Have you ever...

Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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Have you ever underestimated how much you spent the previous day/night?
It mostly happens when I go home for the holidays.

Have you ever wanted to go on a hot air balloon ride?
I think a hot air balloon ride sounds fun - the falling to my death part, not so much.

Have you ever discovered you were out of milk at the most inopportune time?
OK, I have to ask... when is an inopportune time to run out of milk? I can;t imagine ever having a milk related emergency.

Doctor! Come quick he needs a transfusion!

We're out of milk! Dammit! Nooooooooo!

Have you ever had so little sleep that everything seems amusing to you?
Yes, lots actually. I've also been paranoid from being sleepless too.

Have you ever slept walk ?
I don't think so.

Have you ever left the room when someone enters that annoys you?
Many times - and, usually firing a parting shot before leaving.

Have you ever gotten an unexpected promotion at work?
Hell no, I get unexpected disciplinaries.

Have you ever sneezed and farted at the same time ?
Yes, a few times. Not a lot of money though.

Quick story: I knew some girl who was so hooked on the scratch-offs that she used to buy a whole roll of them. A whole roll cost $500. She figured she would win big. She didn't.

Have you ever won a bet from a sporting event?
^Yep, a fool and his money are soon parted. Some people actually keep notebooks on 'strategies' of how to beat the lottery, too. *SMH*

I have.

Have you ever performed a scientific experiment?
A few.

Have you ever accidentally sent a text, PM or email to the person you are gossiping about?
Yes....during a Google chat at work! I was mortified but the person didn't notice.

Have you ever messed with a house guest by insisting that they NEVER, EVER look in the closet?
No, sounds fun though lol.

Have you ever literally saw a moment pass you by, when you had the chance to say or do something?
Nope, but Ive noticed opportunities after they passed and I rethink it.

Have you ever heard the wolf cry to the blue corn moon
Or asked the grinning bobcat why he grinned?

Have you ever fell asleep with the heating on and woke up sweating?
I have on occasion wished I could turn the heat off and then woken up to realize I just hadn't put the AC on.

Have you ever purposely done something that endangered your own life or someone else's?
I do that on my own, just cut it straight... And uneven:/

Have you ever met someone who looked same as you?

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