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The Dougler

Feb 7, 2012
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Whew, been on here a lot lately.

So last year was my first year at university and I lived in res. It was alright, an overall good experience I'd say. So of course there was this girl, and up until this point in my life I had been just skeptical of girls, mainly because I usually aim pretty high which means a lot of work for nothing or ending up looking like a loser. haha but uh, I don't know she was different. Not like overly attractive but had a little something going on that made her cute. I just really became interested in her because she didn't talk or act like most girls yet she was girly enough. She liked sports, actually follows them, actually had some common sense and never talked to much about herself and wasn't afraid of what people thought of her.

Being in residence I had to see her on a regular basis, also the fact that we are in the same program and had some classes together. Im not one for first impressions, usually by that 5th 6th impression most people like me and from what I've noticed, the more people see of me, the more they begin to like me. And she was no different. Eventually she started to like me and think I was smart and funny, it was pretty sweet since I;d never really been in that situation. Even my roommate and my other floormates took notice which I think kinda pushed her away because when they mentioned me to her she would just smile or smirk and say no. even though her reaction just could have been from the awkward spot she was put in, it still stuck with me. I didn't want/expect her to say oh yeah I love him or whatever, but you know it stayed with me.

So anyways, on the last day of school when I left, I left at about 8 am so no one should be awake really, but she was and said goodbye and all that, have a good summer...I think my dad, being a big intimidating man, standing there kinda ruined a potentially nice goodbye.. But atleast it ended on a good note.

So over the summer I realized I wanted a girl like that. Not a supermodel but still attractive and a personality I could understand and interact with. Now that schools coming to an end in april I havent made any progress really this year, lost some if anything. We have had classes together and when we are able to sit beside each other everything is good but when class is over I wanna keep it going in some way but she always takes her time leaving, Im reading this as bad body language, so I just say bye and that's it.

I don't know. I am stubborn about things like this, in the sense that if you aren't showing interest or pursuing me, than Im definately not going too either. So is it dead in the water or was I wrong about her or probably most likely the fact that she's single now and has other guys chasing her...I don't think the fact that she's older than me (only by 8 months) is helping either. But come on, we had pretty solid rapport last year so she knows I could be a good match for her. (her bf was actually younger than her too, only by like 3-4 months though)

Another thing to note is at the beginning of this year, in our first class together, so like first time actually seeing each other in about 4-5 months, I arrived, noticed her already sitting off with her 2 friends, for some reason she was turned around and noticed me come in. We both automatically smiled and waved, then I did possibly the most idiotic thing I have ever done and didnt sit beside her....Later that week I got her new cellphone number and ask her and her friends to go out and hang with me and my friends. When she replied, Im assuming she's had a couple of drinks at this point, she mentioned how I didn't sit with her but made it out to be in a joking manner so I don't know. Did that crush any chances I had orrrrrr?
Start makin' those moves... It's easier to let your nerves get the better of you, but where does that leave you? Farther away and more distant. If your feeling uneasy or nervous it's probably due to the fact somethin' is cooking... Act on it before it gets cold, challenge yourself. Good luck to you.
Well, you certainly haven't ruined your chances yet. If you like this girl, you have to do something about it sooner rather than later.
It seems obvious enough that she likes you too. Basically, if you let this slide, she'll be gone, and you'll regret letting her go.
You need to be pluck up the courage to ask this girl out. Easier said than done, that's for sure, but you'll regret it if you don't...
I've been in your situation before. Just finished school recently, however I remember every year there would be someone in one of my classes who I found extremely attractive. Unfortunately, every year I wound up acting too late, and towards the end of each year the girl who I found attractive was no longer single.

This wouldn't be extremely frustrating, except like you I put in effort and felt very confident each time about the girls feelings towards me. I just acted too late, and never told any of them how I felt.

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