I hate driving

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Jul 17, 2017
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I don't mind it when the traffic is low or somewhere on a highway but I just hate driving in a city, in the jams. Half of the drivers do not care about the rules, turn left from the line 'only right', turn without showing it, parking anywhere they like and so on, some even don't let the emergency cars go. It all makes my driving really horrible, as you never know what the drivers around you will do. And a big part of the jams is because of this mess. This infuriates me. And there also those who use a horn for no reason: a car before them stopped on a red they horn, didn't start on almost green(still red) - horn, let pedestrian go on a cross - horn.
I need to frive every working day, sometimes it's 30 minutes one way, sometimes more than an hour, I never know how long it takes today. It's also annoying. Usually it's about 1.5 hour every day. It's takingso much afford that I fell like I don't have any power for smh else.
And in general I think it's too much social communication while driving.
Do you like driving? Is there any way to stop hating it and stay calm? Is there any way to spend time in a jam more useful?
4No1, your frustrations are justified and shared by others. I don't believe you hate driving, since cruising along a scenic road with the windows down or 4-wheeling a mountain trail in the backcountry is just too cool or fun to hate. But, hating the pressures, rude people, and wasted time in city traffic? That's understandable. I have a certain solution to your last question.

You can definitely make traffic jam driving time less frustrating by distracting your mind a bit with something else. Now, whether it's productive or not is another matter. Ideally, I'd recommend pursuing both.

When I was younger I used to listen to music on the car radio like most people. It was good, and it certainly helped counter the boredom on long drives or the chaos of city traffic. It wasn't particularly productive though, and after years of this, music tends to degrade into a background distraction rather than a specific enjoyable activity.

When I became a ranger and started spending every day in a truck, I started listening to am talk radio. This was an enlightening lifestyle change that significantly affected me in two ways. First, it educated me to so many things going on in the world that I knew little about. In effect, it furthered my education with real life issues. And learning about these real life issues not only made me smarter and wiser, but made the world around me more interesting. Second, it helped shape my character into what I am and what I want to be, which raises the important point: what we feed our brains with every day shapes our character and soul. Will it be with mindless entertainment or life growing material?

Although I spent many hours listening to am radio political commentators and late night Art Bell UFO/alien stories, I also discovered morning sermons and afternoon Bible Answer Man shows that helped grow my Christian knowledge and faith. Now, when I take road trips (alone), I spend all of my time in prayer, sharing with the Lord every detail and concern of my life. An 8 hour drive will fly by without me worrying much about other jerks on the road. I still notice and rebuke them, but it doesn't bother me so much because I'm engrossed in more important matters - relationship time with my Creator and Savior.

You're free to choose the type of material that feeds your mind, but I'd suggest that car time alone is an excellent opportunity to gain wisdom, care more about what's going on in the world, to shape your character, and grow your soul. Now that's productive.
Thank you for the reply.
Yes, you're right, it's more about the people not about a car itself. The main problem is that I should be focused on a driving, I'm not bored, I'm over-focused. I try to observe 360 degrees all the time. Maybe I should take it easier and accept the things I can't control.
When I'm walking and it's crowded I just put on my headphones(sometimes I even don turn on music) and feel myself isolated, or I can just think of something else and I'm "away". I can't get "away" from the car, I'm afraid of thinking while driving - I think I can loose my concentration.
I agree with something educational, but for now I can't listen to smth useful as I loose an idea very quickly. I've tried but got lost in a few minutes. I defentley should work on my auido-channel. Maybe I shoud start with the books I know and like. And maybe if I go step by step I'll learn listen carefully while driving. I'm not sure it(ability to listen) can become better in my age though.
I don't mind it when the traffic is low or somewhere on a highway but I just hate driving in a city, in the jams. Half of the drivers do not care about the rules, turn left from the line 'only right', turn without showing it, parking anywhere they like and so on, some even don't let the emergency cars go. It all makes my driving really horrible, as you never know what the drivers around you will do. And a big part of the jams is because of this mess. This infuriates me. And there also those who use a horn for no reason: a car before them stopped on a red they horn, didn't start on almost green(still red) - horn, let pedestrian go on a cross - horn.
I need to frive every working day, sometimes it's 30 minutes one way, sometimes more than an hour, I never know how long it takes today. It's also annoying. Usually it's about 1.5 hour every day. It's takingso much afford that I fell like I don't have any power for smh else.
And in general I think it's too much social communication while driving.
Do you like driving? Is there any way to stop hating it and stay calm? Is there any way to spend time in a jam more useful?
Sorry to read this. Seems the driving culture in your country is messed up.
I don't like driving at all. I don't mind speed, traffics and traveling by car in general if someone else sits at the wheel and I can fall asleep at the back seat. However, I find it boring and sometimes unnecessarily stressful even here in the UK where it's pretty easy and people tend to follow the rules.
I never drive. It is one of the most unnatural-feeling things, for me. Hated the whole hype around getting a license in the first place, and never took to it.
If someone thinks it's strange or makes fun or pesters me with logistic or social issues, I just tell them - Trust me; you don't want me on the road.
I used to love driving. Now, I only like it when I'm alone in the wilderness somewhere. Then rest of the time it's just very draining. I would prefer teleportation. However, the self driving car thing does seem interesting. I don't think I would mind that.
Thanks for answering!
It's nice to know I'm not the only one who doesn't like it.
Now here is a snow and streets are cleaned not very well(though when it's too cold the snow is light and is not a big problem) and it's getting even more stressfull.
The nice thing is that we have school vacations till 10th, no need to drive every day to school. I'm so happy.

I would prefer teleportation. However, the self driving car thing does seem interesting. I don't think I would mind that.
Theese are 2 my biggest dreams ) Can't wait that time when robots drive me.
Theese are 2 my biggest dreams ) Can't wait that time when robots drive me.
There are quite a few test vehicles that a few companies are trying out in my area. Most have someone sitting in the driver's seat but they don't do anything unless absolutely needed. However, there are some that drive around delivering food with absolutely nobody inside. So, the driverless telecommiting vehicles will become a reality in the not to distant future here. It's a nice idea to ride in a driverless carpool vehicle back and forth to work.
In Moscow in one of the districts they've launched a selfdriving taxi. And I've heared also a delivery is on it's way.
May be in a 5 years we also have such a taxi here. And what would be the price.

On the other hand I wonder what's going to be to the drivers, there are so many people working in a field, if they all will lose a job, what alternatives are suggested to them? I've tried to find what is planned to do about it, but found nothing. I suppose there are other professions as well where robots will soon do all the work.
oof, driving in Russia sounds a lot like driving in my country. Honking for no good reason and just no telling what the drivers would do. 1.5 hours stuck in traffic is very stressful indeed😣
when i use to drive i would listen to podcasts to pass the time stuck in traffic. Depending on where i need to go, I sometimes just park the car at the nearest station and take the train instead so I would not be driving all the way.
How is public transportation like where you live? The selfdriving taxi does sounds pretty cool...
oof, driving in Russia sounds a lot like driving in my country. Honking for no good reason and just no telling what the drivers would do. 1.5 hours stuck in traffic is very stressful indeed😣
when i use to drive i would listen to podcasts to pass the time stuck in traffic. Depending on where i need to go, I sometimes just park the car at the nearest station and take the train instead so I would not be driving all the way.
How is public transportation like where you live? The selfdriving taxi does sounds pretty cool...
If it's not a secret, where are you from?

Public transport is quite overcrowded in the mornings and evenings, it's a big overcrowded city.
And the route is not good, it takes more than an hour one way by bus or underground. So I think it's better to use a car untill covid is over and now is also a 'flue time', I drive a kid to school(or from, mostly her granparents take one way and me another, they take driving easier). They promised to let this summer a new bus-route that seems to fit , but I'm not sure, they always promise ). I'm thinking of changing to on-line school + some classes.

1.5 hours was good, now it's a winter the snow is not cleaned well, so it takes 2-2.5 hours 🤣
I started driving when i was 12. You wouldn't pull me out of a car. Loved driving, speed, lucky to be alive today, never crushed, there were no computers and driving sims, i would never let my kids drive at 12, i was never a skilled driver as a kid. Now i hardly put 5000 miles/year. Barely. I can't stand driving. I hate cars. I just started working on my car a few years ago. Bought tools. I don't mind doing service but i hate driving. No best time of day here. Always standstill, never ending road work, air quality is very bad. Road robbers pirates in uniform rob drivers 24/7 everywhere. Thank science for Waze. I hate cars hate driving.
so it's ok for somebody to post this.
but not me.
and people ***** when they're called Hitler.
that's Adolf-level thinking right there.
Never getting my license when I had the means to do so younger is one of my big regrets. I'd definetely own a bike and cruise around on weekends.
One of my big fantasies is a Dodge Charger...orange, with a Union flag on the roof ;-)

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