Do You Feel That "The War On Drugs" Is A Waste Of Time And Effort?

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Fvantom said:
thats something you need to get over. I dont know your history but Ive known people who have problems with drugs, if youre only talking about cannabis, you seriously need to get over that, real drugs are bad I wont argue with that, but the drug war has DESTROYED innocent lives over NOTHING! Theres people getting killed in Mexico because of all this.

They aren't very innocent. They either support its distribution, or knew someone who did, and did nothing. You are the people who associate with, and that includes the guilty.

I've spent enough time in those hellholes anyway. Had a friend carved up by a bowie knife there, too. If a giant inferno wiped them out, the world would gain more than it missed, unfortunate as it might be for some of the decent people who do live there.
DreamerDeceiver said:
Were those not CIA trucks the Taliban used to transport their poppies to Eastern Asia in the 90s?

The CIA does not deal in or transport drugs. But I am pretty sure that on many occiasions CIA agents have sold out and work in league with drug cartels. It isn't just in movies, happens in real life. Several Mexican drug cartels have some head personel that came over from the CIA. You can research that.
"However, in July 2000, Taliban leader Mullah Mohammed Omar, collaborating with the United Nations to eradicate heroin production in Afghanistan, declared that growing poppies was un-Islamic, resulting in one of the world's most successful anti-drug campaigns. As a result of this ban, opium poppy cultivation was reduced by 91% from the previous year's estimate of 82,172 hectares."

It is entirely possible to win. We just don't seem to have the fortitude to go through with what is necessary.

I agree 100%. If you decrease the supply, demand sky rockets, prices soar, and profits increase.
TropicalStarfish said:
"However, in July 2000, Taliban leader Mullah Mohammed Omar, collaborating with the United Nations to eradicate heroin production in Afghanistan, declared that growing poppies was un-Islamic, resulting in one of the world's most successful anti-drug campaigns. As a result of this ban, opium poppy cultivation was reduced by 91% from the previous year's estimate of 82,172 hectares."

It is entirely possible to win. We just don't seem to have the fortitude to go through with what is necessary.

I agree 100%. If you decrease the supply, demand sky rockets, prices soar, and profits increase.

And that money can be captured to use in the war on drugs or to build roads or other things ect....
lots of people commit murder. People will commit murder whether or not there are laws against it. Thus the war on murder is failing and is impractical.
I'm pro cannabis. I believe this is a healing and kind herb.

Harder drugs, on the other hand are a very different story.
Ron Paul is interesting to an extent. I agree with him on a few things and then I see things where I totally disagree with him.

SophiaGrace said:
lots of people commit murder. People will commit murder whether or not there are laws against it. Thus the war on murder is failing and is impractical.
Hmmmm, sounds like something I said somewhere else. Nice sarcasm.

While we are at it lets let all the murders out of jail with a free assault rifle as a bonus. Change laws so they can buy more weapons and ammo cheaply at their local walmart. And lets sit back and watch as society goes straight to hell and murders run rampant as people are forced to commit murder in the name of self defense.

Because murder doesn't cause brain damage... I mean it isn't bad

As if we don't have enough problems with people who have a low IQ. Lets legalize drugs and make the problem worse. Even weed does this. Ever met people who smoked alot? There is your proof.

It should never have been labeled a war.
Fvantom said:
cannabis has been used for thousands of years, its proven to be a powerful medicine and a safe recreational drug, the only reason its illegal is that its other use, hemp, would put many industries out of business literally overnight.

Yeah and as you can grow your own the government can't tax it so they ban it. ********. *lights up a joint*
lots of people commit murder. People will commit murder whether or not there are laws against it. Thus the war on murder is failing and is impractical.

Well, if we are going to play tennis with base ball bats, it's important to remember there are no points for home runs.

How does murder relate to the war on drugs?

What effect does the war on drugs have on the murder rate in the United States? Mexico? Canada? Any country? And why?

One could be prejudiced of some one who has never taken any drugs. One could be angry and confused as to how such a person can be happy with their life. Why would some one want to do that to themselves? Why would some one want to deny themselves the opportunity to explore their consciousness, the human mind, the psyche? Why would some one want to suffer the harms of depriving themselves the opportunity to explore altered perceptions, enrich their life by increasing the scope of their experience, meet new people, and grow personally, intellectually, and spirituality? Why would anyone want to not have to depend on a foreign chemical in order for their mind to operate well enough to be happy and function in society on a day to day basis?

All of which are interesting questions. However, they are a bit off topic. Those are personal choices and it's important to at least attempt to have a little respect for those.

It's very interesting the history behind the enacted legislation for each individual drug that has become illegal to trade and possess. The reasons are many, diverse, and vary for each substance.

Some interesting things to ponder would be the use of stimulants, depressants, and psychedelics in the psychiatric field. Not so much the substances themselves, be they varied and diverse, but the doctors and patients who used such tools and to what end. Not only that, but the parallels between doctor patient relationships and spiritual leader and spiritual seeker relationships.

I find it helpful to some times separate the words "drug" and "war".

What comes to mind when you see or hear the word war?

What comes to mind when you see or hear the word drug?

Seems like those two words alone by themselves could be worthy of two separate discussions all together and be quite qualified to spawn numerous debates.

TropicalStarfish said:
lots of people commit murder. People will commit murder whether or not there are laws against it. Thus the war on murder is failing and is impractical.

blah blah blah

You are poisoning your brain to create hallucinations. Awesome work, dood. There's not much to debate about that.

In other brilliant discoveries, let's find out if stabbing a person causes bleeding, too. And that should be legalized, evidently, because it provides gratification for some.
IgnoredOne said:
TropicalStarfish said:
lots of people commit murder. People will commit murder whether or not there are laws against it. Thus the war on murder is failing and is impractical.

blah blah blah

You are poisoning your brain to create hallucinations. Awesome work, dood. There's not much to debate about that.
Here here. Sanity is hard enough, without throwing sanity away.

If you want to experience altered states it is possible with vitamins/minerals/fatty acids/amino acids. Only with them it is different states of normal.... Not a trip through the looking glass where you lose your reason.

If you are stressed and looking to relax a bit try 5000 mg of vitamin C. It might not be Valium, but it can still mellow you out. Just be ready for the runs with that dose.
Don't misquote me ignored one.

I said many things in my posts on this thread, however none of them included the words, "blah blah blah."

And no, I should hope your assumptions about me aren't debatable.

However, I suppose sarcasm, lack of composer, and inaccuracies have their rightful place in a debate.

My condolences to all those who have suffered at the hands of the drug war. The drug war affects all of us on a global scale. There are victims on all sides. And sadly those of whom would stand to contribute greatly to the cause on either side may no longer be with us. There are casualties on all sides and nobody wins.

I don't think anyone has the answers. That leaves a lot of good questions to be asked. Decriminalization protects the users, but doesn't do anything to stop the wars that continue to be waged. Legalization may end the wars, but doesn't answer many of the other questions concerning vice and personal health.

I ask the questions I do because there is always more to learn. In light of that, I extend a heartfelt thanks to anyone who has contributed to this thread, no matter what your position and personal convictions. is a great source of information regarding the politics concerning the matter for anyone interested. -quick search concerning the use of opiates in treatment. -quick search concerning psychedelic use in medical settings.

Yea, It is going to get a bit worse in Canada, as Harper is trying to pass a couple bills that take the "Tough on crime" stance. It really is a shame as our economy is already taxed (not as much as the US). I think taxes will increase, costs to towns/cities/provinces will increase and its a **** shame...because they are all already bleeding in the gut.

This war on drugs that the US and Canada is waging, has not worked and NEVER WILL work. It has been proven time and time again that just jailing people does NOT solve the problem, usually it worsens it.

And yes, what people do not realise is the fact that our war on drugs stretches to the far reaches of other countries/areas BECAUSE there is such a huge market for things such as Cannabis, which as a matter of fact has been proven time and time be such an amazing natural remedy for so many **** things it is amazing that people are still for having it illegal. I have recently been closely affected by the war on drugs (recent family members dying, 2 of which their pain could have been eased and 1 which could very well still be alive!). I have a serious and unrelenting hate for government and much of the drug enforcement agencies in Canada and the US. I respect police for the most part, and usually most are pretty leniant in Canada if caught (Cannabis atleast). Of course the politicians never want to admit anything because they would most likely get slaughtered by the higher ups and always get targeted by others for revealing they dont believe in the drug war anymore.

When ever someone mentions Cannabis in relation to "Awful, life destroying and the like" I get a fire ignited inside me and it always becomes very hard to quell the madness and anger that brews inside. From a parents perspective they see it as a "Dangerous" drug, but honestly if it was gone about in a TOTALLY different way in educating the young kids then maybe they wouldnt have to be so worried about it. The way we have been doing things is not in any way a "good" way anymore. Cannabis has grown to a point where there is hard scientific evidence behind it and it cannot be denied based on the fact that "Its a drug, so it should be illegal".

Of course there will be downsides to any type of substance, hell alcohol destroys more lives than EVER these days, and its legal. ******* cigarettes are legal and are the biggest killer in the world....yet Cannabis which has not been absolutely directly linked to a single death is illegal? I seriously have to say...what the fresia. Hell, people die of asprin/caffiene ODs more frequently than Weed. I am probably more likely to die from a ******* car accident than from smoking Cannabis. Its a messed up and completely empty argument in the "keep it illegal" movement, and in some ways have been losing momentum.

Of all the things we should have illegal, Cannabis for one SHOULD NOT BE ONE OF THEM!

The other drugs, pff.....meth and cocaine can stay illegal....that honeysuckle is messed.
One of the beautiful things about addiction is that it makes you think that it is useful.

Ultimately, its a form of avoidance, which I find to be disgusting. And if anything, my parents did the one thing right and never tried to condemn it as evil; they simply recorded videos of how pathetic the lives of addicts were, including one particular vivid video I remember of an addict smashing his head when forced to withdraw.

Such an illuminating little bit of evidence of personal self-delusion when it comes to mental poisons.

But of course, please do continue to degrade yourselves. I honestly couldn't give a ****; my berserk button is pushed when I realize just how much the people I've cared for have been hurt by its existence, or its side effects. Nothing justifies that, and all the academic discussion has no meaning when you've lost friends or witnessed the destruction firsthand. There is a time and place when you witness Evil, and realize that that if good men do not do anything and everything possible, then Evil will prevail.

As it is, anything at all that even cuts it back, that drives back the darkness for a time, is a noble cause. It is not total victory that matters, but preservation; and in such, it is extremely meaningful to compare it to the 'war on crime'. Will it be "won"? No. Will dedicated and effective prosecution reduce it? Hell yes. And to an end so necessary, all means are acceptable.

That's all I have to say.
innerfyre said:
Of course there will be downsides to any type of substance, hell alcohol destroys more lives than EVER these days, and its legal.

It should be more heavily regulated. It is fine in moderation, but beyond that, it needs to be harder for people to be drunks.

******* cigarettes are legal and are the biggest killer in the world....yet Cannabis which has not been absolutely directly linked to a single death is illegal?

Your information must be flawed. And cigarettes should be $20 a pack IMO. Hell I would be happy if smoking was illegal too.

I seriously have to say...what the fresia. Hell, people die of asprin/caffiene ODs more frequently than Weed.

This information is comming from drug addicts who are totally biased. TOTALLY.

I am probably more likely to die from a ******* car accident than from smoking Cannabis. Its a messed up and completely empty argument in the "keep it illegal" movement, and in some ways have been losing momentum.

The "these are legal" so why can't this be legal argument is a good argument for those to be baned or more regulated too. LOL.

Maybe i shouldn't say this, but I want healthy food to be cheaper then junk. I would like to see unhealthy things taxed and healthy things subsidized. I was very happy when they slaped a new special tax on soda a few years ago. Now I want it to be a BIGGER tax!

I would love for people arguing to have drugs legalized to find that other toxic things are regulated more heavily too as a response. They are right when they argue that it doesn't make sense to have bad things, but not pot. So slap them all with more red tape.

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