Have you ever...

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Magalie said:

Have you ever tried catching a spider with your vacuum?

Vacuums and I are on the spider offensive team.. it is a must. - except for Jumping spiders and Wolf spiders...they are cool :p

Have you ever taken out a wasp nest with a shop vacuum?
No, I am not opposed to spraying their nest with Raid though. Not sure it does the job though...

Have you ever kept a caterpillar in a jar so you could watch it turn into a butterfly?
I have had one go threw my yard ...I live in the city ... I was shocked

have you ever asked yourself why you went to work ?
I call that old man back LOL

have you ever purposely spun a car out in the snow ?
ponds ...i had just one scare on a NOT so frozen lake

have you ever had a dream that made you think WTF ?
Yes. Last night most recently. Woke up at around 2 am and couldn't go back to sleep.

Have you ever had to wait in a waiting room for several hours?
OMG. - traumatic experience after a baseball game YES

scarred for life

Have you ever been In such a severe lightening storm that you go inside and turn On some loud music to try and avoid the noise ?
No I enjoy watching them.

Have you ever been seen/heard talking to yourself in public?

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