Help! I'm suicidal!

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Well-known member
Dec 11, 2008
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My boyfriend makes me feel like coitting suicide! Help me! I don't know what to do with myself! I've been alway suicidal for the last couple of years but I never thought it would be because some fuckin' ass! Never! Now I'm so desperate and devastated that I can;t see exit of that hell!! help me please! ;((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
You should really break up with the guy because being a long won't be worst then this.
Why does he make you feel this way? What is he doing to make you feel so desperate? It sounds like a very unhealthy situation and I hope you can find the strenthh to break away from him before the relationship destroys you.
marigold said:
My boyfriend makes me feel like coitting suicide! Help me! I don't know what to do with myself! I've been alway suicidal for the last couple of years but I never thought it would be because some fuckin' ass! Never! Now I'm so desperate and devastated that I can;t see exit of that hell!! help me please! ;((((((((((((((((((((((((((((

They have people who have experience with other people in your same situation. There is also a number you can call to speak to someone as well.
Don't do it Marigold. No person is worth throwing your life away over.

If this guy is not influencing your life in a positive manner (he certainly sounds like he's not helping you at all with his presence), I suggest you break up your relationship with him.

If someone is treating you poorly or making you feel bad, you should not feel any obligation to stay with them. No one has the right to treat you like that.

Feel free to PM me if you'd like to talk to someone confidentially.
EveWasFramed said:
marigold said:
My boyfriend makes me feel like coitting suicide! Help me! I don't know what to do with myself! I've been alway suicidal for the last couple of years but I never thought it would be because some fuckin' ass! Never! Now I'm so desperate and devastated that I can;t see exit of that hell!! help me please! ;((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
They have people who have experience with other people in your same situation. There is also a number you can call to speak to someone as well.

This should be your first step it really should. This relationship sounds destructive but it seems you have some deeper lying issues for a while too which you need to get support for. By all means talk to anyone here and don't feel as if you are alone, but make sure you get the support from people more qualified to help you as well.
EveWasFramed said:
marigold said:
My boyfriend makes me feel like coitting suicide! Help me! I don't know what to do with myself! I've been alway suicidal for the last couple of years but I never thought it would be because some fuckin' ass! Never! Now I'm so desperate and devastated that I can;t see exit of that hell!! help me please! ;((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
They have people who have experience with other people in your same situation. There is also a number you can call to speak to someone as well.


No one person is worth it. Talk to qualified people, get some assistance in dealing with what you are going through. If there are things you need to vent about feel free to do it. We all need to get things off our chest once in awhile.
No man is worth your life. Please please go to the website that Eve posted.
The Good Citizen said:
This relationship sounds destructive but it seems you have some deeper lying issues for a while too which you need to get support for.


also another good resource online is:
well to tell you the truth i've been in your shoes. You need someone new to talk to and to forget about your BF.
i agree with everything everyone else has already stated,and don't forget there are TONS of other guys who would treat you alot better so don't feel like your options are staying with your current boyfriend or being alone.i know it can be hard to imagine breaking up with someone once you've gotten attached to them even if they use you and treat you like honeysuckle,and thinking about finding someone else can seem foreign and impossible but its not and if hes making you feel this way then you really need to get out of the relationship and find a man who'll be better to you.
Maybe this will sound morbid, but when you think about suicide, you should really picture the way things will be afterwards. Like, think of your parents finding you dead in your room, and how traumatic that would be. Think about the funeral, family and friends crying, the scars embedded deep within the psyches of your family for as long as they're alive. The constant longing, depression and questioning from people that love you. The guilt ridden people who wished they couldve helped you. I dont know much about your life...but when youre angry and sad, your judgment gets clouded. The deeper you go into this suicide fantasy, the more you should realize that you might as well just stay alive. I PROMISE you youll die one need to rush it. And this is coming from someone who tried once.
my family is responsible for my depression and the suicidal thoughts, I've no friends, no one cares, so I'm totaly alone in my pain, and when I say it - I say it.. I don't fabricate the situation.. so the last think I'm worried about is my family crying.. anyway, all that you've said, all of you, helps a lot! thank you guys! as I said, my family sucks, I've no friends, but I have you! Thank you!

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