Have you ever sat and thought, "wow....how did I get to this point in my life?"

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Well-known member
Aug 31, 2011
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Hi everyone. I've really been down in the dumps this week & just wanted to come on here to see if anyone else feels or has felt like I do. I talked to my hubby about it, but he just looks @ me w/this sad face bc he wants to make it better but doesn't know how.

I look around at others and feel like i've just wasted my life. Things didn't really turn out the way I thought after college and it seems like its been one roadblock, disappointment, etc after the next. My hubby and I have relocated 3 times in the 10 yrs we've been married(bc of his work) and although he's doing okay w/his career, i'm not. The last time we relocated, I left a good job (bc it would have been too far to drive to daily) and since then I've been stuck..can't find a good job. I've had 3-4 interviews, but no offers. The last interview I had, the employer actually ended up telling me she was nervous about hiring me frankly bc i'm overqualified and she's scared i'd get in there and quit within a few months bc I wasn't being fulfilled. I thought, "okay, ummm...its not like I didn't know what the pay/hrs were when I applied for it!" I've never had someone say that to me, and it just did something to my self esteem...it really did. I thought, "wow, things are really bad if I can't even get a part time office job." I talked to a girlfriend about it the other day and told her its just a combination of things: I'm trying to lose weight and stuff I did before hitting 40 doesn't work anymore, I'm trying to make sure my parents (who are in their 80s) are taken care of(i'm an only child, so that's hard bc they don't live in the same town), I'm trying to get used to not having any real friends in the area we live in..meaning i'm not social if not going out somewhere w/my hubby. Pile all that on top of not being able to find a job and I've just come to a really sad place. Don't get me wrong, I have a good marriage and love my husband, but I'd like to have some "girl time" w/a friend. I miss doing that. I have real friends, but they're in other cities and we don't ever get together in person anymore. Everyone is busy w/their families, work, etc.

Sorry if i'm rambling..that was not my plan. I'm just really disgusted and never, EVER thought i'd be in my 40's feeling like this and being in this position in life. I told my hubby it would be different if I never had any plans once graduating high school. Its funny bc I have a friend who said she'd love to have my life...being the happy housewife. She never wanted to work bc she grew up w/her mom never working. Her dad made enough $ to where she didn't have to. Her "job" was to take care of the kids and the house. And I would love to have HER life..she works and has a 3 day weekend EVERY weekend, makes good money, has retirement & great benefits. What kills me is that she doesn't appreciate any of it. Hates working..would quit tomorrow if she could but she knows her parents won't take care of her. Hmm..she doesn't know how good she's got it. :(
All the time.

For myself, it seems that I allowed all my dreams to rely on other people. And each one has failed.

Big hugs to you.
I used to do it all the time - I still do on occasion, but I find that while I'm sitting thinking about it, I'm not actually working towards putting everything right. Much better to just take a step off the cliff and see where you land...

Hopefully, just coming here and voicing your problems will help you to feel a little bit better. You're certainly not alone in your feelings.
Everyday i think about this . i've never expected that my life could be like this ,
but i still wish i could change a lot of things in it .
wish all the best to you .
It's extremely rare that people's lives come out the way they planned or wanted. A lot of it is down to mistakes and butterfly effects. You'll often find that MOST of the small number of people who's life turned out the way they expected are rich, what does that say?
user 130057 said:
I used to do it all the time - I still do on occasion, but I find that while I'm sitting thinking about it, I'm not actually working towards putting everything right. Much better to just take a step off the cliff and see where you land...

Hopefully, just coming here and voicing your problems will help you to feel a little bit better. You're certainly not alone in your feelings.


I used to do it too, but what's the point? You are where you are, whether you wanted to be or not. Not much you can do about it. No, I'm not where I though I would be, but so what? I just need to change my directions and revise where I want to go and if I'm determined enough to get there, I will.
If you focus too much on where you thought you wanted to be and how far you've strayed from that path, you won't get anywhere. Look forward, not back and as user 130057 said, get yourself moving and see what happens.
I completely get it. I was disabled in a car accident years ago. I have since been divorced, and am now thinking about trying to get back into the work force, but having been disabled for so long, how do I prove that I could do the job? I moved to a town where I know no one, and am basically estranged from my family. I have no friends, either, anywhere, because my ex-husband was controlling and isolating - emotionally abusive. Any friends I used to have I haven't spoken to in over 10 years.

That's the long way of me saying "I get it". I'm sorry your friend doesn't see the positives in her life - the saying that the grass is greener really is based in fact. I hope that by commiserating with you, you can begin to feel less alone!
I never STOP thinking like this. My life is in utter shambles. I've never been able to connect with anyone. I'm disabled due to illness and have mental illness issues as well. I'm 35 and never had more than an entry-level job, no one's ever loved me, I have no family or friends. I'm disgusted with myself. I really thought things would get better for me after college, but NOPE.
raincloud said:
I never STOP thinking like this. My life is in utter shambles. I've never been able to connect with anyone. I'm disabled due to illness and have mental illness issues as well. I'm 35 and never had more than an entry-level job, no one's ever loved me, I have no family or friends. I'm disgusted with myself. I really thought things would get better for me after college, but NOPE.

I am 46 and I have only had minimum wage jobs. And it took me until I was 29 before I got my first full time, permanent job. I know people who have never worked in their lives.

So even having a job is an achievement in a way. That part of your life isn't as bad as you think !
I used to think this, but then I had the realization that I have never really known what to do with myself. I just drift, questioning and thinking about everything. And the more I do so, the harder it becomes for me to have any desire to participate in society.
Every second of my life, since three years. I just wonder how the so emotional and happy kid I have been, turned into the numb and bored wreck I am today. I just wonder when and where it broke, and how to fix it...
Yes, once in a while. I try not to brood about it too much. As has been said here, wondering why your life didn't work out the way it did is common to most of us. As the old saying goes, "If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans."

It is indeed more sensible to not dwell on the unchangeable past, but work toward solving the problems you have now. I must add, however, that if your health is shot, doing so may well be impossible. One can only hope that isn't true for most people on this site.
LonelyGuyT said:
Every second of my life, since three years. I just wonder how the so emotional and happy kid I have been, turned into the numb and bored wreck I am today. I just wonder when and where it broke, and how to fix it...

Somehow past experiences has an affect on our emotional happiness.
To fix it, one must sit quietly and just allow the answer to come to you.
The bible says "be still and know".
To fix it we need to hunger and thirst inwardly for the answer.
A few tears might bring you to do just that.
I feel this way every day. The time has just flown by and I feel like the only thing I got good at in life is doing things wrong. I don't know how to make good money, I don't seem to have that kind of killer instinct that successful people have. But it pains me so much to not be successful, it makes me feel like a victim and I hate it. I search and I ask constantly, "how does one become a winner, how does one get strength?" and the only replies I get are from people telling me to accept loss, accept that in this one life the role I get to play is that of a weakling. Because I want more than my place, people tell me I am crazy. Furthermore, I have interests, but I'm just not very good at any of them and don't know if I will ever have time to do so. And whenever I meet a girl I like, I just cannot hold their interest. It doesn't take much for someone to undo everything I do with a girl. I want so badly to be strong enough to build the life I want and successfully defend it, but I feel so helpless.

And this is not even considering the family issues that I've been worrying and being sad about.
Yes, all the time since I graduated. It was around that time that my girlfriend left me and I started to feel pretty much lost. I've also started to experience a lot of doubts regarding the choice of my studies. Since then nothing has changed - I've been unemployed for 6 months, then found a job. Three and a half years have passed and I'm still single and still working in the same place. It's just the sort of boring, underpaid office job that I hate, with no possibility of getting promotion of any kind. I know that I should quit it sooner or later, but frankly, I don't know what I would like to do anymore. The career path I've chosen seems to be a complete b/s and I don't posess any particular talents or qualifications which would help me find a good job. And to think that I used to be one of the top students in my class!

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