Hi. I'm new.

Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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Nov 3, 2013
Reaction score
Midwest, USA
Hi. I'm new here.

I'm 25, I live alone, I live in a town for my job where I have no friends, the ones I do have here are married and/or have children so they don't like to socialize with single people for some reason, so I don't consider them to be friends much anymore. If it weren't for going to work, I would have no human interaction. I've gotten myself in a really deep state of depression as I find nothing enjoyable anymore. I'm really not sure what else to do at this point. Thought I would try coming here and reading/chatting with others.
Welcome to the forums.
Hey Razzberry, welcome! There are plenty of nice people to chat with here
Hi Razzberry

some married people do need friends and want to socialise too :)

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