feel dead.. it's so cold..

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Well-known member
Dec 11, 2008
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I can't stand that anymore.. Every time that happens I feel more and more dead.. Because it turns out I'm fuckin' alone even with that ******* that's called my boyfriend..
The reason I'm writing this is that we were at some meeting, a lecture or something, it's regular meeting in which a group of people go and discuss things.. So.. I brought up a question that interested me deeply but it seemed the lecturer wasn't pleased with it in some god knows what reason, and the other people from the group began to explain me along with him what it's all about but the topic became too far from my question (to be honest I think the lecturer did that on purpose just to run from my original question), so I couldn't understand their point, and I continued to explain my point and what did I actually mean.. And all of the fuckin' sudden, my "boyfriend" began to act agressively towards me and began to "whisper" in my ear at a high voice, but everyone heard him, what the fresia I did not understand, you see, they explained to me five times! (it sounded that he thought I'm a retard, some stupidhead, his ehaviour was so agressive because it seems my dullness annoyed him and somehow I held up to ridicule him with his retarded girlfriend in front of all the hyperintelligent ******* there..), so everyone in that fuckin' room understood what the attitude to me was.. It was so terribly humiliating! Shouldn't the one you're in relationship with to be your support, your countenance and to stand up for you even if you're not always right (but what the hell was my sin there?!!), or if not, at least not humiliate you in front of other people! How can trust that guy?! That's not his first time of verbal humiliation towards me and everytime I told him how I feel about that, that I feel humiliated and hurt, he says that I see it like this and I imagine that and I'm insane.. I can't stand that anymore!!!!! I can't !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;(((((((((((((((((((((
What a dick move on his part :( Sorry for what happened to you. Have you talked to him or considered breaking up? Don't let a dude break down your self esteem.
Yeah, I considered every time he acts like an ass but when I realize how lonely will be I again, and that I'll go back in that horrible, terrible!!!!! dreadful isolation I was in some pretty big period of my life, I just can't do it! Actually I did it once for... a while, that means not even a day! (night) because he began again to talk bullshit about me and my attitude and he provoked me to defend myself as I told him a truth (he's obbsessed with that and when he talk bullshit to me and I get upset he just say, oh, but I just said the truth, no offence!) about a relative of him, and he said, don't ever tell that again, never ever! and I said, why?! it's just the truth! and he said, because the next time I'll smash you head!.. and you know guys, I would die in that moment! Everything just crashed! (the conversation was in the Internet), I'm telling you my heart began to beat so hard that I thought I would die, honestly! Do you imagine the one who's suppose to be your close one, your.. the one you trust, telling you he'll smash your head! How can I be secure with that guy again! He turned out to be some alien person you don't know and you can't trust anymore! So I told him we'll break up because I couldn't stand that anymore.. But he insisted not to break up like that and came to my home and in the end we made together again.. It's just.. he's my only choice! if I'm not with him, I'm dead! I'm serious! I won't survive that hellish isolation like some time ago again! I just can't! But it's hell with him too.. And yeah.. that's the same guy as my other post.. It will be near a year sooncan since we're together and I don't know this man! Sometimes I have the feeling he's some liar that hides something, that has his own plans.. sinister plans! Maybe I get insane, I don't know.. I can't stand anymore..
Thank you for the support, guys! I haven't one from him even in some hard moments when I need not else but just a good word from a close one! Instead he began preaching and convincing me and critisize me how I'm wrong and guilty that I couldn't managed with the problem! He thinks that this is the way to help me, he told me that, not just some meaningful sympathy (****, I need that sympathy!!), he's some kind of Dr House that doesn't care about the feelings of his patients but just cures the diseases.. But that's a fuckin' movie and sometimes you need exactly sympathy to be cured much more effectively!!
I know a girl that pretty much needed to be in a relationship even if the guy didn't treat her right at all. You need to not be afraid of being lonely because if you are a afraid then your boyfriend might pick up on it(i.e. this dick here) and basically manipulate this in his favor. Being lonely sucks and you know many have gone alone nearly all their life on this site and you can see how the desperation has made us do stupid stuff. If the guy isn't treating you how you want to be or making you feel wanted then he is worthless as a boyfriend. He is only going to do enough to keep you there and it seems like he is just with you for what he can get out of it.

But you know what you are just going to stick with this guy for another year or more. He will cheat on you and you will run back to him because he is the only guy out of thousands in your area that will want you. Maybe one day this guy will change and he just needs more of your love. Maybe he is just a misunderstood guy with a soft spot. Does any of this sound good to you? Be one of the many smart and strong women that leaves a abusive relationship.

I'd be quite happy to "knee-cap" this guy for you if you happen to be in southeast BC. I hate guys that have to make themselves look better by humiliating others. As far as I'm concerned (judging by the behavior you described) he's just another bully in need of a lesson.

You can do better.
Thank you guys! I'l' consider your words and advice really well because it can't be like this anymore! You know? He told me a couple of times that no one else want to be with me, and no one else cares for me but him and that fuckin' hurts! But I'll try not to listen to his bullshit anymore and hell I'll try to be strong although I'm weak and that the thing he always talk honeysuckle about, how weak I am and I'm guilty of it! Thank you guys, you're my support!! (big hug for all of you!!!)
You are not weak and if you want to you can get out of this relationship you can; don't feel embarrassed or afraid if you need help from a family member or friend. Your boyfriend just wants you to believe that you are weak because he doesn't have the confidence or ability to handle a real woman.
The next time a fedx truck gose by...
Ask him if he see the mother fucken arrow
In the logo.

Its not about being right or wrong.
Its about learning how to things differntly.
Some people are not awear of the arrow.

In other words you might be the only
Person to be awear of the arrow..
But the herd/flock mentality got the best
Of him...
You not only feel disrepected. You feel
More or have less respectful towards
Him for not being able to think on his
own became hes fuvken retarded.
Just get out of the relationship. Sure being lonely is horrible, almost everyone here knows that but it's not as bad as being in a relationship that WILL only get worse.

This guy sounds like quite a few guys I know and believe me you don't wan't to end up like their girlfriends...
SophiaGrace said:
Pezza said:
you don't wan't to end up like their girlfriends...

End up like their girlfriends....how do they end up?

I wasn't implying they killed them, although it may have sounded like it...

I remember the 1 girl got beat bad she was in her mid 20's, an argument blown way out of proportion, that ended with police

Another girl became a serious druggie, she always had a syringe hidden in her hair, she was practically a zombie.

I have a friend now who is in his 50s who you could definitely say is cold, his wife Zora who is 45 is just indescribable, she has no friends, she drinks 24/7 I have never seen her sober, when shes not drinking shes smoking, just a complete waste of life

I'm not saying that she will end up like this but it's really not worth the risk in my opinion...

If you were a guy I'd say grow some balls. Come on, the answer to your problem is very obvious. Use your head and some sound logic. Sorry for the rudeness here, but you're either stupid or just full of fear. If you don't like the way your boyfriend treats you, after you asked him to treat you better, stop seeing him. Is that really so hard?
passage said:
If you were a guy I'd say grow some balls. Come on, the answer to your problem is very obvious. Use your head and some sound logic. Sorry for the rudeness here, but you're either stupid or just full of fear. If you don't like the way your boyfriend treats you, after you asked him to treat you better, stop seeing him. Is that really so hard?

Okay, you just admitted you were being rude, so why are you being rude anyways? I do not see this as an admirable trait despite that you probably think it is admirable and call it being "blunt".

Also, i would frown upon anyone telling someone to "grow some balls" regardless of the gender. It is guys like you that dissude guys to emote and share emotions (which results in lack of understanding between other people and a higher suicide rate for men in general because they can't talk about how they feel inside)

Stop propagating things which are hurtful to others and dissuading them from talking about how they really feel.


Also, you just called the person possibly stupid. Here i go again, frowning at you. I think it shows how you really feel about the main poster. Contempt. Why are you feeling contempt towards her when it's her boyfriend that's being the abuser? Maybe he's the one in the wrong. Sure, she's staying in the relationship, but who is doing the wrong here? I want you to really really think about that.

You are assigning actions to the boyfriend "how he treats you"

vs. value judgements upon the main poster "either stupid or full of fear".

Did you see that? Did you see the difference in how you are treating the two parties in this story? You're assigning blame to the woman (who is not the abuser), which is something that also happens in the crime called rape. Which tells me you have an innate bias against women.

Just thought i'd point this out to you.

Also, I want to point out that (yes) she isn't helpless in this situation. She could choose to leave him, but again you do not know the dynamics of abuse, how it works, he's telling her that no one but him loves her (isolating her - i don't know if she sees this sign). Do you know what it feels like to be abused? have you ever been abused yourself? Maybe your personality does not lend itself towards being a likely target for abuse, or you find it easy to seperate from others, I don't know, we are all different here in how we interact with others and our expectations towards others and what we "need" from others and how we form attachments.

Perhaps it's easier to stand on the sidelines and say "HEY! JUST GET OUT OF IT!" than if you are actually in it. Also she says quite explicitly that she feels better in a relationship than outside of one (which tells me she has a vulnerability towards being abused, or she needs to develop a sense of identity perhaps)

Okay I'm done.
passage said:
If you were a guy I'd say grow some balls. Come on, the answer to your problem is very obvious. Use your head and some sound logic. Sorry for the rudeness here, but you're either stupid or just full of fear. If you don't like the way your boyfriend treats you, after you asked him to treat you better, stop seeing him. Is that really so hard?

Please refrain from calling others stupid. Thanks.
I honestly think passage should coauthor a book with another of ALLs more "blunt" posters (or maybe several) in regards to dating, relationships, etc- maybe even get an endorsement from Chris Brown. I particularly look forward to the chapter " Grow a set you big wuss"- should make a fascinating read.
passage said:
If you were a guy I'd say grow some balls. Come on, the answer to your problem is very obvious. Use your head and some sound logic. Sorry for the rudeness here, but you're either stupid or just full of fear. If you don't like the way your boyfriend treats you, after you asked him to treat you better, stop seeing him. Is that really so hard?

I thought you were being rude then you said sorry so I can accept it. :|

You are not giving out tough love because you are not thinking about marigold feelings. You just want to berate her and get away with it. Don't give me any BS about not being able to handle the truth or being to soft. Do you know what being a man is? It isn't telling people to be strong. It is being strong for the people around you when they can't and helping them out so they can.

Abusive relationship are very hard to get out of.

Yes I can go from One to the next...
Been there and done that.

Yes, i can logically figure it out.
Guilt, fears, shamp, loniness, anger...etc all cones up
The drinking and druggin is a waste.
The dramma n truamma,
The chaos of it all should make me run
For the hills...
the dynamic...im a litle bit in too deep.
Every decision is not so cut and dry.
Which makes me more indecisive.

Im not really sure what dominating
Emotions is driving my decisions malimg.
Courage to overcome my fears...
Guilt....i havnt been able to handle
the guilt..its intense, its subtle,
it bewildering

As i said ive gone through people
Like a conveyor....
After surviving a nasty toxic relationship
And healing from that.

Im really really drawn to her.
Just so many issues.
And its 10 times more intense
Than the last one.
Sometimes i feel stupid because
I know better. Im will infirmed.

I feel if i dis connection emotionally...
I will disconnect ftom life entitely.
My mind still see this as black and white.
All or nothing....my emotions are all over the place.
I have a fever or feelings of a fever like a sickness.
marigold, it feels to me that you have, in a sense, forced an unfavorable situation upon yourself. A choice between a gardenia ********* retard who doesn't care about you in as much as his public image, or being "back in that horrible, terrible!!!!! dreadful isolation".
Is it really worse to be alone, by yourself than it is to be with someone who does not care for you?
Harkat said:
marigold, it feels to me that you have, in a sense, forced an unfavorable situation upon yourself. A choice between a gardenia ********* retard who doesn't care about you in as much as his public image, or being "back in that horrible, terrible!!!!! dreadful isolation".
Is it really worse to be alone, by yourself than it is to be with someone who does not care for you?

Sometimes....becuase im my own worst enemy.

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