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user 188685

sunflower lover
May 29, 2022
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I just heard that last weekend my dad helped his ex wife move again,now my dad got a divorce with his ex wife,my ex step mom,the first time he had helped her move was a few years ago,when they got their divorce,now they were back together just not married anymore,this is the first time I have heard about this,my mom told me about it,my dad and her always get back together,she always has on her Facebook that she is in a open relationship,my dad can't stand to be alone,that is always why he always takes her back,I just hope and pray that he never takes her back again after this.
People get used to conflict and turmoil. It's clearly easier for him than make the effort to meet new people and maybe make some changes. Maybe she's not that horrible or maybe she's not the only one to blame in the situation. My mom and step dad have a relationship I wouldn't want but they're both way too annoying to describe so maybe they're better off together.
People get used to conflict and turmoil. It's clearly easier for him than make the effort to meet new people and maybe make some changes. Maybe she's not that horrible or maybe she's not the only one to blame in the situation. My mom and step dad have a relationship I wouldn't want but they're both way too annoying to describe so maybe they're better off together.
yes he should definitely meet new people,but my dad and his ex wife always end up getting back together,and she always ends up cheating on him.
As long as no abuse is occurring, it is their life - Since I have F'd up my life and it being a complete shitshow relationship wise, I am no place to provide feedback - otherwise for me, I probably wouldn't be here - lol.
As long as no abuse is occurring, it is their life - Since I have F'd up my life and it being a complete shitshow relationship wise, I am no place to provide feedback - otherwise for me, I probably wouldn't be here - lol.
When my dad and his ex wife got a divorce,she literally up and left my dad for my dad's cousin,one day,she just up and left him,my dad had came home from work,and found some furniture gone,this was the first time she had cheated on him.
Yeah, I always assumed everybody was like me. I need to be in a calm quite realtionship. But, it seems like most of the people I've been around need drama in their life. The final relationship I was in was constant drama. She always seemed to have some kind of problem. I would sit down with her and make a plan on how to fix whatever it was. We would start working on it. And then she would freak out, panic, and stop working on things. Then she would create another problem. We were definitely not a good match for me.

But, IMO, most people are crazy and they bring the crazy into the relationships. However, if ANY two people can make it work for them then they are better then I am. I haven't been able to get a lasting relationship.
Yeah, I always assumed everybody was like me. I need to be in a calm quite realtionship. But, it seems like most of the people I've been around need drama in their life. The final relationship I was in was constant drama. She always seemed to have some kind of problem. I would sit down with her and make a plan on how to fix whatever it was. We would start working on it. And then she would freak out, panic, and stop working on things. Then she would create another problem. We were definitely not a good match for me.

But, IMO, most people are crazy and they bring the crazy into the relationships. However, if ANY two people can make it work for them then they are better then I am. I haven't been able to get a lasting relationship.
I think it comes down to selfishness. Some, not all -would rather, whether it be out of their control or their true intentions- sniff out the weak and vulnerable. My last relationship was like this but I was manipulative and at times sadistic. I have been single for over a decade now because I didn’t want to put another person through that. My first step is just me trying to not be toxic. I’ve grown bored with being alone.
Oh yeah the cheating stuff suuuuucks, been there. Wonder why/how he tolerates it. Sorry that's a honeysuckle situation.
Yes it is,I'm so sorry you went through that,I am thinking that he just doesn't like to be alone in life,my dad has never liked being alone in life.
I think it comes down to selfishness. Some, not all -would rather, whether it be out of their control or their true intentions- sniff out the weak and vulnerable. My last relationship was like this but I was manipulative and at times sadistic. I have been single for over a decade now because I didn’t want to put another person through that. My first step is just me trying to not be toxic. I’ve grown bored with being alone.
That is exactly what it is with my dad,he is very selfish.
Oh yeah the cheating stuff suuuuucks, been there. Wonder why/how he tolerates it. Sorry that's a honeysuckle situation.
So,I think that it is the fact that he would rather have a not so good relationship rather than having to be alone in life.
You said she said it's an open relationship....are you saying that he does not know it's an open relationship? If it is an open relationship to both parties, it's not cheating.
Seems like there are very few facts here and you are just going off your own feelings on the matter, which usually just leads to a lot of assumptions.
You said she said it's an open relationship....are you saying that he does not know it's an open relationship? If it is an open relationship to both parties, it's not cheating.
Seems like there are very few facts here and you are just going off your own feelings on the matter, which usually just leads to a lot of assumptions.
no,I'm not,I know what the situation is,and I know what happened,I'm not assuming anything,my dad had and has no idea that she put that she is in an open relationship on her Facebook as her Facebook status,I know exactly what I am talking about,my dad does not know that she put that as her status,my dad does not have on his Facebook that he is in a open relationship,because he is not a cheater.
You said she said it's an open relationship....are you saying that he does not know it's an open relationship? If it is an open relationship to both parties, it's not cheating.
Seems like there are very few facts here and you are just going off your own feelings on the matter, which usually just leads to a lot of assumptions.
Here is what happened,this was a few years ago,this happened when my dad and his ex wife were still married,it was this one summer,my dad still had his boat then,there was something wrong with my dad's boat,so my dad had called his cousin to fix it,my dads cousin would go to my dad's house every weekend,so my dad's cousin would be at my dad's house every weekend to fix his boat,so every weekend my dad,my dad's cousin,and my dad's ex wife would be on the porch talking to each other and drinking on the porch,now remind you,this was when my dad was still married to his ex wife,before they got a divorce,my dad's ex wife had started to not talk to my dad,she was staying at the house,and not going to work,she would go and talk to my dad's cousin on the phone while my dad was at work,she was planning her moving in with my dad's cousin,she had rented a moving truck and had moved some of the furniture to my dad's cousin's house,while my dad was at work,she had left him the tv and his bed,she had just taken her furniture,my dad had came home from work to find some of the furniture gone,my dad had no idea that she was planning to go and leave him like this,for his cousin,so my dad is not a cheater and he would have never cheated on his ex wife.

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