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Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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Oct 9, 2011
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Hello,really glad to find this site.I'm really hopeing I can help a few people,having read a few posts,there are people struggling a bit more than me,although I have my moments.I'm 48 and live on a boat here in the UK.I'm on my own after a 10 year relationship which I paid (emotionally) a high price for.I cant seem to get my bearings dispite it being over for 18 months.I struggle on day to day and hope to find some kindred spirits on here so we all can find our paths again.Enough for now.
Hi, it must be hard to wake up alone after 10 years with someone I guess. I can only hope that you'll find a way to move forward.

Do you live on one of these long boats? I've always found it exciting :)
I want to live on a boat!

I'd just fish and read all day.

Drink red wine and eat fish all day, I'd live forever.

Especially if it was cold...


Welcome to ALL. I'm really glad you've come on with the helpful spirit, that's very noble of you especially in light of your own obstacles.
I am Morton new in this site,..
Welcome here its great site for getting information about many useful threads,.
I am Morton new in this site,..
Welcome here its great site for getting information about many useful threads,.
Yes I live on what we call a narrowboat on the canal.It was only after reading some off the posts on here that I realised I'm doing just fine,so I'm hoping I can contribute in return. I read this before and hope it might help
There is a lot people can do to help themselfs,we can all help support each other as well.

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