I had to go out during the daytime today

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Active member
Jun 16, 2023
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I had to because my house was being fumigated.
usually I only go out very late into the night, when the city is empty to avoid feeling lonely.

I was reminded how I am invisible to the opposite sex, no matter
how much I work out and self improve.

I don't like the sun light in general. I also see much better in the dark.

feeling alone is better than feeling lonely, and I feel lonely around others.
Very sorry to hear this and I can relate even though I am outside 3+ hours a day walking with my dog. As a man, it can be a huge shock to realize that you are not physically attractive enough to find a partner and the fact that self improvement is not a solution for many of us is a bitter pill to swallow indeed.

As a warning, there are some empathic & helpful posters here but most of the "advice" you will get from the others will accuse you of not trying hard enough or for having a horrible personality. They are not willing to accept that a man can make every effort yet still have total failure, which we both know is a cold, hard fact of life in 2023.

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