher. I told myself that for once, I'd have a girlfriend at least for part of the summer. But I don't really see it happening, and summer's a few months away.

I don't think the goals themselves have actually helped me much.

Back to the drawing board I guess.
Not really. It's a useless venture to set time limits for such unpredictable things. Truth is I don't think I'll have a relationship until I am fully happy with myself and feel a fulfilled human being (yes, it's possible even without a relationship). Not sure if that's going to happen but I'm doing what I can.
I'm pretty much in the same boat as you. Started setting goals when i was 17, first date, first kiss, etc. 20 now and pretty much still in the same spot, so i guess no it hasn't been too effective
Every long term relationships I've had..I was asked out by women.

I've dated or asked women out before but didn't persuit those relationships further.

The last time I dated...I had a sponsor cheering me on in the dating process.
He actaully made me date becuase he got tired of my whining to him all the time.
He gave me 6 months to work through a break up I was going through.
I didn't get dates from the first 5 -6 women i asked out...and the rejections kind of
stopped me in my tracks...having my sponsor cheerring me on and listening to me
after rejections or getting stood up...helped me through that process.
Becuase I lack the self motivations to pull myself out of rejections.
Plus a bunch of other people judging me in the process.
saying a bouch of crap or attacking my charector of being a player.

I had alot of internal conflicts of guilt and worrying about what other people thought of me.
It made it all more the difficult for me to approch a woman and get to know her.

In a way it was a goal we set for myself. Yet there wan't a time line.
It was more of me being persistance of getting back up and asking girls out again and again
until I got a date and my sponsor motivating me.

I actaully started dating 5-6 women at the sametime after 3-4 months from the moment I
first asked a girl out. My sponsor then again had to step in...becuase I lacked the motivations
of just having a relationship with 1 girl ..fresia...fresia..fresia :(

I was in football in HS and I was also in the military...I understand the concept of coaching.
My coach and drill sargent coach/motivate me into doing things I thought I couldn't do.
My sponsor is bascailly a life's coach.

I'm also working on self motivations...but it dosn't seem to stick in certain area of my life.
I'm a musician...I know I'm capiable of self discipline or selfmotivations...but having a coach cheering
me on has better results.

Because my sponsor would just tell me striaght up to go ask a girl out that i didn't know, especially the
knock out babes.

I'm my own worst enemy..I'll talk myself out of doing things to get what i want and not give myself a chance.
My sponsor was firm but not adbrasive. He'll would talk me into asking a girl out oneway or the other.
no matter what i mood was. It simply became a numbers or percentage game. There's wasn't any
magic to it.

The magic was that I had faith. I belive in a Higher Power to give me couage and strength.
Evidently my sponsor couldn't hold my hands while i approch a woman.
I simply belive my Higher power was also cheering me on and giving me power to ask a girl out...instead
of myself saying "NO i caN'T". And my Higher power took my fears of rejections away as I'm interacting
with a woman...and whatever outcome is in God's hand.

So, if i got rejected or felt like i got rejected...i didn't take it so personally. I simply did my part.
Then I could take the courage to call the women..Most of the time they were bussy or whatever.
Then a month later..i simply had 4-5 women calling me becuase I had asked so many women out.

The samething happened to me when seeking employment...though.
I turned in 100s of applications and didn't get any calls from employers for months..
But after I a got hired on to a job. Months later, I had 4-5 companies offering me employment.
I was starving. I went looking for work everyday

I guess you have to be straving for love to be self-motivated to find a partner too.
I was asking 4-5 women out per week or when ever the opportunity arrived.

My last GF asked me out simply becuase i was putting myself out there and made myself avalible
and approchable...I was already in dating someone.

Lmao...I remember my sponsor asking me to go pray in front of a Saint Fraincis statue in a court yard of a church.
He told me...to ask for anything that I want from my heart....Of course i wanted a beauitful woman or GF.:)
I made my prayer to Saint Francis and my prayer was granted. (I don't go to church btw.lol)

Faith without works is dead...however.
I do not really plan ahead for relationships.There are times that I plan but things just do not always go the way you want.

There were friends that I planned to make but ended up getting friends that I do not plan to build a relationship with.

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