Hezekiah's Thread Of Insanity (Update)

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- Brilliant people like Einstein and Mozart
- Top athletes
- People who just never ever give up
- Pure people
- Nature
- Big companies
- Stupidity of the average human being
Acts of self-sacrifice and valour; one of the most impressive things I have ever read was about the elderly, retired engineers who volunteered to man the rapidly failing (and deadly) Fukushima nuclear plant so that younger generations could escape the effects of radiation poising.

People struggling for survival in the third-world; makes me wonder why on earth we get angry over difficult video games or what colour socks to wear when they are so many thousands of people going without food and water on a daily basis.

The Paralympics; forget able bodied athletes who are often there just for the glamour, when you see a man with prosthetic legs run a sprit you can’t help but marvel and the courage and determination it must take to overcome such incredible odds.

Snow and how it wipes a landscape clean;
The vast expanse of galaxies. Everything we see around us is minute compared to the universe.
The solar system
Animals that show how smart they really are
Smart but kind people. (there's def some not so nice, smart people out there.) lol.
Colors of flowers and different types of animals.. maybe just colors in general.
Lost Drifter said:
Acts of self-sacrifice and valour; one of the most impressive things I have ever read was about the elderly, retired engineers who volunteered to man the rapidly failing (and deadly) Fukushima nuclear plant so that younger generations could escape the effects of radiation poising.

People struggling for survival in the third-world; makes me wonder why on earth we get angry over difficult video games or what colour socks to wear when they are so many thousands of people going without food and water on a daily basis.

The Paralympics; forget able bodied athletes who are often there just for the glamour, when you see a man with prosthetic legs run a sprit you can’t help but marvel and the courage and determination it must take to overcome such incredible odds.

Snow and how it wipes a landscape clean;

Nothing against the Paralympics, but you're saying top athletes don't need the courage and determination that para athletes have. What makes them better than 'normal' athletes? Sorry, but I hate it when people think like that.
No need to be sorry for jumping to conclusions ;)

They have the courage and determination alright, never said they didn’t but they also have the masses of publicity and endorsements that a lot of paralympian’s will never get. An athlete (and I know I’m keeping this bare bones here) trains to run fast and if successful will get fame and fortune. A paralympian will train to over come (quite often) very challenging physical limitations and then learn to run fast and if successful will get forgotten by the media and masses before the end of the week.
Lost Drifter said:
No need to be sorry for jumping to conclusions ;)

They have the courage and determination alright, never said they didn’t but they also have the masses of publicity and endorsements that a lot of paralympian’s will never get. An athlete (and I know I’m keeping this bare bones here) trains to run fast and if successful will get fame and fortune. A paralympian will train to over come (quite often) very challenging physical limitations and then learn to run fast and if successful will get forgotten by the media and masses before the end of the week.

Well, that's being a totally different point. And I do agree that it is a shame that Paralympics don't get the publicity that they deserve to get.
Yeah. I agree. Pros are always in the spotlight. I remember years and years ago, when Michael Jordan missed an easy dunk. They didn't let him live that one down for a month! Please don't take this the wrong way guys. But I remember awesome things that Shaq did from over a decade ago. Sadly, I tend to forget the accomplishments of those who are "Special". Even though they are certainly full of heart.

People who truly do their own thing, conventional or not, and do not simply put on the appearance of the rebel when that rebel look is basically the same sported by every other "rebellious" sheeple-person out there.

Lippizaner stallions are also very impressive. :D
This world is going straight to Hell. There's no two ways about it. It's one thing to killed by a gun. But to dismember, that's just truly malevolent. It takes a special kind of killer(s) to go that far. God forgive us.
Please forgive me if I come across as a grumpy old man, but I must get this off my chest. Why the hell can't you criticize someone else's actions without hearing this: "..Don't listen to him. He's just jealous."

I was in town playing some basketball with old friends. There were a couple of guys we didn't know that played. This one guy acted like he was all that and a bag of chips. He constantly kept using lines from the movie "White Men Can't Jump". Asking me if I've ever been to flight school? honeysuckle like that. The guy in the movie that said that meant that he was going to burn the defender, drive the lane, and dunk. This goof was only around my height at 5'6" or so. He can't stuff the **** ball! None of us there could. If all of us were in the NBA, we'd all be point guards.

I'm certainly no Michael Jordan. I don't act as if I am. This jerk was talking so much trash it was incredible. What made it so bad, was that his ball skills sucked ass. He got the ball, dribbled to the 3, and just chucked it at the net like a baseball and got the lucky bounce.

I turned to a friend and said that I couldn't believe he hit that shot. I guess another player I don't know heard me and said to the guy don't worry, he's just jealous. Jealous!? Of what!?

I'm sorry, but the guy sucks. When he drives the lane, he's slower than a 3 legged turtle, and 90% of the time, he misses easy shots.
Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying these things to sound like I'm a supreme basketball God. Everyone has to learn. But this guy talks like he's an NBA All-Star, with absolutely no skill to back it up. That pisses me off. What's worse is that when a teammate of his would hit the shot, this jerk would trash talk more, and he didn't even have an assist in the made shot!

I was far from the best player there. But I like to think that I have some decent skills. The difference is that I understand my limits of skill and don't talk trash unless I've earned the right.

If you are a beginner, don't waltz around the Goddamn court talking like you are Shaq. He was one of the worst players I've ever seen! He couldn't put a ******* beach ball in the ocean!

When you step on the court, learn a few things and don't talk trash until you can back it up with skills! Otherwise, shut you your Goddamn trap, and stop fouling the good Earth and disgracing the basketball court with your immature,arrogant, and horrendously weak ass skills! If you can't do that, then head to local playground and play ball with all the kindergarten kids and learn a few things first, you dipshit!

NotDarkYet said:
Some people just like to big themselves up, even if they're not all that.

Only a minor correction: Some people just like to big themselves up, BECAUSE they're not all that.
And this is why I just admit to failing at certain things. Video games? I fail at them. Sports? I'll fail at them. But I do it to have fun, and it's as simple as that. Bragging is never in my agenda.
That's a common go-to answer with people around me. If you complain, you gotta be jealous! You either accept something for what it is, or you ARE jealous. It's like piss off! I'm just pointing out an obvious flaw! x] For example, I've known people who have relationship problems. But when I've pointed it out to them, they've accused me of being jealous of what they have. Bollocks!
Well I think most people in this world are so ignorant and have no perception and scale of things whatsoever.

Also people like this that you described are usually absorbed by the whole school playground mentality.

I think I am doing well in this game, I am the honeysuckle.
This guy is getting some good shots, he is the honeysuckle.
This guy is doing better than me, he must be good. (possibly one of the most arrogant things someone could think)

Thoughts with no regard to the grand scale of things, only what they see infront of them and what is happening in the moment. Put someone famous for their skill in the game like Michael Jordan for example and I bet this guy would not be so **** arrogant would he. lol

Bah most people are sheep who do not think objectively. They just think with their ass and follow the confident outspoken one whom they would never question, especially if the person is the "Alpha male" type. School playground mentality.

I think there are ALOT of people who stay in this mentality their whole life. It is almost as if they have no inner monologue.

Take the random person on the street who shouts "Oy mate" and proceeds to insult you or just bug you for literally no reason. The types that get in your face and try to flaunt their stuff even though you are totally disinterested in them and you make it obvious.

There are plenty of them and I think most do not actually think conciously about their actions and what they are saying before they do it... They just do it.

I genuinely think there are generations of people who have pretty much no inner monologue. What I mean is that this is because they do not exercise their brain from birth in any way whatsoever, they do not really have a conceptual brain, they do not process information and order it to create relationships of concepts in their mind and put it all into perspective and they are incredibly ignorant to other walks of life. So what they do and say are totally out of perception with reality and they can not be objective as to what another person is thinking... There are so many people like this who do and say stupid things that are totally out of context with reality.

They are not in the real world, they are in their own world because they can not or dont bother to learn and think or put things in context.

I really really hope that future generations do not become mindless drones who have no inner monologue because these are the types of people who are most likely to breed as they do things without thinking and mainly act on instinct. Unfortunatly I think it is inevitable and is already happening especially with technology that makes the masses lazy.
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