Fellow Lonely Men! I have a proposal for our success.

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Satyr said:
I bet if every guy here started dialing right now, we could have this figured out by the end of the weekend.

Might be faster if everyone was assigned a different range of numbers to try.
On Thursday I started chatting up one girl in Wal Mart, about the office furniture we were both looking at, roughly twenty seconds before her boyfriend came back with the paper towels and package of plastic forks/spoons he was sent to fetch. Yeeeaah. Almost awkward. I coulda taken him, though! =P

Today I went in to my favorite restaurant because I finally worked up the guts to ask this cute girl working there for her number. I've talked to her some previously so we're not *total* strangers. She wasn't working though. Pretty sure she's working tomorrow night; she's been there the past two Tuesdays. I am counting this because I was definitely dead set on talking to her, had she been there. So, tomorrow!

Anyone else?
Dudes.....I decoded the number...man :p

I can seriously drown myself into someone right now and stay there forever.
She's like the most beautiful.

mmmm....the other day, I was biking around the park to excercise.
I drove past a babe that was walking. Then she started jogging , got
even with me for around a minute.....mmmm I dunno why.
She gave me a smile...I went off the trails and almost eat honeysuckle :(
I go biking riding every nite now like clock work.

Then a couple days ago i went to the mall. I was at the check out counter.
A babe was in front of me...she started making room on the counter so I
put my stuff down....lmao It was kind awkward. She kept looking me as
I try to be discreat of not checking her out. she was hawt...
She kept tapping her left hand on the counter or made many movements with
her left hand to catch my attention...No wedding band.lol
**** it...i should had said something :(

Did i mentioned i can seriously drown myself into someone ? :p
To the men approaching women for phone numbers, as a lonely woman who has nonetheless rejected most requests for phone numbers, I encourage you not to give up!

Something my current boyfriend did that I thought was pretty smart was to OFFER ME HIS NUMBER INSTEAD OF ASK FOR MINE. Thus, he empowered me to have the choice to call him, when I felt good and ready, which encouraged me to open up and get to know him more. I think most women feel as I do, and find it scary to give their number to a strange guy. So not only is offering your phone number less threatening than asking for hers, it also EXUDES CONFIDENCE, which is very attractive, even if it is completely make believe. Oddly enough, I think a man who can portray the illusion of confidence and later confess he was shitting his pants the whole time, is SO MUCH HOTTER than a naturally confident guy. If you can hold the illusion of confidence long enough for the first impression to give her your number, and then on your first date confess it was all an act, just that could take you miles into a woman's heart. She will see you as a hero who went through something scary because you really wanted to get to know her, and also that you are a sensitive guy who stands a good chance of fully appreciating how amazing and unique she is - and then presto! she will gladly spread her legs for you.

I would like to remind men and women to have patience no matter how horny and lonely you are. Even with all the rejections I have given out, I have always been grateful for the persistence of men, because I acknowledge that without it I never would have known who the right one was. Every day I say thanks to your balls because we would not have survived as a species without them! So to the men and women putting themselves out there to give out their phone number, I say though rejection is rough, try to trust in the other person's intuition in knowing whether you are compatible. Eventually, you may even learn to be grateful for rejection because it may have saved you both from the far greater pain of a failed attempt at intimacy that would have resulted if they complied without meaning it. I think there is beauty in the complementary nature of men and women, and that seeing it can help bring the peace and confidence it takes to survive the vagaries of the quest for a soul mate. It's likely that special someone is not as far as you may think.
Lonesome Crow said:
Unacceptance said:
Well it could always be PM'ed....

She's just playing hard to get.

not to worry...I got some motivations music
This will get her :p


omg lonesome crow, you did anticipate the universal sexual appeal that video would have. due to its awesomeness I now offer myself up as your love slave. That be some powerful juju.

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